on 06-03-2014 04:52 PM
A New York tattoo artist has hit a nerve with dog lovers after he tattooed his canine while it was sedated for surgery.
The artist, known as Mistah Metro, posted a photo of his newly tattooed dog on Instagram with a fresh red heart on its right shoulder, the Gothamist reports.
"One of the many reasons my dog is cooler than yours! She had her spleen removed yesterday and the vet let me tattoo her while she was under," the caption read.
The owner of Brooklyn's Red Legged Devil parlour where the artist works was quick to distance himself from the tattoo via Twitter.
"That dog was not tattooed at the shop. Chris Torres and red legged devil LLC had nothing to do with it," owner Chris Torres tweeted.
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) said it condones the use of tattooing for only identification purposes.
"Tattooing an animal for the vain sake of joy and entertainment of the owner without any regard for the well-being of the animal… is not something the ASPCA supports," they said in a statement.
Click Here For Pic Of Dogs Tatt.
Geez there's some weirdos out there!
on 06-03-2014 04:54 PM
i cannot believe a vet would have alowed that
06-03-2014 05:08 PM - edited 06-03-2014 05:09 PM
Well the dog was already sedated to have it's spleen out, so it wouldn't have been in any pain, I suppose.
I dont' think it's cruel, I just think it's weird.
The fur would grow over it so it wouldn't be visible after a while anyway.
on 06-03-2014 05:15 PM
there is no way i would have my dog operated on by a vet who would be so unethical as to allow tattooing at the same time or extend the period of time its under anesthetic so it could be done.
to me that is not having the animal's best interests in mind.
on 06-03-2014 05:24 PM
My dog was tattooed by a vet.
How long would it take to do a tattoo that size on a dog?
on 06-03-2014 05:28 PM
Every dog and cat that is desexed in Australia, has a tattoo placed in it's ear, so that it is easily identified as being neutered.
This tatoo is done while under GA. Check the inside of your pets ears.......... unless you directed your vet not to do it of course...
on 06-03-2014 05:30 PM
@siggie-reported-by-alarmists wrote:Every dog and cat that is desexed in Australia, has a tattoo placed in it's ear, so that it is easily identified as being neutered.
This tatoo is done while under GA. Check the inside of your pets ears.......... unless you directed your vet not to do it of course...
don't need no tattoo for a dog..........maybe for a **bleep**
on 06-03-2014 05:31 PM
@*mrgrizz* wrote:
@siggie-reported-by-alarmists wrote:Every dog and cat that is desexed in Australia, has a tattoo placed in it's ear, so that it is easily identified as being neutered.
This tatoo is done while under GA. Check the inside of your pets ears.......... unless you directed your vet not to do it of course...
don't need no tattoo for a dog..........maybe for a **bleep**
your joking b i t c h.............you know female canine
on 06-03-2014 05:32 PM
@siggie-reported-by-alarmists wrote:Every dog and cat that is desexed in Australia, has a tattoo placed in it's ear, so that it is easily identified as being neutered.
This tatoo is done while under GA. Check the inside of your pets ears.......... unless you directed your vet not to do it of course...
there is no comparison between a couple of dots and a detailed tatt.
on 06-03-2014 05:41 PM
The dog won't know or care.........people have been cruller to dogs by breeding them into the distorted breeds they are today.
For example Corgis, Basset Hounds, Dachshunds and British Bull dogs.....poor things. Most pure breeds have some sort ofl issue because humans think its pretty.....