The Official Daily Rant (on Climate Change)

Reposted from Facebook with permission from Steffen Pederson.


"The fact is, Climate change is real! Nobody can argue against that fact. Nobody actually does!

So what's the debate?


'Climate Change Deniers', as alarmists like to call us, are people that believe the climate is what it is. It has changed for 100's of millions of years, it will change for 100's of millions more!


'Climate Change Alarmists' as us deniers like to call them, are people that believe Man is the reason the climate is changing. Man has caused it, Man can stop it!


This is my Rant so this will be based solely on my view and opinion from what I have learned or at least think I have learned.

To me, it doesn't matter who is right or wrong!

Man currently pumps untold amounts of emissions into the air, untold amounts of pollution into our land/air and sea's, and does untold damage through mining, deforestation, urbanisation etc etc.

Whether this affects the climate or not is actually irrelevant. We MUST STOP! We MUST find better ways to fulfil our energy needs and we must find better ways to house and feed our growing populations. We must reduce this man made damage because even the simplest of minds can recognise it cant be good for us. Also, we must make things sustainable. Some of these things take time so time is what we will take.

Again, this in my opinion has nothing to do with climate change but if I am wrong, it's a win win situation. We will not be hurt by changing these things.


Creating a Tax to reduce these things and allowing governments to put this tax back into their general revenue is NOT, and never will be the answer.

If governments were serious in their beliefs of man made climate change and the imminent dangers they believe it imposes, they would simply legislate to reduce and or stop these things.

They do not! Infact, by government logic, the more emissions generated, the more money they make. It is a futile exercise about feeling good. They can look the people in the eye and say 'see, we are doing something about climate change' but the fact is they are not.


The problem is, The climate IS changing. Every dollar we waste trying to stop it, will be a dollar we will not have to spend on the actual damage climate change will cause. Small nations will suffer, sea levels will rise, draughts will be the norm in some places, flooding will be the norm in others. We will not be prepared.

While the battle goes on about who was right and who was wrong, people will die. I believe we can actually learn to live with these changes and relocate and or adapt accordingly. todays cities will be tomorrows farmlands, todays farmlands will be tomorrows cities.


We do need to impose a tarrif of sorts on man.

Not a carbon tax that hits some people here or there or makes business suffer but a small levy that each and every one of us should be prepared to pay.


It is our world. This money should be put into an international climate fund that should be used as the climate changes more and more.

The truth is, we don't know which way the world will change so is hard to plan ahead. This money would be needed more as reactionary measure. western nations could and should be preparing for what we believe will happen through future planning anyway so this money would not be needed by those that can prepare for it themselves.

There are,  however many nations that do not stand a chance against whatever climate change brings. This is where this money will be needed. If the climate doesn't change dramatically for many years, this fund would grow to great proportions. We can help those that cannot help themselves.


I don't know all the answers to this but going on our current path of taxing emissions and putting the taxes into general revenue for me is NOT the answer. we are being played for suckers. My post is not trying to say I have the answers, it is trying to change the current climate debate questions. I have no doubt there are many other who have great ideas about how an ever changing world can be adapted to suit our wants and needs. We are a resilient lot."




I so agree with this post.


Yes, Earth's climate is in natural constant change. We know that.


Human industrial activity is causing a dramatic impact earth's climate and we need to sort what we need to take from earth to sustain ourselves (and there's plenty to go round)  from what is just being gobbled up by insatiable and rapacious profiteers.




 back soon.jpg


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The Official Daily Rant (on Climate Change)

So what is the name?


There isn't one - something that doesn't exist can't have a name. Though I suppose that's not strictly true, unicorns don't exist either.

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The Official Daily Rant (on Climate Change)

@icyfroth wrote:

@gleee58 wrote:

@icyfroth wrote:

Hey Glee.


Just because I like Bolt's views and prefer Mr Abbotts Liberal goverment to that of Rudd/Gillard/Rudd's,  doesn't mean I have to slavishly agree with every word they say. 


Unlike some of the lefties here who dedicate every waking hour to the promotion of the current opposition leader(s) and the rubbishing of the current PM.


I know Bolt and Abbott rubbish Global Warming.  But is global warming even the problem? Or is it rampaging Global destruction and  pollution?


Anyways, another thread politicised by the sisterhood.

I must be missing something.  Where are the posters that spend every waking hour promoting the opposition leader posts?

There is an anti Shorten thread but I've missed the pro Shorten thread and Di Natale is rarely mentioned.


Btw, the name is not "the sisterhood" and I did not politicise what appears to be a political thread.

Btw, the name is not "the sisterhood"


So what is the name?

The user name is Gleee58 and the person's name is Annikin.

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