The Easily Offended

Community Member

People today are so easily offended.


Its something we see on a daily basis on here from some,  people constantly state that they are offended by this or that or this post or that post and it’s something we see on a daily basis in the real world and on the news.   Someone always seems to take offense to minor issues and free speech and has to tell the world and tell us all that they are "OFFENDED" or take "OFFENSE" at this or that


One of the lessons that most of us learned at an early age was, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."  When I grew up it wasn't called "bullying," it was called teasing and having a bit of fun at each other’s expense  and we grew thick skin from it and got on with life.  NOW so many people are offended by so many minor things.


Maybe today's world and the soft***** (soft roosters) need to grow a little thick skin  and stop being so easily offended by everything.


So thoughts, are some to easily offended and take offense to everything.



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The Easily Offended

I agree with some of your points but IMO bullying is a whole different ballgame.
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The Easily Offended

See something say something-






Fun Factor : Now you have a choice in chat, factor that
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The Easily Offended

@creative*crisis wrote:
I agree with some of your points but IMO bullying is a whole different ballgame.

 Simple teasing or taking the micky out of someone in a friendly way  isnt BULLYING but the soft left and easily offended will make an issue out of it 


I agree there is a difference between a bit of fun and humour and bullying but this thread is about the easily offended and just how easy they get offended to everything.... 

Message 4 of 249
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The Easily Offended

Some people today are easily offended


some people today are overly offensive.


So what's new?

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The Easily Offended


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The Easily Offended

stephen fry.png

Message 7 of 249
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The Easily Offended

@nero_bolt wrote:

People today are so easily offended.


Its something we see on a daily basis on here from some,  people constantly state that they are offended by this or that or this post or that post and it’s something we see on a daily basis in the real world and on the news.   Someone always seems to take offense to minor issues and free speech and has to tell the world and tell us all that they are "OFFENDED" or take "OFFENSE" at this or that


One of the lessons that most of us learned at an early age was, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."  When I grew up it wasn't called "bullying," it was called teasing and having a bit of fun at each other’s expense  and we grew thick skin from it and got on with life.  NOW so many people are offended by so many minor things.


Maybe today's world and the soft***** (soft roosters) need to grow a little thick skin  and stop being so easily offended by everything.


So thoughts, are some to easily offended and take offense to everything.



I agree, in my days we did learn at an early age "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." and it wasn't called "bullying," it was called teasing and having a bit of fun at each other’s expense and we grew thick skin from it and got on with life. 


Basically & for many reasons I think the difference today is often it goes beyond teasing & having a bit of fun at each other's expense - I see a big difference between teasing & bullying - these days, I think bullying is (for want of a better way of putting it) extreme teasing, if you get my meaning.  And of course is dependant on each individuals sensitivities.


I recall one of my daughters coming home from school in about Grade 1 & saying to me - "That saying about sticks and stones is silly - my bones will heal, but my feelings won't !"  To this day, I still think that is a pretty profound thing for a child to say and still makes me think twice. She's a tough little cookie these days but with a heart of gold and will always help out someone less fortunate than herself - so much so it scares me sometimes !


I have never been one to say or do anything that I think may offend someone, & when I have a different point of view I try to be diplomatic, while still voicing my opinion.  So I guess much of it comes down to still having freedom of speech but also the fact we are all different & can have our feelings hurt to varying degrees.  And of course, it almost goes without saying - at what point do you draw the line of 'Freedom of speech' ?   But it is true I think NOW so many people are offended by so many minor things and I think many are less tolerant or open minded to even consider another persons view - there is too much 'I'm right !' mentality.


Just my thoughts . . . . .  hope I haven't offended anyone Smiley Happy



Sorry folks, I must be the slowest typer ever  Smiley LOL










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The Easily Offended


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The Easily Offended


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