'This will show them'

PAEDOPHILE Dennis Ferguson chose to end his own life by suddenly stopping his diabetes medication, telling supporters he blamed police for making his life a living hell.


"This will show them," Australia's most notorious sex offender said in the days before he died at his Surry Hills flat, a Department of Housing property on Poplar Ave, a stone's throw from Sydney Grammar and other schools and childcare centres. His body laid undiscovered for several days before being found last Sunday.


Ferguson's biggest advocate, the Justice Action group campaigner Brett Collins, says police continuously "undermined" the 64-year-old's efforts to redeem himself and tipped off media about his whereabouts on at least two occasions.


"He said to people (when he stopped taking insulin), 'That will show them'," Mr Collins said.


"What we're saying is Dennis Ferguson was killed by the police."

Message 1 of 73
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'This will show them'

Show them what ??


That up untill his death he still wasn't taking responsiblity for anything he did wrong.

Message 2 of 73
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'This will show them'

The show had a good outcome though, eh?

Regardless, I never really followed the case in detail, just the general things reported around the place, but he did commit a crime for which he did serve a penalty as required by the law and then continued to be persecuted.


Yes, what he did was heineous, and I think the penalty should have been much more severe than ot was, but that is how the law says perpetrators of that ilk are to be punished.


His penalty should have ended with that which was applied by the law.


Hopefully though people with the power to take action (ie our legislators) will take notice though, as it is difficult to impose what the public would consider a reasonable or deserving penalty, when the penalties for crimes such as murder are so low.



Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 3 of 73
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'This will show them'

There is something wrong with this story / timeline the media is feeding us.

* He makes suicidal ideation talk and his supporter(s) do little or nothing and don't check on him for several days.

Even an unanswered phone call should have alerted something was not right, especially with his history.

* Shouldn't he have been subject to regular checks to make sure he is not up to anything and is staying where he was supposed to be staying - yet he is not checked for several days.

* was he an insulin dependant diabetic ??

* dead bodies smell and they smell fast, especially in hot weather - and I mean the smell is noticeable within hours. Yet he had been dead for several days apparently - in a unit block ???.

But anyway, as long as he is really gone and it is a shame he isn't taking a few more of his buddies with him.


Message 4 of 73
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'This will show them'

Community Member

The police were not responsible for the death of Dennis Ferguson but I'm sure some of them would have liked to finish him off.

Message 5 of 73
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'This will show them'

oh yes - it said insulin dependant - did not see that on first reading

Message 6 of 73
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'This will show them'

The show had a good outcome though, eh?




Regardless, I never really followed the case in detail, just the general things reported around the place, but he did commit a crime for which he did serve a penalty as required by the law and then continued to be persecuted.


Yes, what he did was heineous, and I think the penalty should have been much more severe than ot was, but that is how the law says perpetrators of that ilk are to be punished.



It was not a a crime, it was multiple crimes.

He did not serve jail time for all his crimes.

He reoffended and gave people good cause to see him as a risk to their children.

He continued to attempt to get jobs hanging around children after he was banned from doing so.


Sometimes parents just can't live and let live in their neighbourhood.

Message 7 of 73
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'This will show them'

The Sunday Telegraph can reveal Ferguson had been living in a 10th-floor unit for at least two years, within walking distance of five childcare centres and eight schools, including one for children with special needs, in Bourke St.



I don't know why anyone in authority would think it was OK to place a man like that in such close proximity to several childcare centres and schools.

Still doing what he was not allowed to do.

Ferguson's latest court case represented the second time he had been caught trying to land charity work that could put him in contact with children, after The Daily Telegraph revealed he was selling biscuits for the RSPCA under a false name. The charity has overhauled its screening policy as a result.

Message 8 of 73
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'This will show them'

Friends say Ferguson left no suicide note and was feeling confident about his upcoming court case, after being caught trying to sign up to do volunteer work with children in Bondi Junction in October and November. (2012)

Message 9 of 73
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'This will show them'

Parents need to do better in protecting their children....they should be safe...but the reality is, they aren't.

At the very least, we all knew who this man was and what he looked like, not so with many others.

Message 10 of 73
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