Tattoo Artist Inks His Dog

A New York tattoo artist has hit a nerve with dog lovers after he tattooed his canine while it was sedated for surgery.


The artist, known as Mistah Metro, posted a photo of his newly tattooed dog on Instagram with a fresh red heart on its right shoulder, the Gothamist reports.

"One of the many reasons my dog is cooler than yours! She had her spleen removed yesterday and the vet let me tattoo her while she was under," the caption read.

The owner of Brooklyn's Red Legged Devil parlour where the artist works was quick to distance himself from the tattoo via Twitter.

"That dog was not tattooed at the shop. Chris Torres and red legged devil LLC had nothing to do with it," owner Chris Torres tweeted.

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) said it condones the use of tattooing for only identification purposes.

"Tattooing an animal for the vain sake of joy and entertainment of the owner without any regard for the well-being of the animal… is not something the ASPCA supports," they said in a statement.


Click Here For Pic Of Dogs Tatt.


Geez there's some weirdos out there!



Message 1 of 31
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Re: Tattoo Artist Inks His Dog

I doubt it has caused the dog any distress, although the prolonged anaesthesia is a concern if they have done that.


I think punching holes in toddlers ears for the sake of the parents vanity is far worse than this.

And then there is all the other 'acceptable' forms of animal abuse, eg branding cattle with red hot pokers.

So yeah, a bit odd, probabaly not really the done thing, but there are worse things happening in the world to get outraged at.

Message 11 of 31
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Re: Tattoo Artist Inks His Dog

there are worse things indeed and many get discussed on the board, but this is about tattooing a dog on what looks like to me the place where the surgery was carried out.  There is always the chance of infection with tattooing and particularly in a case like this when the dog has had major surgery and its immune system would be compromised.    what sort of vet would allow that.  .  

Message 12 of 31
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Re: Tattoo Artist Inks His Dog


there are worse things indeed and many get discussed on the board, but this is about tattooing a dog on what looks like to me the place where the surgery was carried out.  There is always the chance of infection with tattooing and particularly in a case like this when the dog has had major surgery and its immune system would be compromised.    what sort of vet would allow that.  .  

  No, the spleen  would be removed from the dogs abdomen (midline inicision) the tat is on its shoulder.....and the dog could possibly be on antibiotics due to its surgery.....perfect time for getting inked really........

"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

Message 13 of 31
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Re: Tattoo Artist Inks His Dog

seems a mighty strange thing to do to your pet for someone like me who wont have a tattoo


bet the dog will spend the rest of its life trying to lick it off

Signatures suck.
Message 14 of 31
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Re: Tattoo Artist Inks His Dog

Tattooed cats are scandalous new trend in Russia (PHOTOS, VIDEO)



"That is HORRIBLE! Bored and stupid people are truly dangerous."




Signatures suck.
Message 15 of 31
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Re: Tattoo Artist Inks His Dog

Community Member

Rotten B's,  they should be fined $10,000 and the animal removed. Bet we see this here soon, that's the probem with brain dead bogans. 😞

Message 16 of 31
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Re: Tattoo Artist Inks His Dog

My little rescue doggy has a tattoo in her ear. It looks like a home made one (it's all dotted) and in the shape of a D. I initially thought that some eejit had done this when stoned out of their brain as she was picked up in a very rough area. We called it her "tramp stamp" lol. Vet assured me it was something the RSPCA did when they desexed her. IE: D for desexed. Whoever did it has no artistic skills that's for sure. But ummm tattooing your dog just for the sake of whilst under a GA ... Seems a bit weird...
Message 17 of 31
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Re: Tattoo Artist Inks His Dog

@siggie-reported-by-alarmists wrote:


there are worse things indeed and many get discussed on the board, but this is about tattooing a dog on what looks like to me the place where the surgery was carried out.  There is always the chance of infection with tattooing and particularly in a case like this when the dog has had major surgery and its immune system would be compromised.    what sort of vet would allow that.  .  

  No, the spleen  would be removed from the dogs abdomen (midline inicision) the tat is on its shoulder.....and the dog could possibly be on antibiotics due to its surgery.....perfect time for getting inked really........

Oh right.    The spleen wouldn't come from the shoulder. lol.    Duh.  .  i didin't look properly.  And the dog would be on antibiotics too as you say. 

It still doesn't sit well with me though. 

Message 18 of 31
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Re: Tattoo Artist Inks His Dog

@bright.ton42 wrote:

@siggie-reported-by-alarmists wrote:


there are worse things indeed and many get discussed on the board, but this is about tattooing a dog on what looks like to me the place where the surgery was carried out.  There is always the chance of infection with tattooing and particularly in a case like this when the dog has had major surgery and its immune system would be compromised.    what sort of vet would allow that.  .  

  No, the spleen  would be removed from the dogs abdomen (midline inicision) the tat is on its shoulder.....and the dog could possibly be on antibiotics due to its surgery.....perfect time for getting inked really........

Oh right.    The spleen wouldn't come from the shoulder. lol.    Duh.  .  i didin't look properly.  And the dog would be on antibiotics too as you say. 

It still doesn't sit well with me though. 


his dog was completely unnecessary.....however, I bet this dog is completely spoilt and well loved.


Consider the fact that the owner has spent the dollars on this little dog so it could have a Splenectomy, rather than neglect its health or euthanize it.


 Looking at the actual tattoo, it does appear to be a love heart. The owners and dog name in the middle?


We might be over looking the fact, that he might have saved its life...........owners like that.....I admire....Woman Happy


"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

Message 19 of 31
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Re: Tattoo Artist Inks His Dog

he should have put the tattoo on himself

Message 20 of 31
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