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Can`t remember the last time I experienced such a storm as last night.(Melb) Thankfully no damage done but I was wondering how others fared.

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Resolved! Caption This # 348

Caption This # 348 The winner will be the caption that has the most 'Helpfuls' In the event of a tie, the winner will be decided by the OP Winner to start the new round Closes on Thursday 2nd December 2021

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Resolved! Four-Day Music Challenge - Theme is "Songs with a One Word (of eight letters or less) Title"

Four-Day Music Challenge - Theme is "Songs with a One Word (of eight letters or less) Title" Start counting......... (drat, just thought of one with 10 letters)!! Ends on Saturday 27th the evening sometime The poster of the song with th...

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Resolved! Fractured Factual Tales : Fruit picking and maths

So the producers are whinging because not enough idle citizens are fruit picking , and the suburban idle labour force is reluctant to offer themselves because the earnings are effective 2rd world low In a free enterprise system ( even if we are not q...

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Resolved! Caption This #347

Caption This # 347 The winner will be the caption that has the most 'Helpfuls' In the event of a tie, the winner will be decided by the OP Winner to start the new round Closes on Friday 26th November 2021

Resolved! 4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is Mail/Letters/Parcels etc

Four-Day Music Challenge - Theme is Mail/Letters/Parcels etc Ends on Tuesday 23rd November...hmmm....arvo sometime The poster of the song with the most ‘Helpfuls’ at the end of the challenge wins the round. The winner then chooses the next theme, hos...

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Setting a Precedent ?????

Right or wrong, anti or pro, this happened:

Is anyone else getting this when they try to log in

For the past few days, when I open Community Spirit (from a bookmark) it indicates I'm not logged in so I click on the logo and get this page. I have clicked the "I agree" as I couldn't see any alternative, and it gets me here but the next day I'm lo...

Screen Shot 2021-11-19 at 11.09.38.png
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Resolved! Four Day Music Challenge - Theme Is RIVERS/CREEK

Four-Day Music Challenge - Theme RIVERS/CREEK Ends on Thursday 18th November (in the evening) The poster of the song with the most ‘Helpfuls’ at the end of the challenge wins the round. The winner then chooses the next theme, hosts it and declares th...

Resolved! Caption This # 346

Caption This # 346 The winner will be the caption that has the most 'Helpfuls'. In the event of a tie, the winner will be decided by the OP. Winner to start the new round Closes Friday 19th November 2021 (sorry, I couldn't make it larger)


Resolved! Four-Day Music Challenge - Theme is songs starting with "J"

Four-Day Music Challenge - Theme is songs starting with "J". Ends on Saturday, 13 November (in the evening) The poster of the song with the most ‘Helpfuls’ at the end of the challenge wins the round. The winner then chooses the next theme, hosts it a...

Selling the Family Jewels

WestConnex cash set to flow to heavily locked down Sydney regions The NSW government will invest the bulk of its pandemic recovery spending in western Sydney, diverting $5 billion from the sale of the WestConnex motorway to help suburbs that faced th...

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Resolved! One Million dollars

I hope everybody who's had a jab has registered. Comp drawn on Nov 5th, but you must present vax certificate showing fully vaxxed by 13th December. Million Dollar Vax Promotion EntryPlease complete the form below for your chance to win one of 3,100 U...

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