Tony Abbott's Support Page

A reminder of the debt that Australia has, while Labor can bury their heads and deny it exists the fact remains we have a huge problem with debt and sooner than later the chips will fall, no business, no state and no country can keep operating in the red, eventually those we own the money to will own us. Who will own us?
The state of Qld has debt of $80 billion dollars, Labor are saying they don’t think it’s that bad, Bill Shorten on Australia’s debt, there is no debt crisis, there is a crisis and we are in this situation because of Labor, no one else and the bottom line is Labor can’t fix this problem, their speciality is creating debt not fixing debt.

Message 1 of 1,773
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Tony Abbott's Support Page

@icyfroth wrote:

@am*3 wrote:

Two sides to a discussion - support for Tony Abbott or no support for Tony Abbottt....a  good discussion if both views are allowed to contribute without being attacked.. Attack the topic not the poster.

I agree. 

Good, will see less of the personal attacks now I hope.

Message 681 of 1,773
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Tony Abbott's Support Page

@idlewhile wrote:

broelman-sept-12.jpgPlenty more where this comes from.

@idlewhile wrote:

You are not on topic thank you. All those offensive pictures you post are not pertinent to this thread.


Message 682 of 1,773
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Tony Abbott's Support Page

me?... no.. can't stand the man


but if others can show non supportive tony abbott posts here by posting Bill Shorten cartoons., why can't I post here as well?


and just had to clear up the misconception that all newspapers not owned by Rupert Murdoch are leftie papers,  I mean you know, why should anyone have an opinion anyway, we should all just do as he says would be good for our country ( he might move back here one day, you never know)



i hope it's obvious to you now that abbott has plenty of support from one very large media empire ( though most people aren't taking any notice of his papers now as is obvious by all the polls, even newscorps galaxy poll)   Woman LOL


he picked a sure loser this time

Message 683 of 1,773
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Tony Abbott's Support Page

@am*3 wrote:

@icyfroth wrote:

@am*3 wrote:

Two sides to a discussion - support for Tony Abbott or no support for Tony Abbottt....a  good discussion if both views are allowed to contribute without being attacked.. Attack the topic not the poster.

I agree. 

Good, will see less of the personal attacks now I hope.

Well going by one of your earlier posts, individual posters can comment according to their own opinions.

Message 684 of 1,773
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Tony Abbott's Support Page

icy - why do you think Tony Abbott's support is dropping so dramatically? From his backbenchers & some of his MP's right down to the people voting in the polls?

Message 685 of 1,773
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Tony Abbott's Support Page

I am laughing, but I am not the name caller  Woman LOL

Message 686 of 1,773
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Tony Abbott's Support Page

@icyfroth wrote:

@am*3 wrote:

@icyfroth wrote:

@am*3 wrote:

Two sides to a discussion - support for Tony Abbott or no support for Tony Abbottt....a  good discussion if both views are allowed to contribute without being attacked.. Attack the topic not the poster.

I agree. 

Good, will see less of the personal attacks now I hope.

Well going by one of your earlier posts, individual posters can comment according to their own opinions.

Of course they can, personal disputes/attacks always contravene board usage policy though...


What is the saying? - something like if you have to resort to a personal attack you have lost the argument?


“Insults are the arguments by those who are in the wrong” (Jean-Jacques Rousseau; French Philosopher, 1712 – 1778) 

Message 687 of 1,773
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Tony Abbott's Support Page

@am*3 wrote:

icy - why do you think Tony Abbott's support is dropping so dramatically? From his backbenchers & some of his MP's right down to the people voting in the polls?

I am quite prepared to stay on topic. Would you care to give an answer to this question?


I will add another question.


If Abbott is dumped (lack of support) do you think Turnbull will replace him?

Message 688 of 1,773
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Tony Abbott's Support Page

@am*3 wrote:

Going by some attitudes, one can  start a thread about a particular topic and demand only positive comments that agree with the opening post. No differing views allowed. That is not how discussion boards work fortunately.


Cartoons and photo's from Aust daily newspapers are rated as suitable for general public... they are not offensive.

and does it mean that if a person starts a thread they can call people names?

Message 689 of 1,773
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Tony Abbott's Support Page

No it doesn't. Bad look imo.

Message 690 of 1,773
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