on 31-05-2013 03:25 PM
1. Elastane in garments like jumpers and jeans is all fine and good for making things nice and comfy-stretchy, but it tends to expand with body heat and go all baggy.
2. I hate when you have to brake sharply and your handbag, that's been sitting on the passenger seat goes flying and empties all it's contents into the footwell. Grrr!
3. Got to work and went to make a cup of coffee with our lovely coffee machine. There were three people in line in front of me at a time when people should be at their desks booting up their computers. Me included, 😄
I went away to do something and came back. Still 2 ppl in front of me. I went away and came back again, someone had barged in front of me. Finally when it was my turn the ruddy machine needed to have beans and water filled. Of those 3 people in front of me, not one of them thought to fill beans or water while they were waiting for the cups to fill! Happy just to walk away and leave it for the next person, me, who they could see was waiting. Double Grrr!
TGIF is all I can say!
on 31-05-2013 04:42 PM
yeah but then if I want to get my lippy or phone out at the lights it'd be too far too reach, and by the time it unzipped it the lights will have changed JJ :^O
You win icy:-)
on 31-05-2013 04:45 PM
People who dont replace a toilet roll, when they were the one who used the last of roll.
Toothpaste tubes that have dried toothpaste around the top so it does not close.
Empty bottles/jugs in the fridge, (if you have children you will know this one)
on 31-05-2013 04:47 PM
People who dont replace a toilet roll, when they were the one who used the last of roll.
Toothpaste tubes that have dried toothpaste around the top so it does not close.
Empty bottles/jugs in the fridge, (if you have children you will know this one)
Posters who turn 180 degrees.
on 31-05-2013 04:49 PM
ppl who would rather leave an empty chip packet on the kitchen bench because there's no liner in the bin, rather than go to the trouble of putting a liner in the bin.
on 31-05-2013 05:09 PM
JJ what a sad person you are cheer up 🙂
on 31-05-2013 06:08 PM
What gets my goolies is people who don't walk to the left.
I have to walk through Central and the city every morning and every arvo and I have to fight my way through the people on the footpath. It's worse when trying to cross at the lights and there are 50 people on the other side and they are all over the place.
Walk. To. The. Left.
It ain't that hard!
on 31-05-2013 06:10 PM
And speaking of elastane - what is wrong with stockings/tights these day? They WILL NOT stay up as the day goes on.
on 31-05-2013 07:53 PM
I've discovered the MIX brand body shapers at Coles, Martini.
Omg it takes some pulling and stretching to get them on, and when they're first on you think your oxygen supply has been cut off.
But then they shape themselves to you and you feel nicely held in all day.
on 31-05-2013 08:14 PM
Polyester gives me the goolies, but I've found someone on ebay who sells 100% cotton trackies - I agree with you martini...what have they done to leggings these days? they used to be 95% cotton 5% elastane...now I'm not sure. what they are and the sizes are all over the shop.
on 31-05-2013 08:20 PM
But don't those body shapers then push the fat (er, flesh) into a spare tyre further up? I mean
it has to go somewhere
Maybe I'm thinking of something else, lol, and I am disclaiming any allegation
whatsoever to Icy being fat as i do not know Icy and hold no ill feeling towards her
and will deny in court any claims that I am being - what - not sexist, perhaps
And what gets my goolie is those tiny cans of tuna with a loop opener and the
loop snaps and you have to struggle with a big can opener. Or the loop works but opens
with a snap and all the oily contents go all over you.