Treasurer putting a hold on parliamentary salary increases

Surprise, surprise.

What a desperate last minute stunt.

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Re: Treasurer putting a hold on parliamentary salary increases

I take it, that it was all OK for RUDD the DUDD to freeze polition wages in 2008


And  the coalition screamed from the rooftops......STUNT..STUNT.

What a bunch of hypocrites.

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Re: Treasurer putting a hold on parliamentary salary increases

"When Kevin Rudd announced a salary freeze for all politicians in early 2008 - a decision greeted with bipartisan loathing around the corridors - Mr Abbott remarked that it was "all very well for politicians who have other sources of income or who have very high income from their spouses"


I also read somewhere today, can't remember where, that the freeze is only for pollies and lower ranking public servants. Those at the top will remain untouched. Can't have the decision makers unhappy can we. 


there's also this. 


Kevin Rudd freezes the pay of politicians

Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Broadcast: 14/02/2008


KEVIN RUDD: We're not calling on working families to engage in some sort of freeze on their wage claims or wage outcomes. Working families are already are under financial pressure.


BRENDAN NELSON, FEDERAL OPPOSITION LEADER: Obviously the Opposition supports a freeze on MPs pay over the next year. It just sends a signal to everyday Australians that we want to make a contribution.


TONY ABBOTT, OPPOSITION FRONTBENCHER: Well, I think it's a bit of a populist stunt. It's the easiest trick in the book to slag off politicians.

BRONWYN BISHOP, OPPOSITION FRONTBENCHER: Probably the Prime Minister won't feel it. I think he's worth $20 million, isn't he?

REPORTER: His wife certainly is. Do you think...

BRONWYN BISHOP: He's a kept man!

MICHAEL JOHNSON, OPPOSITION BACKBENCHER: It's a stunt, it's a total stunt.



Message 12 of 16
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Re: Treasurer putting a hold on parliamentary salary increases

Ohhhh! What disaster to befall our pollies.

Someone that earns $1,000.00 or more per day will surely striggle without an increase in pay.


Poor beggars is all I can say.



Message 13 of 16
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Re: Treasurer putting a hold on parliamentary salary increases

That's struggle, not striggle.

Message 14 of 16
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Re: Treasurer putting a hold on parliamentary salary increases

What a hollow, cynical gesture.  It has transpired that the Remuneration Tribunal had already decided to do this a while ago.

And phoney tony wants to claim it as some sort of "look at us, sharing the burden" moment.  Please, we're not that gullible.

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Message 15 of 16
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Re: Treasurer putting a hold on parliamentary salary increases

@lind9650 wrote:

That's struggle, not striggle.

I prefer "striggle".

Message 16 of 16
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