on 28-07-2013 04:48 PM
I reached the big 50 today. Got very spoilt by my partner and family. Went out to dinner last night and lunch today. I am feeling very happy and loved right now. if this is the 50s bring them on.
on 28-07-2013 04:52 PM
Happy Birthday
on 28-07-2013 04:52 PM
Happy 50th Teddy...!!!
on 28-07-2013 04:54 PM
Happy Birthday, Teddy. Gee, you're just a spring chicken, aren't you? ♥
on 28-07-2013 04:59 PM
@the_great_she_elephant wrote:Happy Birthday, Teddy. Gee, you're just a spring chicken, aren't you? ♥
on 28-07-2013 05:01 PM
Happy Birthday VampireT.
on 28-07-2013 05:07 PM
on 28-07-2013 05:12 PM
Happy Birthday V teddy
on 28-07-2013 05:18 PM
Hapy Birthday, you deserve to be spoilt and I hope the rest of your life is just as wonderful.
on 28-07-2013 05:19 PM