The Carbon Tax.. GONE

Community Member

The biggest lie in Australian political history (there will be no CARBON TAX etc) will be gone in about 3 weeks and the majority of the Australian public who voted in the Abbott government will be pleased.


This tax crippled Australia and is the highest in the world yet the labor party has learnt ZIP from their massive election loss and still continue to flog this dead horse and support it. 


The job-destroying Carbon Tax is a $9 billion hit on our economy this year alone.


Liberals celebrate as carbon tax repeal passes lower house... The majority of Australians celebrate as well


The most politically costly reform in politics in decades is to end with the Senate preparing to wind up Labor's carbon tax and scrap the automatic move to a market-based trading scheme from next year.

Just before the House adjourned on Thursday, there were jubilant scenes on the floor of the House of Representatives as the Coalition passed the carbon tax repeal bills for the second time.

The final vote went through on the voices after which Environment Minister Greg Hunt was embraced and high-fived by colleagues.

He had earlier successfully moved an amendment to split the Clean Energy Finance Corporation abolition - which will not pass the Senate - from the package of bills.

Labor unsuccessfully moved an amendment to repeal the carbon tax and move straight to an emissions trading scheme.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott was not present to see the repeal go through as he was attending a function out of Canberra.

But on Friday, Mr Abbott said the government was taking nothing for granted on the carbon tax repeal as it had still to pass through the Senate.

Read more:


Message 1 of 27
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Re: The Carbon Tax.. GONE

@durruticolumna wrote:
There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead,buts lets be clear,I am determined to price carbon.

This is what Ms Gillard actually said:





Show me anything, where and when Ms Gillard actually said:



There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead,buts lets be clear,I am determined to price carbon.


Message 11 of 27
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Re: The Carbon Tax.. GONE


The Labor government bungled its attempt to ensure the miners' profits were adequately taxed. But, rather than correcting Labor's errors, Tony Abbott has pledged to abolish the tax and let the foreign miners off the hook. Then he'll wonder why the huge expansion in mining production we're now seeing is creating so few jobs.

It gets worse. Not only are we under-taxing the miners, we're giving them lots of subsidies. Not only does the federal government give them a rebate on the excise on their diesel fuel, the state governments give them assistance by building the roads, railways and ports they need to ship their minerals abroad.

According to calculations by the Australia Institute, the states gave the mining industry $3.2 billion in concessions in the financial year just ending. Queensland gave assistance worth almost $1.5 billion, mainly by providing railway infrastructure and freight discounts.

Western Australia spent almost $1.4 billion, mainly on roads and port infrastructure. Other states' subsidies are much smaller - $140 million in NSW, $40 million in Victoria - but so too are their receipts from mining royalties.

It turns out the Queenslanders' subsidies to mining are equivalent to almost 60 per cent of the royalties they receive. In WA it's about a quarter, and in NSW it's less than 10 per cent. In Victoria, however, it's three-quarters.

And this while governments, federal and state, are crying poor and cutting spending on many worthy causes.

As Ian McAuley, of the University of Canberra, has pointed out, we're slashing our planned spending on foreign aid because we can no longer afford such generosity, but by abolishing the mining tax we're being very generous to big foreign mining companies. This makes sense?

Message 12 of 27
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Re: The Carbon Tax.. GONE

Will the carbon tax repeal really mean we get back $550 a year?

Yesterday Clive Palmer said his Palmer United Party senators would only support the axing of the carbon tax if legal guarantees were in place to ensure energy companies pass on savings to consumers.

But electricity bills are only expected to make up about $200 of the $550 a year in savings the Prime Minister says households should receive from repeal of the tax.

The savings are also expected to impact prices for transport, water and waste management.
But consumers may not see decreases, particularly for waste management and water prices, depending on where they live.

While Mr Abbott hopes to backdate the carbon tax savings to July 1, it could take months for the charges to come off bills, if at all. There is also uncertainty about whether people will get refunds if tax continues to be charged after this date.

.....Removing carbon tax charges are not quite as simple as snapping your fingers on July 1, especially for those organisations that set prices on a five-year basis.

Melbourne Water, which is owned by the Victorian Government, has already set its water prices to include the tax and this is not due to be reviewed until 2017-18.

A spokesman for Melbourne Water said the current pricing period started on July 1, 2013 and covered the next five years.
Message 13 of 27
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Re: The Carbon Tax.. GONE

Heres one for you julia.Would you like me to hunt down Tony's broken promises.There must be dozens on youtube:)
Message 14 of 27
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Re: The Carbon Tax.. GONE

Re: The Carbon Tax.. GONE

There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead,buts lets be clear,I am determined to price carbon.



can't believe anyone thought Ms Gillard would say something like that in the same sentence.


Robot LOLSmiley LOLMan LOLCat Very HappyWoman LOL


that's something T Abbott would say 'cept he would make it crystal clear



Robot LOLSmiley LOLMan LOLCat Very HappyWoman LOL




so where did that 'quote' come from anyhow, anyone know?  facebook?




Message 16 of 27
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Re: The Carbon Tax.. GONE

It is a stupid tax, liked by stupid people.


Woman Wink......

"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

Message 17 of 27
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Re: The Carbon Tax.. GONE

"As Ian McAuley, of the University of Canberra, has pointed out, we're slashing our planned spending on foreign aid because we can no longer afford such generosity, but by abolishing the mining tax we're being very generous to big foreign mining companies. This makes sense?"

AM3,  the BHP share price  is the same  now as  it was  5 years ago, around $36.00, and BHP 5 year div yield is 2.83%  "very generous"?

Which foreign mining companies?
Very generous  to  companies that:
"The mining industry's contribution to the Australian economy is now $121 billion a year. In terms of export income, it generates $138 billion per annum, which represents over half (54 per cent) of total goods and services. Across the nation mining employs 187,400 people directly, and a further 599,680 in support industries. In wages and salaries that amounts to $18 billion; an additional $21 billion is contributed through company tax and royalty payments. Not least, the industry spends $35.2 billion on new capital investment, $5.7 billion on exploration, and $4.2 billion on research and development.

What were these bad naughty "foreign" companies doing when the GFC was upon us?

Why does BHP  mine a lot of copper in Chile?

How many people here actually research, and directly invest in,  listed mining companies? (any company?)

Those nasty "foreign" mining companies, should be compared with the  "foreign" owned car manufacturing plants with years of taxpayers subsidies and tariff protection. Oh gosh, car manufacturing has ceased and mining companies  are adding somewhat to the Australian economy, if not investment return!



Message 18 of 27
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Re: The Carbon Tax.. GONE

I only paid $8.50 for my BHP shares, can't remember when I bought them around 2001 I think. though I'm a share holder I do think these mining companies should be paying more tax.
Message 19 of 27
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Re: The Carbon Tax.. GONE

Some on here are confused.


This government was not elected to keep Labor's failed policies. Well done Mr Abbott and well sdone to all the hard working ministers.

Message 20 of 27
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