on 29-10-2015 01:46 AM
# 34 Chinese-style salted fish: Diets that are very high in salt-cured meats and fish, or pickled foods – which are more common in parts of Asia and northern Africa – can increase the risk of nasopharyngeal cancer, related to the upper part of the throat behind the nose. These foods can be very high in nitrates and nitrites, which react with protein to form nitrosamines. These chemicals can damageDNA.
Oh b um. and I have one and a half jars of "Crispy Anchovy with Wasabi" (product of China) left. What to do?
Throw it away or continue to eat it knowing that it may be packed with nitrosamines and doing me harm?
It's a poor show when even the food you buy in the shops could damage your health.
on 29-10-2015 02:08 AM
if you read the newspapers everything you eat, do, inhale or touch will give you cancer so just work out which path will give you the most pleasure on the way to the inevtable and go for it.
on 29-10-2015 03:03 AM
If you play your cards right, and consume enough saturated fats and cholesterol, you can achieve that fatal myocardial infaction, and go quick and dirty, long before acquiring that cancer that will kill you slowly, screaming in pain for months.
on 29-10-2015 04:45 AM
A study by the WHO has found that all processed meats cause cancer. So I grilled a hot dog stuffed with ham, wrapped in a slice of bologna, then wrapped in bacon, and ate it. I can't think of anything the UN has ever gotten right so I think I'm safe.
on 29-10-2015 07:46 AM
we should all give up eating altogether !!!!
because every week ( no make that everday ) some so called expert comes up with another item of food that is killing us
i think everything has been named at sometime
even fruit and vegetables !!!! they have so much spray on them they are killing us acording to those experts
because no one washes them enough
so the only answer is for everyone to stop eating anything
now we will all live forever .......................
on 29-10-2015 07:57 AM
I don't see Italians dropping dead in droves and they practically invented sausage along with Germans and the French charcouterie is beautiful. Whatever you eat eat in moderation and you will be OK.
As for the UN ignoring them is better for your health.
on 29-10-2015 08:30 AM
the Italian's Mediterranean diet is is really healthy. all those olives and tomatoes
Olives and tomatoe ares both anti-oxidents and would counter-act the cured meats.
probably most proccessed foods are bad for us but I agree with languidlady in saying that moderation is the way to go
the next thing coming into question is Round-up
on 29-10-2015 09:39 AM
What should be banned is the highly processes sugar laden so called breakfast cereals, and energy drinks that eat the enamel of teeth.
I love a bit of salami and mortadella but I rarely buy it preferring to do a roast beef or chicken for cold meat.
on 29-10-2015 09:40 AM
What's round up got to do with the topic?
on 29-10-2015 09:44 AM
look it up and you'll find out