Tony Abbott's Support Page

A reminder of the debt that Australia has, while Labor can bury their heads and deny it exists the fact remains we have a huge problem with debt and sooner than later the chips will fall, no business, no state and no country can keep operating in the red, eventually those we own the money to will own us. Who will own us?
The state of Qld has debt of $80 billion dollars, Labor are saying they don’t think it’s that bad, Bill Shorten on Australia’s debt, there is no debt crisis, there is a crisis and we are in this situation because of Labor, no one else and the bottom line is Labor can’t fix this problem, their speciality is creating debt not fixing debt.

Message 1 of 1,773
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1,772 REPLIES 1,772

Re: Tony Abbott's Support Page

I suppose it's your perogative to quote a little bulldog like Miranda Devine though I'm not sure why.


Miranda Devine - 2011


WHAT is it about women that makes them such prodigious whistleblowers?

Last week we saw Kathy Jackson, national secretary of the Health Services Union, refusing to back down to the jeering mob at the scandal-racked organisation’s annual conference.

She is fighting to clean up the HSU, and no amount of name-calling, shovels at her front door, intimidation and votes of no confidence will stop her.


Jackson, 45, never saw herself as a feminist superhero, but her determination to stand up to the union is fast making her an inspiration to other women.


I've just quoted the bits I like but the whole blog is here.


Message 1721 of 1,773
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Re: Tony Abbott's Support Page


TONY Abbott will become the first Australian Prime Minister to pay respects at the grave of indigenous land rights campaigner Eddie Mabo as he begins a week-long trip to the Torres Strait.


Mr Abbott will today visit the remote Mer, which is also known as Murray Island, which is Mabo’s ancestral homeland that was the focus of the landmark legal battle over native title.


The historic visit will kick off a series of official visits by Mr Abbott and other senior ministers across Australia’s northernmost region as part of the PM’s vow to spend a week every year in an indigenous community.


High unemployment, poor levels of school attendance, health and safety will be the focus of Mr Abbott’s trip, which he said he wanted to use to make a practical difference to the remote community.


“Every indigenous community is different, but the foundations of success are the same — it’s getting kids to school, adults into work and making communities safe,” Mr Abbott said.


“That is where we must focus, if we are to make meaningful progress.

“We are a great country but we will not be everything we can be until indigenous people are participating fully in our national life.”


Entire Article Here



Message 1722 of 1,773
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Re: Tony Abbott's Support Page

great minds Woman Very Happy


was just about to post some pics



Prime Minister Tony Abbott has touched down on an island in the Torres Strait to honour his promise to spend a week each year in indigenous communities.

Mr Abbott was officially welcomed to the Torres Strait by children and elders on Horn Island on Sunday evening, ahead of his week in the region.










Message 1723 of 1,773
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Re: Tony Abbott's Support Page



with members of the indigenous marathon

foundation  Smiley Happy

Message 1724 of 1,773
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Re: Tony Abbott's Support Page

He looks really confused trying to put that tent up 😄

Message 1725 of 1,773
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Re: Tony Abbott's Support Page

@j*oono wrote:

He looks really confused trying to put that tent up 😄

he does  Woman LOL



can't blame him for trying Smiley Happy

Message 1726 of 1,773
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Re: Tony Abbott's Support Page


Abbott calls for tighter control of Q&A


TONY Abbott has labelled Q&A "a bit out of control" after ABC management was forced to apologise to the prime minister over an offensively-tagged tweet.


THE already under-fire program displayed a tweet on Monday night which carried the handle @AbbottLovesAnal.

It prompted ABC managing director Mark Scott to send Mr Abbott a text saying sorry on Tuesday morning.
The ABC insists the tweet was not displayed on purpose with a spokesman saying the public broadcaster regretted any offence it may have caused.


The apology came after Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull contacted Mr Scott early on Tuesday morning.


He described the latest incident as "a Groundhog Day moment yet again", a reference to the Mallah broadcast.


It was "another unedifying incident at Q&A".


"The tweet should obviously never have been put on the screen and the fact that it was underlines the need for better supervision of the program."


Labor's communications spokesman Jason Clare agreed anybody who saw the tweet would think it was offensive.


"It's important that steps are taken to make sure that something like that never happens again," he told ABC TV.


The ABC will be removing the tweet from any re-broadcasts of Monday's program, unlike repeats of the Mallah episode.
Q&A already is subject to an independent review by former SBS chief Shaun Brown and respected TV journalist Ray Martin.


Government frontbencher Greg Hunt believes the publication of the Twitter handle was deliberate.


"They can say it was a terrible accident, but why would you choose a tweet that says 'I prefer ones twitter feed to their biographies' - it's almost completely meaningless," Mr Hunt told radio 3AW.


"The substance of the tweet was not the reason it was chosen."
Entire Article Here
Message 1727 of 1,773
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Re: Tony Abbott's Support Page

@icyfroth wrote:


He (Turnbull) described the latest incident as "a Groundhog Day moment yet again", a reference to the Mallah broadcast.


Government frontbencher Greg Hunt believes the publication of the Twitter handle was deliberate.


"They can say it was a terrible accident, but why would you choose a tweet that says 'I prefer ones twitter feed to their biographies' - it's almost completely meaningless," Mr Hunt told radio 3AW.


Poor form from Malcolm, who needs to display a better command of the English language. Any reference to "Groundhog Day" encapsulates an event that re-occurs. The use of "again" is redundant.


Hunt, a man totally lacking in charm, who would gladly run over a Yakka Skink on his way to the opening of a coal mine, is just strirring the pot here. The Q & A tweets are all about content - the Twitter handles are immaterial and largely go un-noticed. The comment isn't meaningless - most pollies biographies are about as exciting as a slide evening with Eric Abetz.


Somebody with a naughty Twitter handle made an innocuous comment and it slipped past the keeper and on to our screens. Obviously civilization as we know it is coming to an end. The coalition can't put a foot right lately, so this attempt to paint the event as some kind of leftist conspiracy is the best they can come up with to divert attention. Oh yeah, and asking the Yanks to ask us to bomb Syria.

Message 1728 of 1,773
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Re: Tony Abbott's Support Page

Somebody with a naughty Twitter handle made an innocuous comment and it slipped past the keeper and on to our screens.



do you think that was the first time

it happened?  



Poor form from Malcolm, who needs to display a better command of the English language. Any reference to "Groundhog Day" encapsulates an event that re-occurs. The use of "again" is redundant.


not really but:

" a groundhog day all over again"

would have been better. 

Message 1729 of 1,773
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Re: Tony Abbott's Support Page

Community Member

This tweet was offensive on all counts and can't be poo poo'ed away by grammatical namby pamby nit picking.


I hope Turnbull is sacked from the front bench, then a minister with a bit of innards should then cut back, severely cut back the $billion a year we are paying for this left wing arm of Labor.


Imagine if this tweet happened when Gillard was PM? should we then surmise that she likes it? therefore coming to the conclusion that she is homosexual.

Message 1730 of 1,773
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