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I'm curious to find out if people that voted at the last election for the LNP whether you care about the broken promises or whether you don't believe that they have broken any?


This baffles me.

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The whole "fix the country" propaganda is a farce that sucks in people who take things at face value.


Abbott is now pushing his propaganda in a really nasty way - he announced this monring that the states have to address the GST because the states have to help him "fix the country". Implying that they aren't pulling their weight even tho he has just wiped tens of billions of dollars away from their core services.


I suppose he thinks that we will blame the states instead of him when our hospitals can no longer function after he removes $50billion in funding. 


Sadly, the vast majority of people will blame the states ebacuse they just don't get it.

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Labor are bad at economic management.Unions are a hotbed of communism.Sometimes I think we're still in the 50's. I'm certain some people are.Not aimed at you tall_bearded.
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When I said ‘when they grow up’ it was in the context of my previous posts – their ability to manage money.



I disagree with this comment, sorry TB.

I do believe that the overlooked 'hero', who will not be recognised for many years, for the brilliance he engaged whilst navigating our finances and held Australia firm, protecting her and prevented us from going down during the GFC was our own quirky but genius Mr Swan, Treasurer then of Australia, ALP.


As for other posters saying things like 'all politicians lie' and then excusing TA  and Hockey for pre-election AND pre-budget BLATANT LIES.....?

No. In this instance when we are talking about sacrosanct things.....welfare, education, health, taxes, disabilities - nup, these trolls-LNP, deserve nought for their sinning to date.


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I didn't vote for the Liberals but I voted for a minority party with preferences to Labor.  For me it was about social policy. I looked at the Liberal policies and saw they had very few policies for the disadvantaged etc and has no real polices to move forward with.


I tried to find a party that would best serve the country and everyone in regardless of status. It was hard to pick a decent party.  We definitely need a good third alternative in this country that keep the two major parties on their toes!!



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@bella_again wrote:

I didn't vote for the Liberals but I voted for a minority party with preferences to Labor.  For me it was about social policy. I looked at the Liberal policies and saw they had very few policies for the disadvantaged etc and has no real polices to move forward with.


I tried to find a party that would best serve the country and everyone in regardless of status. It was hard to pick a decent party.  We definitely need a good third alternative in this country that keep the two major parties on their toes!!



The problem with the LNP is that they appear to have lied their way into Government on many levels, I remain baffled that some people think this is ok.

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I have discovered why no LNP supporter has criticised the govt on the broken promises:


Despite it being the main stance of the Abbott pre election campaign, now all right winged (aka Murdoch) columists believe that: "A tally of promises kept and those supposedly broken is a hopeless measure of a government's worth," decided The Australian's Nick Cater, on balance.



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I prefer Mike Carltons piece yesterday saying that he will never be trusted again

Message 37 of 44
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I often wonder about that, it is like they are waiting for something to be written half the time

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Woman LOLThere's always the bolter....or not.


after the budget.....Woman LOL


But when the dreadful truth was confirmed, Bolt dashed off a column at 6.30am moodily commending the overall direction of the budget, then spent the rest of the day attacking the ABC, Manus Island refugees, Gillard, Adam Goodes, Kevin Rudd's insulation scheme and demanding to know exactly where Barack Obama was when the diplomatic compound at Benghazi was attacked.


or crackerman.....


But, on budget night, Akerman, too, climbed resignedly aboard the tumbril, issuing a blog post so riven with inner conflicts that it struggled, at times, with both syntax and spelling: "Forget the predictable cries of anguish from the ABC's trained troupe of rent-seekers," he gasped bravely. "There is not that as much suffering (sic) as they might have you believe."



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Speaking of C&P  😄

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