Things you used to think and now can't believe you did.

Some friends and I were having morning tea today and got to talking about our childhood and growing up and this topic came up.

One of our younger friends was talking about how when test tube babies first began being discussed on the news. She was aged about 5 or 6 at this time.

At the time she was a youngster and she believed that the babies grew inside these test tubes with the test tubes being replaced by bigger test tubes as the baby grew.

We all chuckled at that.

She was talking to her mother about it one day and asked if she could have a baby brother grown in a test tube so she could take him to school for news.

Her mother had to explain exactly what a test tube baby was.


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Re: Things you used to think and now can't believe you did.

I was doubtful about the 'keep digging down and you will get to China' story.





Message 11 of 57
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Re: Things you used to think and now can't believe you did.

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We could hear the church bells from our old house .
Oh told me his uncle used to go an ring them every hour ..

I believed him ..for a couple of years ..
Would lay in bed and hear them and say .
Poor old uncle bla bla ..must get sick of doing that !

Was only 28 then pmsl !!

Message 12 of 57
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Re: Things you used to think and now can't believe you did.

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Yeah and I was pretty blonde then rofl !
Message 13 of 57
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Re: Things you used to think and now can't believe you did.

But, but this lake of mine did go through to China, didn't you see my post? Are you saying that little boy didn't swim through from China?
Was my dad fibbing?
I'm shocked!
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Message 14 of 57
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Re: Things you used to think and now can't believe you did.

Woman LOL I am sure your Dad wasn't fibbing.

Message 15 of 57
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Re: Things you used to think and now can't believe you did.

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My dad came out here from England when he was 16 ..
Told us kids he rowed out in a little rowing boat .
We believed it for years ..

Even did a project about it in high school !!

England , Australia ,big waves ...little boat ..ha ha !

How embarrassment !
Message 16 of 57
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Re: Things you used to think and now can't believe you did.

When I was a kid, I was convinced that if I took an egg out of the refrigerator and kept it warm, it would eventually hatch.  So one day I wrapped an egg in a towel and put it under a lamp with visions dancing in my head of having my own pet chicken. I planned to name it either Henrietta or Skippy.


Well, I guess my mother wasn't the brightest bulb in the box either, because when she found out what I was doing, she started yelling at me that she didn't want any chickens in the house.

Message 17 of 57
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Re: Things you used to think and now can't believe you did.

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Ha ha at your mum artful !!
Message 18 of 57
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Re: Things you used to think and now can't believe you did.

i stopped eating bread crusts at age 5 when i heard my da tell my brother to eat them because they would put hair on his chest,lol!

taste my religion! nibble a witch! 😄
Message 19 of 57
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Re: Things you used to think and now can't believe you did.

I thought crusts were supposed to make your hair curly 🙂
Message 20 of 57
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