Voting (yes it's political)

I'm curious to find out if people that voted at the last election for the LNP whether you care about the broken promises or whether you don't believe that they have broken any?


This baffles me.

Message 1 of 44
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Voting (yes it's political)

I can't believe that ANY Australian can be OK with ALL of it...let alone defend a Government who wants to put in place policies which completely ignore it's Governmental responsibilties NOT to deny the Human Rights to any people let alone the very people who elected them and pay their wages.Are we still on the planet Earth?

Message 2 of 44
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Voting (yes it's political)

Thw rent seeking, rusted on myopics won't admit to that.:)
Message 3 of 44
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Voting (yes it's political)

Woman LOLCan't answer and can't even phone a friend.

Message 4 of 44
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Voting (yes it's political)

All the wrong people are responding 🙂


Maybe I need to make the question more simple?

Message 5 of 44
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Voting (yes it's political)

I worked on the booths last election in an area which voted heavily for the current government and was surprised that a lot of people wanted to tell me that they were only voting against Labor because they were tired of the Rudd/Gillard shenanigans. I wonder if they even knew what the Libs were promising?
Message 6 of 44
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Voting (yes it's political)

@*elizabeths-mum* wrote:
I worked on the booths last election in an area which voted heavily for the current government and was surprised that a lot of people wanted to tell me that they were only voting against Labor because they were tired of the Rudd/Gillard shenanigans. I wonder if they even knew what the Libs were promising?

yes and "those shenanigans" were really of no consequence, except for the watering down of the really big profit tax but the media ran and ran with it till everyone believed it was of the utmost importance.

Message 7 of 44
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Voting (yes it's political)

I vote LNP.  Well I did until Howard sent the troops to Iraq and Work Choices.


Since then have toyed with the idea of voting Labor.  Couldn’t bring myself to it.  Mainly because, when it came to responsible fiscal management, they couldn’t organise a dung fight in a cow pasture.  So informal it been for three elections.


Hopefully before the next election, the LNP comes to its senses turfs this goose (Abbott) onto the back bench where he belongs.  Now if they do that, it will be a very long time before Labor governs again.

Message 8 of 44
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Voting (yes it's political)

@*elizabeths-mum* wrote:
I worked on the booths last election in an area which voted heavily for the current government and was surprised that a lot of people wanted to tell me that they were only voting against Labor because they were tired of the Rudd/Gillard shenanigans. I wonder if they even knew what the Libs were promising?

They were probably only tired of it because they were told every day they had to be tired of it. They were told every day it was a shambles, a travesty, they're illegitimate, they do deals with the devil to stay in power, they lied, they fight, blah, blah, blah...


I don't care if they fight and argue as long as they can produce good policy and learn from their mistakes.

I'd rather people dabate ideas and settle for what is best for everyone than this pretence that they have to agree on everything all the time, or be seen to be united and in agreement all the time.


We don't live in Victorian times when a stiff upper lip had to be maintained at any cost and sins were swept under the carpet while the sinner was banished to a far away land.


In my family us kids fought. We punched kicked and screamed at each other and we all get along just fine.  I had friends who never fought with their siblings. Now they go years without contact with each other.. I've seen some that fall out and don't speak for years, or cause trouble for each other (like Slipper and Abbott).  


I know which I'd rather.

Message 9 of 44
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Voting (yes it's political)

@tall_bearded wrote:

I vote LNP.  Well I did until Howard sent the troops to Iraq and Work Choices.


Since then have toyed with the idea of voting Labor.  Couldn’t bring myself to it.  Mainly because, when it came to responsible fiscal management, they couldn’t organise a dung fight in a cow pasture. 

Why or How do you reach that conclusion?


Do you seriously believe one side is all good and one side is all bad in relation to fiscal matters?

It seems to me that's all just rhetoric.

Message 10 of 44
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