on โ09-05-2013 08:31 AM
My wife had an operation a few weeks ago - Brisbane Hospital. Just a fairly simple one - she had a skin cancer in her ear-lobe, so they cut it off and did a skin graft using skin from inside her leg. All seemed to be going reasonably well with that but she had a lot of pain in her back which got steadily worse.
About 3 weeks ago, I called the ambulance and they took her away to hospital. She had the usual set of tests and it was discovered that she had a kidney infection. They put her on antibiotic drip and more tests - no good - so they changed antibiotic and tried again .... and again ... and again. She was in hospital for 10 days and eventually they sent her home.
Two days later (last Monday) she was in so much pain that I took her to hospital again.
It seems she has contracted a super bug that none of the antibiotics will kill.
Thank you Brisbane Hospital - she obviously caught it there. So, what we do from here???? It seems it's got the specialists baffled.
on โ09-05-2013 08:39 AM
Sorry to hear this Rabbitt.. it is a very scary situation when this happens..
I advise anyone that goes into a hospital to wash your hands, before, during and after.... don't touch the railing and when you visit the person you see make sure you use the alcohol wash that should be in every room.
these bugs are in EVERY hospital.... anyone can get them.... they can take a long time to recover from....
on โ09-05-2013 08:41 AM
My wife had an operation a few weeks ago - Brisbane Hospital. Just a fairly simple one - she had a skin cancer in her ear-lobe, so they cut it off and did a skin graft using skin from inside her leg. All seemed to be going reasonably well with that but she had a lot of pain in her back which got steadily worse.
About 3 weeks ago, I called the ambulance and they took her away to hospital. She had the usual set of tests and it was discovered that she had a kidney infection. They put her on antibiotic drip and more tests - no good - so they changed antibiotic and tried again .... and again ... and again. She was in hospital for 10 days and eventually they sent her home.
Two days later (last Monday) she was in so much pain that I took her to hospital again.
It seems she has contracted a super bug that none of the antibiotics will kill.
Thank you Brisbane Hospital - she obviously caught it there. So, what we do from here???? It seems it's got the specialists baffled.
Not much I can say but I hope her resistence is good...The "superbug" that my OH contacted whilst in hospital took his life but having had a transplant 10 years earlier his resistence had been compromised by taking anti-rejection medication:-(
on โ09-05-2013 09:08 AM
Sending good thoughts your wife's way rabbit - :8}
on โ09-05-2013 09:21 AM
sorry to hear that Rabbit, you got my attention because my sister just had a melanoma removed from her ear lobe too.
I hope all goes well for your wife, these superbugs are a bit scary
Nic, the OP also made me think of you & your OH
on โ09-05-2013 09:32 AM
Sorry to hear this Rabbitt.. it is a very scary situation when this happens..
I advise anyone that goes into a hospital to wash your hands, before, during and after.... don't touch the railing and when you visit the person you see make sure you use the alcohol wash that should be in every room.
these bugs are in EVERY hospital.... anyone can get them.... they can take a long time to recover from....
I agree Cats, I would add that everyone going to hospital should watch the staff and insist that they wash their hands before they come near you.
on โ09-05-2013 10:25 AM
Sorry to here this news Rabbit.
As Cat has said these bugs are in all hospitals and its always a risk going into hospital.
I know from a recent stay myself I had to pull up a number of nurses that were not following proper protocol with patient hygiene, some got a bit stroppy being called on it, I certainly didn't care about their feelings as it was my care I was more concerned about.
I hope they get on top of it quickly now they know what they are dealing with.
on โ09-05-2013 11:48 AM
moorna I have seen some inappropriate things written here but that just about takes the prize X-( X-(
on โ09-05-2013 11:48 AM
OMG Moorna what a horrible comment, what's wrong with you?
Rabbit hope Sue is ok and that you guys get through this.
on โ09-05-2013 11:49 AM
best to ignore those sort of comments Rabbit