Suicide seeds, Monsanto Big pharma and your food

Suicide seeds.... whatever will the good ole USA, Monsanto and big Pharma think of next to decimate the heirloom seed stock and gain ultimate control over the worlds seed grown food supply

... The almight dollar strikes again.......

... Round up ready seeds IMO are a great recipe for a disaster.



Terminator seeds were initially developed as a concept by the United States Department of Agriculture and multinational seed companies.

As of 2006, they had not been commercialized anywhere in the world due to opposition from farmers, indigenous peoples, NGOs, and some governments.

In 2000, the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity recommended a de facto moratorium on field-testing and commercial sale of terminator seeds; the moratorium was re-affirmed and the language strengthened in March 2006, at the COP8 meeting of the UNCBD.[3] India and Brazil have passed national laws to prohibit the technology.

link to petition below

The use of these seeds is essentially prohibited under a UN treaty on biodiversity which over 193 countries, including Brazil, have signed.

But if Brazil overturns its own ban then this will have huge consequences.

Poor, small farmers could be locked into a cycle of endless debt and dependency -- and the rest of the world could be handing control of the global food supply to a handful of companies.

The stakes couldn’t be higher.

The United States Supreme Court has ruled unanimously in favor of Monsanto in a seed patenting case against an Indiana farmer that some had hoped would break the company’s monopoly on modern agriculture.

Monsanto sued Vernon Bowman after he purchased their Roundup Ready Soybeans from a grain elevator to plant a late second crop,

The Guardian reports. Bowman argued that the patent was exhausted since he bought the seeds from a third party, but the corporate giant said he had agreed not to save any of the harvest for replanting when he entered into a contract to purchase their seeds.

Justice Elena Kagan agreed that patent exhaustion did not apply in this case and the court ordered Bowman to pay $84,456 Bowman is just one of hundreds of farmers that have felt Monsanto’s legal wrath. Gone are the days when American farmers could plant crops, harvest them, sell them, and then use the seeds to produce the next generation of wholesome food

Racketeering Love Triangle:
Monsanto, FDA, Big Pharma

How does this racket operate? Here’s one example:

Got Milk? Big Pharma sure hopes so - so long as it’s not the “raw stuff” humans have been drinking safely for thousands of years, of course.

According to researcher and cardiologist Dr. Kurt A Oster, M.D., homogenized milk is a Trojan horse delivery mechanism for “XO” (xanthine oxidase), a superoxide producing enzyme in milk that, as a result of the homogenization process, finds its way through our intestinal walls and into our circulatory system where it essentially punches holes in arteries and heart tissue, creating lesions.

So the game is, Monsanto controls the food, Big Pharma controls the drugs.

Both lobby Congress for legislation and the FDA is the hired gun that stands in the middle to protect their interests.

One hand offers the poison while the other offers the remedy.

If anyone comes along to resist, or offers a healthy alternative, like raw, non-homogenized, non-growth hormone milk, or an all-natural remedy like red yeast rice extract, the FDA is there for the proverbial smack down; to raid, seize, and destroy.

Is it any wonder, given more than 40% of the FDA’s budget comes from the private sector they purport to regulate?

In touting an upcoming special issue of the Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics (JLME), Donald W. Light of the School of Public Health, University of Medicine & Dentistry of NJ, wrote an article entitled “Risky Drugs: Why The FDA Cannot Be Trusted”.

Last week I discussed one aspect of this article, Light’s challenge that 90% of FDA approved drugs of the last 30 years are no more effective than existing drugs.

However, the bulk of his essay focuses not on his views about pharma’s competence but rather on his issues with the FDA. While I found a number of his comments troubling, the following stood out.

“The forthcoming article in JLME also presents systematic, quantitative evidence that since the industry started making large contributions to the FDA for reviewing its drugs, as it makes large contributions to Congressmen who have promoted this substitution for publicly funded regulations, the FDA has sped up the review process with the result that drugs approved are significantly more likely to cause serious harm, hospitalizations, and deaths.”

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Re: Suicide seeds, Monsanto Big pharma and your food

Monsanto is messing with some very scary stuff

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Re: Suicide seeds, Monsanto Big pharma and your food

Monsanto, they're an evil Leviathan. who can stop them if the governments support them? Or are the governments being supported by them?


Sorry I didn't read the link, I've got to get dinner right now, but why might Brazil overturn their decision? Have they been made an offer they can't refuse?


I remember watching that documentary where the old farmer took them (Monsanto) to court because they wouldn't let him use his own seeds. He lost of course. Probably his farm as well to cover his costs.


The image of him biting back the tears as the screen shot faded out still haunts me.



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Re: Suicide seeds, Monsanto Big pharma and your food

**bleep**ing disgraceful.    Monsanto are bad news.

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Re: Suicide seeds, Monsanto Big pharma and your food

The robber barons will stop at nothing in the pursuit of private profit, I'm going to check out my favourite sources see if I can find any info on which way the Brazilian Govt may go. 

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Re: Suicide seeds, Monsanto Big pharma and your food

Well lets just hope that the Brazilian Govt resists - they are a progressive government. monsanto also gave us agent orange. stuff of nightmares.

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