on 02-01-2015 03:34 PM
Hi all,
With bush fires raging in 3 States - lives and homes at risk, just wanted to share - thoughts are with those who may be effected and so hope it is does not effect anyone here
A sad start to the New Year for many . . . . . . . .
on 04-01-2015 01:02 PM
snagged these of a friend of a friends FB page
on 04-01-2015 01:13 PM
Oh dear Lord, hope everyone is okay. Just saw this on the US news. Such a tragedy.
04-01-2015 01:20 PM - edited 04-01-2015 01:20 PM
OMGoodness, the first photo looks like the area you took us riding yesterday - a stark contrast
Second photo could almost look pretty except you know it's not a pretty sight at all
Third photo - well that has reduced me to tears - cannot imagine the fear in the heart of the person taking that photo - totally encompassed in fire - an amazing photo - but geeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I hope the photographer is ok - technology being what it is today and all ! (Can't say what I'm thinking)
The last two being the aftermath are so sad - to see the extent as far as the eye can see - but hopefully a piece of good news as it appears that house survived somehow
The colour contrasts are amazing - from glowing heat to what could almost appear to be snow
I do hope everyone is OK and a huge cheers to all the fire fighters who do such an amazing job and risk their lives
on 04-01-2015 01:40 PM
I hope that everyone is safe.
on 04-01-2015 01:48 PM
I dont know who took them but from a few others they had posted I think they may be a firey because they were way close in some of the other photo's they posted.
Looking at the CFS incedent page today it looks like even more fires have popped up
if you go to this page and then click on the map symbul on the right, and then scroll down the page there is a map with current fires
Thick some here at times as the wind changes.
on 04-01-2015 01:54 PM
RIP to all the dogs/cats left behind in the boarding kennels to fend for themselves 😞
on 04-01-2015 01:59 PM
That story was horrific - sounded like they didn't have much warning or stand a chance of evacuating in time, so sad. Can't imagine how the kennel/cattery owners must be feeling
on 04-01-2015 02:07 PM
Hawk, at least the first two photos are not from the SA Fires. The first one is on a web page from back in 2009.
on 04-01-2015 02:10 PM
The third one wasn't even in Australia. It's from a fire in Texas.
on 04-01-2015 02:17 PM
hmm interesting that someone would be posting old pictures