The plight of Victorians - Economy destruction, forced jabs, job loss, dispair - lets discuss

Looking at what has been taking place in the state of Victoria with threatened job termination if one does not take the jab, the destruction of jobs, livelihood and liberties etc., there's a right and there's a wrong all of this. The state premier Daniel Andrews has taken the hard-line stance of "you must take the jab" and basically that's all that there is to it. People in Victoria are protesting because they feel that they are being denied the choice whether to say yes or no.  Recent protests have caused some reactions and there may be the possibility of media distortion when it comes to the true facts.


All around the world there are reports of the efficacy of oral drugs for treating this Corona virus. Some countries have had major success.  With this in mind, wouldn't the option of early stage treatment with a safe proven oral drug such Doxycycline, Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin not only be a logical,  practical move but also one that would reduce tensions?



GPs Start Prescribing Low-Dose Ivermectin Triple Therapy for COVID-19

CDD news – The Centre for Digestive Diseases - COVID Treatment Available in Aus via GP on request


The Ivermectin triple therapy seems to be the cheapest, safest, and rapidly-curing treatment for Australians, and used broadly could stimulate the Australian economy


Anyway, people who have had the virus and have recovered should never be jabbed.  Highly respected professor, Dr. Peter McCullough talks about this in Dorothy McLean's article in August this year  ‘Under no circumstances’ should a recovered patient get a COVID jab, expert MD tells LifeSite. 


I think a program that involves proper testing, one that eliminates false positives is highly beneficial. Also mandatory vaccination can mean curtains for those who have recovered from the virus. That's no good! Drugs appear to be the safest approach and should be a readily available option. Under strict medical supervision and administration, it could be as Dr. Thomas Borody stated, good for the economy .


Even though the mRNA injection etc. is largely experimental, I respect the right of people to take their chances with it. I've always stated in the past that I believe some vaccines are helpful. The right of people to choose what goes into their body should also be respected.


With commonsense testing, people staying home as they would with influenza, isolation when needed,  early stage drug treatment under qualified medical supervision, there's no reason to force anything on anybody. There's no reason to run Victoria into the ground!


The people are alarmed, they're angry and they're stressed due to what many would perceive as fascism! 

When a human being takes a first breath of life when they come into this world, should this not be the breath of freedom?

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The plight of Victorians - Economy destruction, forced jabs, job loss, dispair - lets discuss

Just a general comment.

I know 4channel doesn't always follow the mainstream view and I enjoy debate as much as anyone but I do think some comments towards him are a bit on the abusive side.

I know it might not always seem so, but having someone to challenge our views is a good thing on a board, it keeps things lively.


4channel you made a comment about how the jab still allows people to infect others.

That is true, but I think the main factor with the jab is it cuts down on that. Vaccinated people are less likely to get covid, to pass it on etc and if they do get covid, it is likely to be milder.


I was reading this:

How much does reaching 90 per cent over-12 vaccination, compared to 80 per cent, matter?

Quite a lot. It cuts hospitalisations per million people from 1162 down to 682, according to modelling by Professor George Milne of the University of WA - a 41 per cent drop.

Add in social distancing measures and other restrictions, and you cut that to just 329 people.


To me, one of the biggest gains we are likely to get from vaccination is an easing up on our hospital system, where the government is not as worried and medical staff are not as much at risk of getting covid and having to go out of circulation for a fortnight.

Once we get to that stage, other people who have serious health concerns might start to get a look in. I honestly think a lot of people are missing out on medical help they would have been able to access a lot more easily in pre covid times.

Message 191 of 371
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The plight of Victorians - Economy destruction, forced jabs, job loss, dispair - lets discuss

@springyzone wrote:

Just a general comment.

I know 4channel doesn't always follow the mainstream view and I enjoy debate as much as anyone but I do think some comments towards him are a bit on the abusive side.

I know it might not always seem so, but having someone to challenge our views is a good thing on a board, it keeps things lively.



As always, the voice of impartial reason on the boards Springy.


I also dont always agree with 4C, but I respect his right to voice his opinion and appreciate the different perspective he brings to discussions.


I share his suspicions that we are not always being told the whole truth by our elected leaders and agree with him that often there is collusion between those in high office and the leadership of large corporations and developers. I doubt that many here would disagree with this basic premise. That being the case it begs the question what really is the truth ? There are some occasions when 4C may be closer to the answer than many may think.


In the case of COVID there is a definate incentive for governments to rush through vaccines without the long term studies that would normally occur due to the economic damage COVID is inflicting. Basically they are making a lot of this stuff up on the run with only limited information.


A good example is vaccine efficacy. Originally we where told all of the vaccines where similar in their efficacy. We have only very recently been informed that studies are showing Moderna has greater efficacy and lasts longer than the other two vaccines available in Australia. I,m sure this would have influenced peoples vaccine decisions if the information was widely known, earlier in the pandemic, but it was in the governments interest to get as many people as possible vaccinated with AZ as that is what they had ordered and it was all they could get at the time.


The result is most Australians have been vaccinated with a lower performance vaccine than would otherwise have been the case. ie. Rushed decisions based on limited information not always achieving the best result.

Message 192 of 371
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The plight of Victorians - Economy destruction, forced jabs, job loss, dispair - lets discuss

@springyzone wrote:

Just a general comment.

I know 4channel doesn't always follow the mainstream view and I enjoy debate as much as anyone but I do think some comments towards him are a bit on the abusive side.

I know it might not always seem so, but having someone to challenge our views is a good thing on a board, it keeps things lively.


' Some comments are a bit on the abusive side ' :


Chairman Dan - Gladys Binchicken - more etc etc etc-ra's.


Nazis, Fascists, Communists, Medical Apartheid - I could go on.


Too numerous to even mention - questionable conspiracy sites - questionable religious sites - questionable (so called) medical sites - again I could go on.


When - just once - give an instance of where this poster was willing to discuss - debate - anything - let alone answer a simple question - I'm proudly Victorian - or whatever.


Even the title of this thread - ' let's discuss ' - a total joke.


Impartial my A$$ - impartial is being simply - no comment - given both sides are guilty - yes - both sides.


Debate away Springy.


This is just a general comment - to keep the board ' lively '.

Message 193 of 371
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The plight of Victorians - Economy destruction, forced jabs, job loss, dispair - lets discuss

I was talking in abuse as in personal, directed towards someone on the board.

I am not saying the terms fascists, communists etc have to be accepted, that's what debate is about. But I don't know that they were delivered against someone on the board.

I'm not saying it is unreasonable to question websites or information.

And I'm not saying I agree with everything 4channel says either or that he's impartial. Of course he's not, he has strong opinions.

I don't know where he's from. I am guessing interstate though or else not metro Melb as he said he knew how tough things were from talking to his sister.


My comment about 'lively' comes from a completely different perspective to what you may imagine. I have been on another board for 20 years and over that time saw some people (usually one person at a time) come into the firing line. Been there myself, briefly.

And I saw regulars often say-this board would be better off without so and so. But every time the so and so of the season left, the board would go all quiet and a bit boring.

It's all sweetness and light there now (well, mainly) with about 6 regulars (used to have about 100). Joke posts are there but the debate has gone and I used to so enjoy that board, it was such a cultural exchange as it is in England but we had regulars from Aust, USA and Canada etc

Message 194 of 371
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The plight of Victorians - Economy destruction, forced jabs, job loss, dispair - lets discuss

Throwing in a few thoughts...



I'm very definitely not opposed to differing opinions. Even the cleverest person only diminishes his/her capacity for embracing new information by blocking out different views. Today's cutting-edge renaissance man/woman can become tomorrow's stodgy leecher.


The main issue that I see in 4channel's posts, from a personal perspective, is that he provides vaccine misinformation. Vaccination against COVID-19 is a current issue of enormous importance.


I tend not to be a person who sees conspiracies everywhere. When I see evidence of dodgy dealings, I accept that information (although I try to question before accepting). I have my own biases and opinions, as all of us do... and I'm aware that we accept and remember information confirming our own views much more readily than we do with information contradicting our own views.


I'm absolutely not a fan of homeopathic medicines, primarily because demonstrating repeatable correlation between treatment and condition is able to be done with double blind randomised clinical trials... and such trials, fairly obviously, do not demonstrate a correlating or causative link. For people who want to pursue such regimes and believe in them, I tend to shrug my shoulders and let them get on with it. Free will is not there only so that people can believe, do and say what I say they should be believing, doing and saying!



I tend not to get into discussions about the core views of people where their views are obviously very set in an alternative cement. Rather, I would keep the conversation quite light and perhaps find common ground in other topics. Not only is it usually useless to try to convince a person with an opposing view that isn't based on facts, but the very act of attempting to convince them serves only to entrench those views.


There was a study done by Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler in 2010, called When Corrections Fail: The Persistence of Political Misperceptions, which concluded that ❝While our experiments focused on assessing the effectiveness of corrections, the results show that direct factual contradictions can actually strengthen ideologically grounded factual beliefs [...]❞

(My bolding and my underlining.)


So... I'm not out to persuade 4channel of anything. If 4channel ever wants to discuss this properly, of course I would seek to engage in respectful debate. But in the meantime, I do not want false information to be posted on a public board of which I'm a member, without at least addressing that false information and providing facts-based argument and the gold standard of data.




Message 195 of 371
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The plight of Victorians - Economy destruction, forced jabs, job loss, dispair - lets discuss

Pfft…. Nope! 
4C started this topic for supposed discussion on the plight of Victorians. 
So far, it’s been his platform to continue his rant on ivermectin use, his rant on the ineffectiveness of the current covid-19 vaccines, and don’t even get me started on what I’ll do if I hear him REPEAT “vaccinated people can still carry covid-19 in their nose and infect others” 😡. Like a damn broken record………. 

This IS NOT a discussion! 
So, What goes around, comes around. 4C has no issues with blatantly ignoring other posters here, and he almost only ever responds to you, Springy, or Chameleon. (Occasionally, myoclon1cjerk) ….

Everyone else, you know, those of us with opinions in the affirmative for the covid vaccine, we get ignored. 
Not to mention his tirade of abusive name calling of our political leaders, and apparently, only he knows of ‘highly respected’ doctors! 

Perhaps, 4C would like to ‘discuss’ these issues you have raised ‘Springy’ ? …. But I bet he won’t openly admit his role in it! 

********* *********** *********** ************ ************ *********** ***********
Be Kind To Nurses....
They Stop The Doctors From Killing You.
Message 196 of 371
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The plight of Victorians - Economy destruction, forced jabs, job loss, dispair - lets discuss

@springyzone wrote:

I was talking in abuse as in personal, directed towards someone on the board.


Forgive me - I forgot to mention the - disparaging - derogatory - name calling - skewed IDs - against Tippy - Stawka etc.


I also forgot to mention the comments in the same vein regarding any member of The Circle - a fun group since 2015 - the bullying - obsessive - O O O O O O.

I think most of us know ' lively ' - and there has been no lively debate or discussion - just the same old repetitive opinion of one. 


Message 197 of 371
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The plight of Victorians - Economy destruction, forced jabs, job loss, dispair - lets discuss

@countessalmirena wrote:

Throwing in a few thoughts...



I'm very definitely not opposed to differing opinions. Even the cleverest person only diminishes his/her capacity for embracing new information by blocking out different views. Today's cutting-edge renaissance man/woman can become tomorrow's stodgy leecher.


The main issue that I see in 4channel's posts, from a personal perspective, is that he provides vaccine misinformation. Vaccination against COVID-19 is a current issue of enormous importance.



I've already stated that I am not anti-vaccination and I do believe that some vaccines are helpful. I've also said that this should be an option for those who want it. I just believe that people should have a choice, a right to decide what goes into their body and what modifications are to be made.


You say I provide mis-info. I believe that you said the same thing about respected medical professor, Dr. Peter McCullough. Well I strongly disagree.  What I have posted in response, in discussions does not come from conspiracy sites. I back up what I say with info sourced from medical professionals.  Sometimes, due to the fact that mainstream news sites refuse to report on what medial experts are saying, I go to YouTube to watch things such as Dr. Peter McCullough where he testifies at the Texas Senate HHS Committe in March this year.  And there are times when I do source mainstream news, as well as sites like the one by  Michael Savage .  And this here makes sense as well as this!  And even Dr. Robert Malone, a prominent pioneer participant in mRNA technology, in an interview with Tucker Carlson questions the safety and refers to the "vaccine" as experimental. 

Besides the obvious, a good deal of this relates to what is taking place in Victoria and what gives people the motivation to express the value of their rights.



@countessalmirena wrote:


I tend not to be a person who sees conspiracies everywhere. When I see evidence of dodgy dealings, I accept that information (although I try to question before accepting). I have my own biases and opinions, as all of us do... and I'm aware that we accept and remember information confirming our own views much more readily than we do with information contradicting our own views.


I'm absolutely not a fan of homeopathic medicines, primarily because demonstrating repeatable correlation between treatment and condition is able to be done with double blind randomised clinical trials... and such trials, fairly obviously, do not demonstrate a correlating or causative link. For people who want to pursue such regimes and believe in them, I tend to shrug my shoulders and let them get on with it. Free will is not there only so that people can believe, do and say what I say they should be believing, doing and saying!



I don't see conspiracies in everything either. (IKILMOTACA) But I don't believe everything that mainstream media says either. And talking about conspiratorial stuff, it spotted Qanon as the twittleberry club for right wing versions of the feel-good lefties, failed Tea Party adherents, rednecks and confused libertarians. Oh yeah I forgot those men who may have inferiority complexes.


Oh and Flat Earthers, well, I have grown fond of them. I find their belief system quite cute. And former pro footballer David Icke, well I don't know about him. He makes sense on a fair bit of what he says but other stuff, well .. ..   it's a bit far fetched.


Occasionally a conspiracy, actually fairly often it is not a theory. It is a fact! Nearly 2 decades ago, I recall mainstream news, the shills in chat and message boards, armchair warriors and wannabe right wing commentators accusing those who opposed the Iraq war as traitors, "Kumbaya" campfire singers, Muslim lovers, self-hating Westerners, commies and yes  .. .. .. .. ..  "Tin-foil hat nutjobs".  Now it's a mainstream view the war was about oil and strategy.  Ask those accusers today what they think and a lot of them will say .. ..   "Oh no I didn't say that", "It wasn't me" etc., or they just change the subject, refuse to answer and so on.

I believe that in years to come, we will look back on today's official narrative with a wider perspective and one that exposes the narrowness of our thinking. Self imposed?


As far as homeopathic / natural therapy treatment is concerned, I'm not saying that it should ever be a replacement for a vaccine and I always support professional medical direction and consultancy for  someone wishing to implement this type of treatment into treating a serious or life threatening illness. But, let's be realistic here. Waiting for an honest result from "double blind randomised clinical trials"  could mean waiting for nothing.  These trials have been sabotaged in the past and have been done in a way to initiate a pre-determined outcome. Big Pharma has a major investment in our being unwell and their profits can only come from us being treated with their drugs or vaccines. And for them, the more expen$$$$ive the drug or vaccine treatment, the better. Like the media, Big Pharma is not here to provide a service from the goodness of their heart. Their primary existence is to make profit.


There is a good side to homeopathic treatment but that is best discussed on another thread. Some facts and findings are absolutely amazing.



@countessalmirena wrote:


I tend not to get into discussions about the core views of people where their views are obviously very set in an alternative cement. Rather, I would keep the conversation quite light and perhaps find common ground in other topics. Not only is it usually useless to try to convince a person with an opposing view that isn't based on facts, but the very act of attempting to convince them serves only to entrench those views.


There was a study done by Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler in 2010, called When Corrections Fail: The Persistence of Political Misperceptions, which concluded that ❝While our experiments focused on assessing the effectiveness of corrections, the results show that direct factual contradictions can actually strengthen ideologically grounded factual beliefs [...]❞

(My bolding and my underlining.)



Sometimes it can be as you say. That I can accept. Trying to get a Trump lover to understand that he's not in their corner or the truth about Q  being the twittleberry and "I feel good" club is an uphill battle. But quite often it an be the other way around. Talking to someone who has an

"official-version perspective" based on what they have learnt from years of watching and reading content served to them by mainstream media can initiate an internal damage control and make them retreat further into that picture of their world, molded for them by the media at the behest of whoever *wink*.




@countessalmirena wrote:


So... I'm not out to persuade 4channel of anything. If 4channel ever wants to discuss this properly, of course I would seek to engage in respectful debate. But in the meantime, I do not want false information to be posted on a public board of which I'm a member, without at least addressing that false information and providing facts-based argument and the gold standard of data.



The definition of proper discussion should never only be determined by what is considered mainstream. What is state-controlled in some countries is also corporate-controlled in others. We often form our opinions and sometimes act on what we see, read and hear via the media. Can we always be guaranteed to do this correctly if mainstream media is influenced by certain corporations? Can we rely on tests for efficacy and safety of pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines if there is outside influence involved?


What is the gold standard? Well, for money, it is explained here! 

For others, it can be in the mind of the beholder. Both me and yes ....  you!

Message 198 of 371
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The plight of Victorians - Economy destruction, forced jabs, job loss, dispair - lets discuss

@4channel wrote:


You say I provide mis-info. I believe that you said the same thing about respected medical professor, Dr. Peter McCullough.


"Respected", really ?



And this here makes sense as well as this!  And even Dr. Robert Malone, a prominent pioneer participant in mRNA technology, in an interview with Tucker Carlson questions the safety and refers to the "vaccine" as experimental. 


Maybe you should have read this about him :-


And no, I didn't cherry-pick those links either.................


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 199 of 371
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The plight of Victorians - Economy destruction, forced jabs, job loss, dispair - lets discuss

.. .. .. .. ..

@4channel wrote:


You say I provide mis-info. I believe that you said the same thing about respected medical professor, Dr. Peter McCullough.


@padi*0409 wrote:

"Respected", really ?





And this here makes sense as well as this!  And even Dr. Robert Malone, a prominent pioneer participant in mRNA technology, in an interview with Tucker Carlson questions the safety and refers to the "vaccine" as experimental. 



@padi*0409 wrote:

Maybe you should have read this about him :-



@padi*0409 wrote:

And no, I didn't cherry-pick those links either.................


A - Health feedback site doesn't make much sense. Great way to finish off an article with "Gaining traction in Qanon" etc.


B - Naughty Robert Malone. Shareholders will never forgive him for his betrayal. Mind you,  part of the article selected by you could be right. The "star" rising thing maybe something to watch for. He's a pretty good looking guy with presentation potential. Is it possible he is looking to become some kind of presenter in Alternative media or maybe an actor? He could do well in both I guess.




Is he a cross between Alan Alda and James Brolin with maybe a bit of Gilbert Roland or Ricardo Montalban thrown in for good measure? Could it be that combined with a passion for truth and distinguished looks he could be on the right track? Looking at an article about him in the Cali news site The Desert Review , I came across the below which makes sense.



Inventor of mRNA banned by the New England Journal of Medicine

by Justus R. Hope, MD Oct 7, 2021 Updated Oct 7, 2021

. . . . . . . . However, Dr. Malone's predictions about mRNA vaccine technology have not yet come to pass. When they do, perhaps he too will be accorded the same respect as Einstein. But does the world truly have to await the harsh results?



In the meantime, due to whatever it may be, mismanagement by gross incompetence, deliberate destruction of an economy and livelihoods, the valid vocal the concerns of Victorians are being ignored and drowned out.


C - Cherry-picking. You don't need to. Just type in a key word with a name and whatever comes up comes in handy.


💡 BTW: Wow padi*0409, you very seldom post here in Community Spirit.

Message 200 of 371
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