Teachers preaching their political beliefs to students

Community Member

My kids attend Govt High School, they are aged 13 and 15. During English and Humanities subejcts, several staff have written on the white board "Liberals are racist" and "Abbot is Evil" just to name a few. Im happy for kids to be taught about the Australian Political system but dont be sending kids subliminal messages about your political stance please teachers. Have taken this up with the School and will go to Education Dept if no satisfactory resolution is found. The office of Prime Minister Ship should be treated with respect, regardless of who you vote for. Kids should not be brainwashed by Educationers which we all know are primarily Labour Voters.

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Re: Teachers preaching their political beliefs to students

Im happy for kids to be taught about the Australian Political system but dont be sending kids subliminal messages about your political stance please teachers


Woman LOLnothing subliminal about the so called writing on the whiteboard either...Woman LOLWoman LOL


  1. (of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone's mind without their being aware of it.
Message 11 of 55
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Re: Teachers preaching their political beliefs to students

If anything you should be grateful your children are being taught by honest teachers honesty is a very important thing for school children to be learning.


Well done to those teachers. Woman Wink

Message 12 of 55
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Re: Teachers preaching their political beliefs to students

I think Mummy needs to go to adult education.


4 spelling errors


At least 3 grammatical errors


The "subliminal"  error


4 more grammatical errors in the second post


Hopefully, the teachers of your children are more proficient.





Message 13 of 55
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Re: Teachers preaching their political beliefs to students

If What you say is true then approach the principal as teaches must teach approved curriculum, and the comments posted would most deffinately step outside of that, as to the above posts I would tend to ignore them as the labor supporters on here are incapable of looking past their indoctrination of labor responses to see that any thing beyond their glee at an attack on Tony Abbott, which is sad because even if it was reversed and the comments on the board were anti labor they would still be inappropriate.
if you are worried about approach ing the principal you can as suggested go via the p and c if you have one
Message 14 of 55
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Re: Teachers preaching their political beliefs to students

A lot more concerning......... 



Questions over curriculum experts' links to Coalition


The subject experts appointed to the Abbott government's national curriculum review included several figures with close Coalition links who were chosen without any scrutiny from education officials.


University of Sydney poetry professor Barry Spurr, one of the specialist reviewers of the English curriculum, has been suspended from academic duties after leaked emails showed him referring to "all bleeped".  


Professor Spurr argued in his subject review that the impact of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander literature in Australia had been "minimal" and that there should be a greater focus on western civilisation in the curriculum.

The leaked emails have sparked accusations from Labor and the Greens that the appointment process for the subject experts – many of whom are quoted at length in the review to justify changes to the curriculum – lacked transparency and rigour.


Education Department officials told Senate estimates hearings on Wednesday that they did not scrutinise the qualifications of the subject specialists, who were paid $8250 each for their input, before they were appointed.


Education Minister Christopher Pyne said the subject experts were chosen by the two reviewers, Kevin Donnelly and Kenneth Wiltshire, with no input from him or his office.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/questions-over-curriculum-experts-links-to-coa...

Message 15 of 55
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Re: Teachers preaching their political beliefs to students

You know, it just never occurred to me that teachers were Labor voters. I wonder why that would be?

What other professions have a particular preference?

Message 16 of 55
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Re: Teachers preaching their political beliefs to students

Christopher Pyne is trying to distance himself from the Barry Spurr expose. He is the Minister of Education, what does he get paid for?

Message 17 of 55
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Re: Teachers preaching their political beliefs to students

Are you all serious? I cant say what i really want to say here...... Education Union is of course heavily Labour backed like most Unions. pretty common knowledge i thought ? Abbot did say he wanted to de-labourise the Aust Education system, gee wonder why that would be. I never said the teacher was the same. we talking 2 diff teachers here, 2 diff year levels. Wont be posting on here again. Dont appreciate being made to feel like a liar. happy lives people...continue to live with your heads in the sand

Message 18 of 55
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Re: Teachers preaching their political beliefs to students

polksaladallie, take it you are perfect ?Not here to impress you or anyone else but to post a message. If all you can do is bully, then you shouldnt comment....

Message 19 of 55
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Re: Teachers preaching their political beliefs to students

abbott and pyne busily "de labourising" our education system.......




THE TRANSCRIPTS: The Partial Works Of Professor Barry Spurr. Poet, Racist, Misogynist


A warning to readers; some of the contents is extremely offensive, and contains references to a serious sexual assault. 

Message 20 of 55
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