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Forum Posts

The big 50

I reached the big 50 today. Got very spoilt by my partner and family. Went out to dinner last night and lunch today. I am feeling very happy and loved right now. if this is the 50s bring them on.

The Block!

Who do you like the most? Or who do you dislike the most? I quite like them all except the twin girls. Maybe I catch them on the wrong days but they seem to have a selfish super entitlement attitude.I haven't seen all the episodes, maybe not even hal...

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Resolved! Help with reading glasses

Whats the best way to clean them. Mine seem to always have a smear on them and its annoying the carp out of me. I've used the spray they give you, I've used windex..................nothing!!!!! Help please!!

Tony Abbott’s latest 15 lies

Tony Abbott’s dishonest speech this week confirms fact-checking in federal politics remains a faraway fantasy, writes IA’s fact-checking guru Alan Austin.


Should I Be Worried?

I am a bit concerned about Mr. Elephant - he watches 'Housos' and thinks it's funny. I am more concerned about my SIL - she watches it and thinks it's a documentary.

Same sex marriage around the corner for NSW.

I don't normally cut and paste but this news is too good not to give you the full details. NSW government and in particular through the staff at the Attorney Generals Dept have been putting a lot of effort into making this happen over the last decade...

Poor Australia

The world's richest banker, Goldman Sachs chief executive Lloyd Blankfein, thinks Australia's fretting about its economic circumstances is a bit of a laugh.