Tony Abbott’s latest 15 lies



Tony Abbott’s dishonest speech this week confirms fact-checking in federal politics remains a faraway fantasy, writes IA’s fact-checking guru Alan Austin





Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
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Tony Abbott’s latest 15 lies

@i-need-a-martini wrote:

Really what? I don't understand what you are asking.


Two guys died over 2 months - both because they undertook dangerous practices. The first because he had been given no training in the shonky company he worked in and stapled metal straight into the foil. The second was a trained insulator who used incorrect equipment and procedures even though his company had proper equipment available to him. Instead of the plastic fastenings he was supposed to use he used metal.


Metal stapling into the foil was banned at that point and then later (when it was found that companies were still not adhering to OH&S standards) the use of foil was banned althogether. That was a few months after the first death so it was probably in Feb2010 as you say.


Prior to that the installation of foil was not banned so I am not sure what you mean when you ask if 18000 QLD homes were using banned practices prior to Feb 2010?




Didn't they staple through the foil into the electrical wiring?



Message 21 of 24
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Tony Abbott’s latest 15 lies

They should never have used foil in the first place...insulation doesn't have foil...that's sarking they used.  It conducts electrical current = zap, you're dead.

Message 22 of 24
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Tony Abbott’s latest 15 lies

Yes, they did staple into wires and the foil got electrified; it puzzles me that people think that tradesmen need special training to know that stapling into live electric wires is not a good idea. 


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 23 of 24
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Tony Abbott’s latest 15 lies

I see my suggestion that all  like minded Myopics  hold hands and sing Gumbuya was taken seriously !

SN: "Tony Abbott’s dishonest speech this week confirms fact-checking in federal politics remains a faraway fantasy"
That is an obsevation that could also read: 'fact-checking in CS remains a faraway fantasy"

SN, I would never put Lloyd Blankfien on  my list of respected financial organisations CEOs, here is just a few reasons why:
"Goldman Sachs the bank which sold investments in American sub-prime mortgages, while at the same time betting against them.
"Goldman Sachs admits it misled investors, pays $550M fine"

" what Goldman Sachs did in shorting the mortgage market was “like selling a car with faulty brakes, then buying an insurance policy on the buyer of those cars.”

As for Blankfien speaking,  he is not exactly forthcoming when it comes to unscripted questioning:

"Goldman Sachs chief executive, Lloyd Blankfien, spoke at a business forum in Sydney this morning, but the media was not allowed to ask any questions."

More Gumbuya ladies?



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