The world watches helplessly as this crisis hits Japan



Japan is facing an unthinkable crisis that’s set to change the country forever and the rest of the world can only look on in horror. We’re powerless to stop this disaster. This is most disturbing and it makes you pleased to be living in a stable country like Australia.


McDonalds in Japan is running out of french fries. I know…it’s difficult to comprehend.


Stop for a moment and imagine McDonalds without fries. Happy meals are set to become sad and angry meals overnight

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Re: The world watches helplessly as this crisis hits Japan

Even on a mild day in summer it can become extremely hot inside a car, even with the window open.  Here in Perth you would be having a nice little chat with the ranger on return to your car.



Message 11 of 37
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Re: The world watches helplessly as this crisis hits Japan

I was sitting once in the parking lot of a Burger King with my black cocker, Cleo...........while the war department was gambling at the Indian casino.  I was idly tossing french fries to a crow down on the pavement, when he decided to hop up on the hood...........poor old Cleo didn't know whether to **bleep** or go blind, but she was careful not to attract the crow's attention.

Message 12 of 37
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Re: The world watches helplessly as this crisis hits Japan




On really hot days, I leave her at home.


In Perth I doubt I would take her at all any time of the year being so hot. Melbourne is much more manageable.


I also wouldn't do it with many other types of dogs. Kelpies are used to working in hot weather, hot full sun for

long periods without water. Not saying I would purposefully leave them in the car for long periods, I don't but

they are more accustomed than most.


My first dog often used to curl up on the floor anyway and the one time I was a few minutes later than normal

coming out of the shop she had curled up on the floor in the back as it was cooler !!! Very clever dog.


This current dog doesn't lie down in the car which I would like her to do, hopefully I can train her.


I hope that allays your fears.

Message 13 of 37
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Re: The world watches helplessly as this crisis hits Japan

Where I live many dogs are restrained on the back of utes with no shade, no water and being cooked from above and below. I can not help but feel sorry for them what ever the weather is dishing out
Message 14 of 37
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Re: The world watches helplessly as this crisis hits Japan

Where do you live ?

That's the life of a dog in Rural Australia.

Message 15 of 37
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Re: The world watches helplessly as this crisis hits Japan

Hubby takes the dog to work on cooler days, she loves it. He used to take the Maltese **bleep**su sometimes too which aroused some strange looks from other tradies.




The dog refusing the cheeseburger reminded me of the one and only time my daughter tried a cheeseburger, her response was "yuck, I cant eat this, the cheese is bright yellow and tastes like nothing" I think she was 3 or 4 at the time.

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Message 16 of 37
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Re: The world watches helplessly as this crisis hits Japan

OMG, I cant believe the bleeped out part of the dog breed lol.

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Message 17 of 37
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Re: The world watches helplessly as this crisis hits Japan

I live in the safest Liberal seat in the country. Much to my disdain
Message 18 of 37
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Re: The world watches helplessly as this crisis hits Japan

And I live in ONE of the safest Labor seats in the country. Much to my disdain.

Julia Gillards old seat.

Message 19 of 37
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Re: The world watches helplessly as this crisis hits Japan

So it's been a Labor seat for nearly thirty years as that's how long mines been Liberal. I'll give you a hint, Malcolm once lived in it
Message 20 of 37
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