on 25-11-2018 09:45 AM
on 25-11-2018 10:04 AM
these self proclaimed 'protectors of the planet' have never actually faced real danger and only feel empowered when they out number a target 5 to 1, oh and the 1 must not have any weapon handy. but the 5 will have sticks and knives and guns.
real heroes these guys.
i say round em up and drop em in syria for a holiday.
on 25-11-2018 10:27 AM
on 25-11-2018 11:31 AM
on 25-11-2018 02:36 PM
@davidc4430 wrote:
i say round em up and drop em in syria for a holiday.
No good doing that as they might convert as Sharia law is basically what they want(most have probably being
rejected by women and may blame them for their own inadequacies),