Tony drives Kevin to the brink, Kevin happily skipped over

Community Member




Tony Abbott drove Rudd to the brink then  the Ruddster happily skipped over the edge. The weird moment when Rudd demanded a handshake & a promise from Abbott to "vote Labor"


Rudd needed a breakthrough but he really didn't have anything to use for a battering ram against Abbott.

Whether anybody wants to nit pick about who won the debate I say "who cares" but all the pundits except for the Biongiorno's of the media gave it to Abbott.


The alarming moment when he made foreign investment cuts, was policy on the moment & a frightening thought bubble & when he lied to the audience about the Garden Island closure he sealed his own fate.


Ch 7 gave it to Abbott 67% to Rudd 28% but hey! who's counting.


read on from Paul Kelly:


IT was a western Sydney audience and the questions better suited Tony Abbott. He was confident, on message, punchy, tighter and had the best of the third debate against Kevin Rudd.


The Prime Minister is faltering under pressure. After his highly dubious naval re-location policy on Tuesday, last night he produced an on-the-run populist switch in foreign investment policy to be tougher than the Coalition, warning against "open slather" in land.

This creates a dangerous moment in the election and for foreign investment policy.

Rudd's problem is that he cannot win on Labor's record and he cannot escape that record. There is now a palpable sense of desperation in Rudd's approach.


Last night the Opposition Leader delivered his best performance of the three debates. This is despite Rudd's ongoing success in attacking his unjustified and extravagant paid parental leave scheme.


Abbott was more comfortable than Rudd with the western Sydney agenda. Above all, he got two things right: he kept selling his policies as an economic growth/job creation manifesto and he hammered the idea of Rudd over-promising and under-delivering.

Much of the questioning centred on jobs, the economy, trust and small business


Abbott was effective in depicting Rudd as a scare merchant; he mocked the Prime Minister's emphasis on long-range policy that failed to deliver upfront; he sold himself in contrast to Rudd as a future prime minister who would "under promise and over deliver"; and he dismissed the Labor years, saying "the circus has got to stop".

There may be a different atmospheric between the impression in the room and the impression watching on television.

Abbott, aware he was the front-runner, avoided any major blunder.

Rudd, aware that he had to strike a lethal blow, pushed too hard and was unconvincing outside the PPL scheme where an audience member asked Abbott the killer question about millionaires.


The emphasis on "spending other people's money" was ideal for Abbott.

When Rudd said he wouldn't apologise for having "vision", Abbott seized the opportunity: he invoked a "nightmare" and referred to Labor's record of failures from Fuel Watch, Grocery Choice, and trade training centres.

On foreign investment the Prime Minister is playing for the Bob Katter vote.


Rudd went out of his way to distance himself from Abbott's "free market" outlook. He wanted a "more cautious" policy on foreign investment in land than the Coalition.

Suddenly, Abbott looked Mr Responsible on foreign investment. Rudd wants those Katter preferences. Watch for a backlash against Abbott from the populist right. This is now risky and unpredictable.


This was the best debate of the three. The questions were different and more geared to western Sydney economic priorities.

Abbott spoke less than Rudd and stayed more on message. He was calm, measured and controlled.

The enduring impression was Rudd as challenger to Abbott as front-runner.


Labor has bet the house for nearly four years that Abbott would commit political suicide. Unsurprisingly, he didn't comply, yet again.



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Tony drives Kevin to the brink, Kevin happily skipped over

It's all in your mind faun hahahaha

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Tony drives Kevin to the brink, Kevin happily skipped over

Maybe, but it's in a lot of people's minds as the election nears. Heart

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Tony drives Kevin to the brink, Kevin happily skipped over

Actually, I watched the whole debate, and TA was nervous and babbled as always.  Rudd was confident, spoke with ease and tried to get some message through.  Not sure he was successful, unfortunately many issues are just too complicated for many people. 


***For instance the lady who thought it would be a a good idea if people would be able to access their super to buy a house and then second house as an investment.  Right, the first house could have some benefit, but house market is not always the best investment, I know people who bought their first house (with huge mortgage) in early 1980s and year later the house was worth lot less.  If they could not keep up the repayments and had to sell they would have been in huge trouble.  Secondly, if everybody was able to buy their own house who would then rent their second one?  Not to mention that if everybody would be able to access their super to get their 1st house, the number of home buyers would increase dramatically and that would push the price of houses up unless there were many more houses built. 


***The second was the lady worried about sale of land to foreign interests.  The Cubby Station was on the market for years, there just was nobody in Australia who would take it on.  I do agree with Rudd that there should be very strict controls, but in the end of the day we do need the o/s investment.

Who owns the farm?


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
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Tony drives Kevin to the brink, Kevin happily skipped over

YET ANOTHER  RUDD THOUGHT BUBBLE that his party had no idea at all about and will not do


Labor has 'no plans' to change rules on foreign buyers of Australian land


AGRICULTURE Minister Joel Fitzgibbon has undercut Kevin Rudd's hardline comments on foreign investment, saying Labor has no plans to ramp up scrutiny of overseas buyers or force foreign investors into joint ventures with Australian firms.]


The Prime Minister last night flagged a crackdown on foreign investment, saying he was “anxious” about an “open-slather approach” to land purchases by overseas buyers.


He told a televised people's forum in Sydney last night that “we need to adopt a more cautious approach” to foreign investment in agricultural land, and “we need a better joint-venture approach”.


Opposition assistant treasury spokesman Mathias Cormann today described the pitch as a “thought bubble”, saying Mr Rudd “should be more circumspect in the way in which he reflects on these sort of things”.


Mr Fitzgibbon said Labor wanted to boost public confidence in foreign investment, but had no plans for specific measures beyond an agricultural land ownership register.



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Tony drives Kevin to the brink, Kevin happily skipped over

@silverfaun wrote:



Ch 7 gave it to Abbott 67% to Rudd 28% but hey! who's counting.





Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 6 of 38
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Tony drives Kevin to the brink, Kevin happily skipped over


Opposition assistant treasury spokesman Mathias Cormann today described the pitch as a “thought bubble”, saying Mr Rudd “should be more circumspect in the way in which he reflects on these sort of things”.




Mathias Cormann is welcome to return to wherever he came from any time he likes.


I would prefer leaders who are at least prepared to consider the wishes of the electorate than pigs like him who only care to please billionaires in return for favours.


He would be better suited as an imitation Arnie voice over person.

Message 7 of 38
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Tony drives Kevin to the brink, Kevin happily skipped over

My OH has now taken to giving predictions about what channel 7 will say the day after...he was right! Woman LOL

Message 8 of 38
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Tony drives Kevin to the brink, Kevin happily skipped over

FN: "Mathias Cormann is welcome to return to wherever he came from any time he likes."
"I would prefer leaders who are at least prepared to consider the wishes of the electorate than pigs like him who only care to please billionaires in return for favours."

I  could be guessing,  but think his comments on being circumspect in one's reflections obviously did not resonate with yourself FN.

Myopic Tongues2 Small.jpg

Message 9 of 38
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Tony drives Kevin to the brink, Kevin happily skipped over


Channel 10 gave it to rudd by a long shot    56%

                                  rabbit     23%

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