The plight of Victorians - Economy destruction, forced jabs, job loss, dispair - lets discuss

Looking at what has been taking place in the state of Victoria with threatened job termination if one does not take the jab, the destruction of jobs, livelihood and liberties etc., there's a right and there's a wrong all of this. The state premier Daniel Andrews has taken the hard-line stance of "you must take the jab" and basically that's all that there is to it. People in Victoria are protesting because they feel that they are being denied the choice whether to say yes or no.  Recent protests have caused some reactions and there may be the possibility of media distortion when it comes to the true facts.


All around the world there are reports of the efficacy of oral drugs for treating this Corona virus. Some countries have had major success.  With this in mind, wouldn't the option of early stage treatment with a safe proven oral drug such Doxycycline, Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin not only be a logical,  practical move but also one that would reduce tensions?



GPs Start Prescribing Low-Dose Ivermectin Triple Therapy for COVID-19

CDD news – The Centre for Digestive Diseases - COVID Treatment Available in Aus via GP on request


The Ivermectin triple therapy seems to be the cheapest, safest, and rapidly-curing treatment for Australians, and used broadly could stimulate the Australian economy


Anyway, people who have had the virus and have recovered should never be jabbed.  Highly respected professor, Dr. Peter McCullough talks about this in Dorothy McLean's article in August this year  ‘Under no circumstances’ should a recovered patient get a COVID jab, expert MD tells LifeSite. 


I think a program that involves proper testing, one that eliminates false positives is highly beneficial. Also mandatory vaccination can mean curtains for those who have recovered from the virus. That's no good! Drugs appear to be the safest approach and should be a readily available option. Under strict medical supervision and administration, it could be as Dr. Thomas Borody stated, good for the economy .


Even though the mRNA injection etc. is largely experimental, I respect the right of people to take their chances with it. I've always stated in the past that I believe some vaccines are helpful. The right of people to choose what goes into their body should also be respected.


With commonsense testing, people staying home as they would with influenza, isolation when needed,  early stage drug treatment under qualified medical supervision, there's no reason to force anything on anybody. There's no reason to run Victoria into the ground!


The people are alarmed, they're angry and they're stressed due to what many would perceive as fascism! 

When a human being takes a first breath of life when they come into this world, should this not be the breath of freedom?

Message 1 of 371
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The plight of Victorians - Economy destruction, forced jabs, job loss, dispair - lets discuss

@chameleon54 wrote:


.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Most premiers regardless of colour are pretty benign. They come and  go and do their thing, but rarely do too much long term damage. When they do major damage, it is usually through incompetence, rather than anything deliberate.


Occasionally a leader appears who is different. They are autocrats who hold dangerous beliefs and are he!! bent on radically changing things as quickly and permanently as possible. Hitler was one, China's Xi Jinping is another. While on a smaller scale, Dan Andrews is just as dangerous as these men. He has strong communist leanings and is wreaking havoc through the state as he lays the foundations for the closest thing Australia has ever seen to communism. He is delibrately sabotaging small business and farmers, laying the path for corporate and government control of state assets and its people. His vision is similar to China's.


I simply cannot fathom, why Victorians are willing to support this. Maybe the majority agree with communism, or maybe they just cant see what he is doing. ( Although the recent protests would suggest they might be starting to get the idea )


Well said mate! I understand the uncertainty of small businesses and farmers. At the best of times it's an uphill battle for them. Now it has become a game of uphill snakes and ladders with the ladders being taken away whenever the command is given and more snakes put in under the same. Prior to this covid-19 situation, many businesses were on the verge of closing down due to competition with online shopping. Many had already closed down.


I remember a few years back having a fairly long conversation with a woman in the NT over the state of her shop. It was a variety shop and she had tried just about everything to keep it afloat. Well, me being the man with some ideas to liven things up only managed to liven her up. She thanked me for the talk and the quality of what we were discussing but she felt she was done. Most likely burnt out as she hinted, she said she said that she just couldn't keep afloat with online competition. I told her how sad this was and even sadder as it was an end of an era. She had been in that town for some years and had been successful for some years.  I still think about her from time to time and her sadness and frustration of being able to do nothing. That's an example of what was going on prior to this corona virus issue. Now things are even worse. At the end of the day, some giant corporation is going to do the lot with one time shop owners reduced to the status of a Calcutta back-alleyway goods seller constantly looking over their shoulder, ready to pack up and run for their life at the first hint of a Stazi type enforcement officer in the area.


Your mentioning of Andrews' vision being similar to that of China sends a very cold feeling through my body.  I see the reality of that in the not so distant future  Near future!


Some people in Vic and followed closely by NSW have been accepting of what has been taking place due to the bias of the main stream media. Many just go along with it all because it eventually becomes easier not to think. The blood increase of carbon dioxide due to mask wearing certainly doesn't help the brain.


Yes, some people are starting to wake up. Sadly with many protests for freedom or in support of the environment, paid agent provocateurs, agitators and trouble-makers have infiltrated to give it a bad name.


BTW: Below  is the content that should have been linked in for the good for the economy link on post No. 1 of this thread but for some reason it doesn't work.





GPs Start Prescribing Low-Dose Ivermectin Triple Therapy for COVID-19

Announcement posted by Impressions Marketing Communications 25 Aug 2020


CDD news – The Centre for Digestive Diseases - COVID Treatment Available in Aus via GP on request


GPs Start Prescribing Low-Dose Ivermectin Triple Therapy for COVID-19


Sydney, Australia – Australian triple therapy specialist Professor Thomas Borody, internationally famous for curing peptic ulcers using a triple antibiotic therapy saving thousands of lives, said 34 prescriptions for the inexpensive low-dose Ivermectin Triple Therapy 10-day treatment protocol have been written by GPs.


There have been numerous requests for the protocol via the including 57 Australian GPs, 30 doctors from overseas, and enquires from 184 members of the public (the protocol is only available to verified GPs as a prescription only).


Professor Thomas Borody MB, BS, BSc(Med), MD, PhD, DSc, FRACP,FACP,FACG, AGAF, FRS(N) said we could probably end the lock-downs and open our economy within 8-10 weeks using these TGA approved medications.


The Ivermectin triple therapy seems to be the cheapest, safest, and rapidly-curing treatment for Australians, and used broadly could stimulate the Australian economy.


Professor Borody said:


“Australian GPs can legally prescribe the medications as “off-label” to their COVID-19 positive patients. They can also prescribe it as a shorter, preventative medication.


In-fact more than 60% of prescriptions in Australia are “off-label”. It’s not a new concept. It’s happening legally every day to manage diseases and save lives.”


AMA Medicines 2019 position statement


4.7. ‘Off-label prescribing’ is the prescription of a registered medicine for a use that is not included in the product information approved by the TGA, including when the medicine is prescribed or administered for another indication, at a different dose, via an alternate route of administration, or for a patient of an age or gender outside the registered use.

4.8. Off-label prescribing may be clinically appropriate, but there are clinical, safety, ethical, medico-legal and financial issues related to off-label use. The AMA supports the guiding principles for the quality use of off-label medicines developed by the Council of Australian Therapeutic Advisory Groups for public hospitals[3]. These principles should also guide private practice where relevant, in particular:
(a) off-label use of a medicine should only be considered when other options are unavailable, exhausted, not tolerated or unsuitable
(b) the patient/carer must be involved in decision-making
(c) outcomes, effectiveness and adverse events should be monitored and reported to facilitate evidence-based decisions.


Professor Borody, an internationally regarded physician with 4 FDA approved drugs, is famous for developing the triple therapy that cured patients with peptic ulcers saving more than 18,000 lives in Australia alone and millions internationally. [See Professor Borody’s published research papers ORIC here   ]

“No trial has shown Ivermectin-based therapy to be ineffective. In-fact, international trials report almost 100% cure rate with symptom improvement within 4-6 days,” he said.


This needs to be available for aged care facilities and frontline health workers today.


We have written to the Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt and Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews for an urgent medical briefing to bypass the raft of “advisors” who failed to understand TGA-approved medicines do not require animal studies.


Ivermectin, known as “the wonder drug” was discovered in the 1970s and is on the World Health Organization (WHO) list of essential medicines.


“There is mounting worldwide clinical literature pointing to a 100% cure rate using Ivermectin Triple Therapy,” said Professor Borody.


Professor Borody says his research has led him to a triple therapy of Ivermectin, zinc and an antibiotic – which are all TGA and FDA approved,


The therapy comprises:

1. Ivermectin - TGA and FDA approved as an anti-parasitic therapy with an established safety profile since the 1970s. Known as the “Wonder Drug” from Japan.

2. Zinc

3. Doxycycline – TGA and FDA approved tetracycline antibiotic that fights bacterial infections, eg acne or urinary tract infections, viral and malarial infections.


Professor Borody is involved in a Phase 2 study in the US to potentially develop the triple therapy as a single “blister pack” compliance product.


Professor Borody said:


“Our study in the US is looking at developing the triple therapy as a single product which requires FDA approval, even though all 3 medications separately are already approved.”


Link to clinical trial:

About the Centre for Digestive Diseases (CDD)


The Sydney-based Centre for Digestive Diseases’ (CDD) provides patients with innovative therapies not available in the rest of the world.


The Hospital features cutting-edge technologies enabling our specialists to provide world-class treatments.


Professor Borody is also known internationally for his work on gut mircobiome infections and re-purposing antimicrobial drugs for new diseases including Crohn’s disease and the triple therapy cure for peptic ulcers. His discovery prevented premature deaths in over 18,000 people and saved the Federal Government a reported $10 billion [THEMA REPORT-p 7].


He has developed 4 FDA approved pharmaceuticals for the USA and international markets.


There are currently 28 Covid-19 Ivermectin treatment studies running globally.


Some recent research papers include:


WHO: Mass treatment with ivermectin: an underutilized public health strategy


ResearchGate: A Randomized Trial of Ivermectin-Doxycycline and Hydroxychloroquine-Azithromycin therapy on COVID19 patients.


MedRxiv: Effectiveness of Ivermectin as add-on Therapy in COVID-19 Management (Pilot Trial)


Journal of Antibiotics: Ivermectin: a systematic review from antiviral effects to COVID-19 complementary regimen


ResearchGate: A Case Series of 100 COVID-19 Positive Patients Treated with Combination of Ivermectin and Doxycycline


Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons:

A Case Series of 100 COVID-19 Positive Patients Treated with Combination of Ivermectin and Doxycycline


Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons:

Comparison of Viral Clearance between Ivermectin with

Doxycycline and Hydroxychloroquine with Azithromycin

in COVID-19 Patients



MedRxiv: : ICON (Ivermectin in COvid Nineteen) study: Use of Ivermectin is Associated with Lower Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with COVID19



ChemRxiv: Has Ivermectin Virus-Directed Effects against SARS-CoV-2? Rationalizing the Action of a Potential Multitarget Antiviral Agent



Legal to prescribe off label according to AMA especially as there is nothing else except vaccine in next 6 months and we will still need some sort of treatment.


Monika from Melb re her mum can do interviews... mum 94 with covid in nursing home with 20 others infected and 15 staff management refusing treatment…

Media contact

Kate Newton

AU: +61 2 8218 2144

USA: +1 415 951 3228­­­­­­­

Asia: +65 3159 3427






Message 21 of 371
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The plight of Victorians - Economy destruction, forced jabs, job loss, dispair - lets discuss



are you in Victoria?

Message 22 of 371
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The plight of Victorians - Economy destruction, forced jabs, job loss, dispair - lets discuss

On Dr Thomas Borody :


Associate Professor Steven Tong is an infectious diseases clinician at Royal Melbourne Hospital, the principal investigator for the AustralaSian COVID-19 Trial (ASCOT) and a co-lead of clinical research at the Doherty Institute.
He has not seen any clinical evidence to support Professor Borody’s claims.
‘At this stage I’m not aware of that data,’ he told newsGP. ‘And if there is such convincing data, I think it would be helpful for that to be shared with everyone.’
Associate Professor Tong says he is aware of a study performed in Bangladesh involving ivermectin.
‘But it was pretty poor quality, as far as I understand,’ he said.
While there are discussions on the potential use of ivermectin as a therapy for COVID-19 in humans, Associate Professor Tong has concerns about its use in that context.
‘The initial studies seem to suggest you need a very high level of ivermectin to be able to reduce replication of the virus, and those levels in those initial studies are very difficult or impossible to achieve in a person,’ he said.
He is also concerned that these laboratory findings were not performed on human cells.
‘They were done initially with monkey cells, so we await work with human cell lines to confirm the effect and confirm whether the dose is achievable,’ he said.
Following on from the initial paper, researchers from Monash University and the Peter Doherty Institute of Infection and Immunity are continuing to investigate the use of ivermectin as a potential treatment for COVID-19 with current ongoing research.
Their aim is to move from in-vitro phase to pre-clinical trials soon.
‘We are conducting a range of optimisation experiments that, if positive, will determine the best dosage and treatment regimen to move forward into clinical trials,’ Dr Wagstaff said.
Associate Professor Tong is aware of other trials looking into ivermectin as a potential COVID-19 treatment in South America and elsewhere.
He says there even are reports that some countries are using the drug ‘more broadly’ as a treatment for COVID-19.
However, Associate Professor Tong says there is currently insufficient evidence to show ivermectin can be used as therapy for COVID-19 and that randomised controlled trials are needed to investigate this area.
‘And until we get that level of evidence, these agents should only be used in the context of a clinical trial,’ he said.


are you a Victorian?

Message 23 of 371
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The plight of Victorians - Economy destruction, forced jabs, job loss, dispair - lets discuss

@shoppingbag* wrote:

As far as I am concerned people do have the right to refuse the jab, but not the right to get the virus and transmit it to others. This is what these foot-stomping tantrum throwing people want the right to do.


But shoppingbag, people who have had the jab can spread the virus to others. They can carry the virus around in their nostrils. And then by over jabbing, mixing as politically instructed etc., a super bug may result. Please see below,



Link 01

Vaccine Super Bug! – ‘Never vaccinate into the middle of a pandemic’ – Top doctor warned, now it’s coming true


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..  .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 


Link 02


‘It must be part of a master plan’: COVID drugs banned despite efficacy
November 29, 2020 - 13:26PM



This as well as jabbing naturally recovered people is a dangerous practice.



@shoppingbag* wrote:

Let them go without the jab by all means, but if because of their selfish behavior they get covid and end up in hospital, then give them the bill for their stay.  If someone dies because they have given it to someone else, then let it be a murder charge. 



* You talk of murder charges etc.. Well, denying life saving safe drug treatment is a crime against humanity according to Craig Kelly. He's not the only one saying it.


* Hospitalized people cost the taxpayer money yes. But 90% of those hospitalized wouldn't be there if they were treated in the early stages with good safe drugs.  So the taxpayer drain theory is basically just that! See link 02. (( Note: I usually stay away from Sky News because they have in the past given a platform to rednecks and their divisive views, but every now and then they come up with some good useful content.))

What needs to be remembered is that jabbed people can and do end up in hospital due to the only partial effectiveness of the injection. Some doctors around the world are treating them with the traditional anti-viral drugs such as those used in treatments involving one or more of the following -  doxycycline, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin etc..


Perish the thought, but if a jabbed person becomes a super-spreader due to over jabbing, mixing and matching etc., medical incompetence or some other practice, should they as you say ...."If someone dies because they have given it to someone else, then let it be a murder charge" ?  ....  Would that be justified?


Remember we are dealing with an inadequately tested "vaccine". There's also apparently no proper screening process to eliminate naturally recovered people from the virus in an injection program. Naturally recovered people should never be jabbed.



@shoppingbag* wrote:


They refute the science and the medical experts rather listening to the ravings and rantings of antivaxers are other conspiracy theorists with any logical thought.

Previous generations were made of tougher stuff.  The people who went through previous and much worse pandemics without any vaccines being available. People who went though wars and depressions.  I wonder what they would think of this current generation.



Many people including myself  who champion the right to say yes or no to this covid injection program are not anti-vax. I personally don't want it and there are a whole plethora of reasons why I take that stance. One female member who frequents these boards has stated that she has had the flu vaccination in the past and she has recently had her covid-19 jabs, both of them! This intelligent woman has stated that the right of the individual is important as well as noting the efficacy of ivermectin.  She may be guilty of thought crime 🤔 from time to time but most of use can forgive her for that being guilty of that our selves on various occasions. 😊


Many doctors airing caution with this new injection program come from the most prestigious backgrounds and speak with authority on the subject. They are hardly conspiracy theorists of  crazies. They may be bad for business though!


I can tell you what the soldiers fought for and against in the First and Second World Wars. They certainly didn't fight for corporate influence over our laws. They didn't fight for dictators who may want to re-create a state in the image of an extreme capitalist - fascism,  communist or even a Khmer Rouge ideology (All end up being the same thing anyway, serving the same elite).  I have listened online to returned servicemen giving their thoughts on what is taking place today. They are disgusted with the way the government is behaving.

Message 24 of 371
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The plight of Victorians - Economy destruction, forced jabs, job loss, dispair - lets discuss

Okey Dokey then - seems this is a lecture - no discussion going on here.


Simply repetitive bull dust. 

Message 25 of 371
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The plight of Victorians - Economy destruction, forced jabs, job loss, dispair - lets discuss



are you in Victoria?

Message 26 of 371
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The plight of Victorians - Economy destruction, forced jabs, job loss, dispair - lets discuss

Do they EVER comment with anything else?


No original thoughts, valid arguments or truth ever anywhere to be seen


Just the same stuff different day copy and paste misinformation spread by experts in tripe 

Message 27 of 371
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The plight of Victorians - Economy destruction, forced jabs, job loss, dispair - lets discuss

@sandypebbles wrote:

Do they EVER comment with anything else?


No original thoughts, valid arguments or truth ever anywhere to be seen


Just the same stuff different day copy and paste misinformation spread by experts in tripe 

You forgot the coloured crayons. lol


Tripe = Codswallop. 😂

Message 28 of 371
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The plight of Victorians - Economy destruction, forced jabs, job loss, dispair - lets discuss

Chameleon, just wondering how you could  ( spoke face to face with one a couple of days ago ) 


If you are in SA and Vic is in lock down?



Message 29 of 371
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The plight of Victorians - Economy destruction, forced jabs, job loss, dispair - lets discuss

Zoom - Facetime - Skype. ???

Message 30 of 371
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