Very sad day for Australia to see this in the press about the Prime Minister

These comments on the Pravda website. 


  • I seriously hope President Putin washes his hands and sterilizes them after touching the grubby paw of Abbott. Tony Abbott displays a degree of insolence, arrogance and incompetence.
  • Once again, we see a country whose political class is divorced from the collective will of its people yet we see a politician who thinks it is cool to be rude, insolent, insulting, impolite, impertinent, unpolished, gross, unpleasant and downright impudent.


Many more comments too. I'm sure many Australians, though not all, are very disappointed to have our country's leader spoken of this way. I've read lots of derogatory comments from various news websites from around the world and it seems he has trashed the position and how we are viewed by many other countries. And I stress not every country is knocking him but enough to know that he is not popular. 


"Tony Abbott said today that he will "shirtfront" Russian president Vladimir Putin when the pair meet at the G20 meeting in Brisbane next month."  Is this seriously how we treat other world leaders? What happened to open dialogue and discussion? 


We were once so admired for our leaders as statesmen, from both sides of politics. Tony Abbott has brought much criticism and shame and embarrassment to the position. No matter what side of politics, the position of Prime Minister should be held with respect but when we have one in the position who bullies and insults world leaders, then it is their prerogative to comment.


It is going to take some doing to win back the respect we once held.  





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Very sad day for Australia to see this in the press about the Prime Minister

@purplecarrot-top wrote:
Why would the the leader of a country threaten another leader with personal violence?

So if Abbott shirt fronts Putin would Putin's body guards be within their rights to shoot Abbott?

abbott would have about as much chance of doing that as hockey would of running a marathon.Woman LOL

Message 51 of 75
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Very sad day for Australia to see this in the press about the Prime Minister

Smiley Surprised  do some people think

abbott meant it literally? Smiley Surprised



really? Smiley SurprisedWoman LOLSmiley LOLRobot LOLMan LOLCat LOL







Tony Abbott Vladimir Putin shirtfront gif

Message 52 of 75
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Very sad day for Australia to see this in the press about the Prime Minister

No, I think he talks big & wants everyone to think he's a real he-man. He'll probably just shake hands with Putin though it was a stupid thing for him to say. It only made him look pathetic.
Message 53 of 75
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Very sad day for Australia to see this in the press about the Prime Minister

@purplecarrot-top wrote:
Why would the the leader of a country threaten another leader with personal violence?

So if Abbott shirt fronts Putin would Putin's body guards be within their rights to shoot Abbott?

i do believe putin would be

awarded a 'free kick'


Message 54 of 75
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Very sad day for Australia to see this in the press about the Prime Minister

@debra9275 wrote:
No, I think he talks big & wants everyone to think he's a real he-man. He'll probably just shake hands with Putin though it was a stupid thing for him to say. It only made him look pathetic.

i'm actually surprised how much

support there is for what he said Smiley Surprised



sure everyone is taking the **bleep** -

completely justified -

but ultimately they think he said

what a lot of australians want to

to say to putin.




could he possibly mean he wanted to

challenge putin?  thinking about this logically -

i think so. 


Seems kind of violent, and aggressive. It's no wonder such a move is illegal. However, in other codes of football to 'shirt-front' involves a move that's a little less confronting, involving grabbing another player by the top of the shift, to signify a challenge -- this may have been what Abbot meant, given he's more of a Rugby League kind of man.


No doubt the good majority of Australians are angry at Putin's response to the MH17 disaster and unhappy about the fact he will be arriving here shortly for the G20 Summit. Putin certainly has serious questions to answer. And, yes, a standard conversation is unlikely to provoke much of a response regarding just what happened. But no amount of shirt-fronting, chest-baring or other attempts at proving one's masculinity is going to improve the situation.

Message 55 of 75
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Very sad day for Australia to see this in the press about the Prime Minister

What support is that Julia? & where was that article published? One of the Murdoch papers?

Yes, the majority of Australian's were not happy with Putin's response to the MH 17 disaster. Yes, he has some serious questions to answer.

But shirtfront him? Stupid thing to say however way anyone wants to try and justify it. I've never heard a world leader make a threatening comment like that, ever. Have you?

Message 56 of 75
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Very sad day for Australia to see this in the press about the Prime Minister

@*julia*2010 wrote:

You, on the other hand can only find outrage on behalf of a few posters on a Russian website who feel insulted by Mr Abbotts words.



the mouthpiece for the communist

party which translates to "truth" -


still laughing about that one


Woman LOLSmiley LOLRobot LOLMan LOLCat LOL

So you didn't see the news reports in the (non-Murdoch) press in this country and the social commentary in general.


Mst sensible people in this country were appalled at his choice of words.

Message 57 of 75
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Very sad day for Australia to see this in the press about the Prime Minister


Vladimir Putin's official spokesman has described Prime Minister Tony Abbott's comments about "shirtfronting" the Russian leader as "very unfortunate".





that's a polite way of looking at it

Message 58 of 75
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Very sad day for Australia to see this in the press about the Prime Minister

where was that article published? One of the Murdoch papers?


what made you think that?

Message 59 of 75
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Very sad day for Australia to see this in the press about the Prime Minister

@*julia*2010 wrote:

where was that article published? One of the Murdoch papers?


what made you think that?




i'm actually surprised how much

support there is for what he said :smileysurprised:



it was those words


I've read the SMH article with the cartoon you posted came from and down the bottom of the page there is a poll



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