Those bluebloods are picking on 'Our Barnaby" again


eating their own before parliament even begins

 The Australian June 28, 2013

NATIONALS Senate leader Barnaby Joyce has called on incoming federal treasurer Chris Bowen to “show his mettle” by rejecting a rural industry takeover that farmers believe will hand control of east coast grain exports to a US corporate giant.

Senator Joyce stepped up his objections to the proposed $3.4 billion bid for GrainCorp, declaring it would be against the national interest for Australia’s biggest grain handler to fall into the hands of global grains trader Archer Daniels Midland.


Sunday Telegraph November 09, 2013 7:00PM

BARNABY Joyce has told colleagues his position on Tony Abbott's front bench may prove ''untenable'' if the sale of GrainCorp proceeds, but he denied threatening to resign.

The Deputy Nationals leader has been the subject of a vicious smear campaign by Liberal colleagues who have accused him of bullying and threatening Treasurer Joe Hockey over the sale.

Open warfare has erupted between the Coalition parties with senior Nationals also accusing Mr Hockey and others of peddling lies about Nationals leader Warren Truss's position on a second Sydney airport at Badgerys Creek.

Mr Joyce said he would continue to stand up for farmers, who he feared would get a lower price at the farm gate under the sale. "They will get held over a barrel,'' he said.

Liberal ministers have said they hope Mr Joyce will resign, with one quipping: "I didn't think it would be this easy to get rid of him."

atheism is a non prophet organization
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Those bluebloods are picking on 'Our Barnaby" again

I hope Mr Joyce can prevail but I think it's a tiny David against a gargantuan Goliath kind of battle he faces

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Those bluebloods are picking on 'Our Barnaby" again

@icyfroth wrote:

I hope Mr Joyce can prevail but I think it's a tiny David against a gargantuan Goliath kind of battle he faces

its all pretend anyway. barnabas is grandstanding for nats voters.  with a senate election inevitable in WA Smiley Wink


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Those bluebloods are picking on 'Our Barnaby" again

@lakeland27 wrote:

@icyfroth wrote:

I hope Mr Joyce can prevail but I think it's a tiny David against a gargantuan Goliath kind of battle he faces

its all pretend anyway. barnabas is grandstanding for nats voters.  with a senate election inevitable in WA Smiley Wink


He's picked a good grandstand then

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Those bluebloods are picking on 'Our Barnaby" again

He made company with blue a guy who owns a poodle is not 'from the country'

Message 5 of 8
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Those bluebloods are picking on 'Our Barnaby" again

@topsidesoul wrote:

He made company with blue a guy who owns a poodle is not 'from the country'

Smiley Very Happy


oh dear...a bit of reverse elitism there...nice one!

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Those bluebloods are picking on 'Our Barnaby" again

Going forward,I hope the Indians buy it.I just love naan.
Message 7 of 8
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Those bluebloods are picking on 'Our Barnaby" again

@spotweldersfriend wrote:
Going forward,I hope the Indians buy it.I just love naan.

I think you also might have a big red nose, spot.

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