The gender card again...

Sorry to interrupt your no politics idea  but I still find the subject important and want to rant... 


How dare Gillard make abortion an election issue... There is no way that is acceptable and to even suggest that the Coalition will remove your right to one is scare mongering to the max. 


In this modern day time it is incredibly important that we don't use these topics to inflame a false war. 


Even if a person in any party did not like the idea of abortion there is no way that they would get the support to make it illegal. Or limit your access to one... or even make you feel bad for having one. 


So if Gillard wants to launch a campaign called "Labor Women for Gillard" then fine... but don't pull out the gender card and make something out of nothing.. 


And personally I find it sexist to have a women's only group calling for women to support Gillard. 


I have two sons and I also want their future to be positive and not forgotten but it seems that this PM only want to think of the future of women. 

Message 1 of 186
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185 REPLIES 185

The gender card again...


found what?


Found what Gillard said today.


Nobody said the Men's sheds are sexist political organizations.

Men can talk to men and about men's sheds without accusations of gender wars but when the PM talks about issues that can affect women she is accused of gender wars.


When my local member opened the local Men's Shed there was no suggestion of gender divide.


Men have never had laws discriminate against them in the ways women have. It's only recent history that women gained a lot of the rights the young take for granted. 

Message 151 of 186
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The gender card again...

FN: "Men have never had laws discriminate against them in the ways women have"


Gosh FN, you appear to be agreeing with a view  of mine that I have held for a very long time, and have expressed a few times here over the past 10 years.


" women unfortunately get the short straw in life." 

Message 152 of 186
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The gender card again...

FN: "Men have never had laws discriminate against them in the ways women have"


Gosh FN, you appear to be agreeing with a view  of mine that I have held for a very long time, and have expressed a few times here over the past 10 years.


" women unfortunately get the short straw in life." 


Just because they have done in the past does not mean they should continue to do so, nor does it mean we should just accept that.

Message 153 of 186
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The gender card again...


Found what Gillard said today.


Nobody said the Men's sheds are sexist political organizations.

Men can talk to men and about men's sheds without accusations of gender wars but when the PM talks about issues that can affect women she is accused of gender wars.


When my local member opened the local Men's Shed there was no suggestion of gender divide.


Men have never had laws discriminate against them in the ways women have. It's only recent history that women gained a lot of the rights the young take for granted. 


So what is the CWA? There has to be a female equivalent to the Men's Shed. I just don't see why Men's Shed was bought into the conversation. The shed is a group of every day men. The PM was talking about abortion on a public platform. I don't see the connection. The PM was not in some little private meeting having a chat and offering or getting support other than that of a political nature.

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 154 of 186
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The gender card again...


So what is the CWA? There has to be a female equivalent to the Men's Shed. I just don't see why Men's Shed was bought into the conversation. The shed is a group of every day men. The PM was talking about abortion on a public platform. I don't see the connection. The PM was not in some little private meeting having a chat and offering or getting support other than that of a political nature.


The PM was talking to a group of Labor Women. why should she not mention an issue that resurfaces regularly?  She was not talking about abortion.  It was one word in one sentence, not a speech about abortion.


The Men's sheds are to support men. They're to support men who need support and some man time.  Look it up if you want to know what they are.



Message 155 of 186
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The gender card again...

Established in 2007 by the Australian independent community based Men's Sheds to represent, support and promote the Mens Shed Movement and to act as a central hub for information exchange. The Australian Mens Shed Association is funded by the Federal Government to provide initial and ongoing practical support for the development of all Mens Sheds.

The Australian Mens Shed Association is a member based organisation founded on the principle of sharing information freely between Sheds and those communities and organisations wishing to establish a Shed.

 AMSA services are provided freely to registered and non registered sheds, Membership to the Association is FREE for all services excluding membership that includes our discounted Group Public Liability Insurance Scheme.     

AMSA is a charitable not-for-profit association and is registered as a Deductible Gift Recipient. AMSA is the peak body representing Mens Sheds in Australia providing free practical support and assistance. With over 720 Mens Sheds registered AMSA is now the largest Association in Australia focussed on male health and well-being.

Message 156 of 186
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The gender card again...

The modern Men’s Shed is an updated version of the shed in the backyard that has long been a part of Australian culture. Men’s Sheds are springing up all around Australia. If you looked inside one you might see a number of men restoring furniture, perhaps restoring bicycles for a local school, maybe making Mynah bird traps or fixing lawn mowers or making a kids cubby house for Camp Quality to raffle. You might also see a few young men working with the older men learning new skills and maybe also learning something about life from the men they work with. You will see tea-bags, coffee cups and a comfortable area where men can sit and talk. You will probably also see an area where men can learn to cook for themselves or they can learn how to contact their families by computer.

So what is so special about this new type of Men’s Shed? Most men have learned from our culture that they don’t talk about feelings and emotions. There has been little encouragement for men to take an interest in their own health and well-being. Unlike women, most men are reluctant to talk about their emotions and that means that they usually don’t ask for help. Probably because of this many men are less healthy than women, they drink more, take more risks and they suffer more from isolation, loneliness and depression. Relationship breakdown, retrenchment or early retirement from a job, loss of children following divorce, physical or mental illness are just some of the problems that men find it hard to deal with on their own.

Good health is based on many factors including feeling good about yourself, being productive and valuable to your community, connecting to friends and maintaining an active body and an active mind. Becoming a member of a Men’s Shed gives a man that safe and busy environment where he can find many of these things in an atmosphere of old-fashioned mateship. And, importantly, there is no pressure. Men can just come and have a yarn and a cuppa if that is all they’re looking for.

Members of Men’s Sheds come from all walks of life - the bond that unites them is that they are men with time on their hands and they would like something meaningful to do with that time.

A good Men’s Shed has a co-ordinator who has both the technical and social skills to develop a safe and happy environment where men are welcome to work a project of their choice in their own time and where the only ‘must’ is to observe safe working practices. All in a spirit of mateship.

Because men don’t make a fuss about their problems, these problems have consistently been either ignored or swept under the mat by both our health system and our modern society. It’s time for a change and the Men’s Shed movement is one of the most powerful tools we have in helping men to once again become valued and valuable members of our community.

Message 157 of 186
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The gender card again...

yeah, I got the general idea of what a Men's shed is, so what is the female equivalent? There are also women's support groups and women only organizations.


I just don't get the corollary in this context.

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 158 of 186
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The gender card again...

yeah, I got the general idea of what a Men's shed is, so what is the female equivalent? There are also women's support groups and women only organizations.


I just don't get the corollary in this context.


Of course you don't.

Message 159 of 186
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The gender card again...

yeah, I got the general idea of what a Men's shed is, so what is the female equivalent? There are also women's support groups and women only organizations.


I just don't get the corollary in this context.


Women's Kitchen has a nice ring to it 🙂


Sammich making could develop into a fine art 🙂

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 160 of 186
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