on 16-11-2013 06:19 PM
america is about to insert the pineapple, no Vas.
on 17-11-2013 01:32 PM
@bimberiretrosystems wrote:hey didn't sarah hanson young of the greens use australian taxpayer money to go to the united states to help obama get relected?
also i'm sure that clive palmer said that the greens were funded by the rockefellers?
looking at this it seems that the greens are in with the TPP, and the obama administration, no wonder assange never joined the greens-he knows their real agenda
Umm if obama wasn't president, do you really think it would be any different ? he's in fact the more moderate choice. the republicans are captive to an even worse ideaology. i fail to see the logic.
on 17-11-2013 01:38 PM
Bushy-great thread-more posters on here than your poem ones.-lol.
I shudder to think what life in Aust will be for my 7 grandies in the future.
Its started to happen already.......................................Richo.
on 17-11-2013 01:55 PM
@bimberiretrosystems wrote:hey didn't sarah hanson young of the greens use australian taxpayer money to go to the united states to help obama get relected?
also i'm sure that clive palmer said that the greens were funded by the rockefellers?
looking at this it seems that the greens are in with the TPP, and the obama administration, no wonder assange never joined the greens-he knows their real agenda
Genius comment of the year.......ye,s Sarah Hanson young 'helped' to get obama elected..........bahahahaha.
If it wasnt for her crying the American people would not have voted for change.
on 17-11-2013 02:12 PM
@bimberiretrosystems wrote:hey didn't sarah hanson young of the greens use australian taxpayer money to go to the united states to help obama get relected?
also i'm sure that clive palmer said that the greens were funded by the rockefellers?
looking at this it seems that the greens are in with the TPP, and the obama administration, no wonder assange never joined the greens-he knows their real agenda
Logic would state if they are the only ones who bring up the dangers of MONSANTO, they wouldn't be secretly funded by those same people.
They would be doing the opposite.
You are taking the word of a fat man who builds a park full of giant dinosaurs over logic?
on 17-11-2013 02:25 PM
oh sorry i guess i am wrong and this TPP is just a huge overreaction by conspiracy theorists, not to mention the fat man is wrong and the greens are awesome-sorry to offend you, please don't ruin my auctions topside soul/lakeland just because i am wrong
on 17-11-2013 02:58 PM
Protectionists have never found an international trade agreement they don’t hate, and here a presentation from an organisation with vested interests especially in intellectual property rights, produces posts from some that have obviously have not bothered to research the TPP and its aims, especially those concerning Australia's active participation.
The TPP negotiators have been meeting for 3 years, and once their job is complete the fruits of their labours will need to be presented to Parliament for ratification. That’s how we make treaties and change laws in this country.
The Australian Government is seeking a TPP outcome that eliminates or at least substantially reduces barriers to trade and investment.
One "conspiracy" within the leaked TPP draft agreement is found in the mandate that member nations enact regulations that require Internet service providers (ISPs) to privately enforce copyright protection laws.
An excellent regulation, but not for software pirates or those who "leak" private correspondence.
e.g.: "former US Ambassador Jeffrey Bleich accused Australian consumers of habitually stealing copyrighted content and being ''some of the worst offenders with amongst the highest piracy rates … in the world''
I ask myself with a topic such as this, who is making the most noise opposing / supporting it, and on what (factual) grounds
Australia wishes to be a member of the TPP trade agreement, why anyone here would bother to use a vested interest US presentation spouting many of the "big corporations" "privileged few" garbage to oppose it is strange, but not totally unexpected.
on 17-11-2013 03:00 PM
@bimberiretrosystems wrote:oh sorry i guess i am wrong and this TPP is just a huge overreaction by conspiracy theorists, not to mention the fat man is wrong and the greens are awesome-sorry to offend you, please don't ruin my auctions topside soul/lakeland just because i am wrong
hardly a conspiracy. we will know the outcome of the deals. the outcomes probably stink, but this has been documented already and it isn't secret. blaming the greens is really odd however, palmer ought to read a little more about the strategic importance of the military treaties australia has with the US. this is part of the price we pay. you don't get it as a mere kindness .
on 17-11-2013 03:51 PM
@lakeland27 wrote:
@bimberiretrosystems wrote:oh sorry i guess i am wrong and this TPP is just a huge overreaction by conspiracy theorists, not to mention the fat man is wrong and the greens are awesome-sorry to offend you, please don't ruin my auctions topside soul/lakeland just because i am wrong
hardly a conspiracy. we will know the outcome of the deals. the outcomes probably stink, but this has been documented already and it isn't secret. blaming the greens is really odd however, palmer ought to read a little more about the strategic importance of the military treaties australia has with the US. this is part of the price we pay. you don't get it as a mere kindness .
"hardly a conspiracy. we will know the outcome of the deals. the outcomes probably stink, but this has been documented already and it isn't secret."
We know it's not a secret, else how would we know about it? But does the Aussie public even care? Or realise? Do we just continue with our hedonistic little lifestyles and hope the winds of change don't blow our little tinfoil hats off?
Because the big players are confident they've fooled/distracted us from the main issue? Our very own tiny (in the scheme of global players) little livelihoods?
Have we received sufficient notice (from our trusted and elected Governments) that our lives are going to change for the worse due to their position which require them to be bedfellows with Global Financial Powers and sell us down the river like so many heads of cattle ?
From Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy:
“But the plans were on display…”
“On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.”
“That’s the display department.”
“With a flashlight.”
“Ah, well, the lights had probably gone.”
“So had the stairs.”
“But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?”
“Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.”
― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
17-11-2013 04:04 PM - edited 17-11-2013 04:05 PM
i don't consider this a true conspiracy. the US economy needs real growth , capitalism. is no secret . our political machines and society is one based on the fundamentals of capitalism. being surprised when it happens simply means a person hasn't investigated the machinations of these economies in detail. there is plenty of form for this kind of thing so i expect it, its hardly a conspiracy when the goals are visible now is it.
on 17-11-2013 04:34 PM
@lakeland27 wrote:i don't consider this a true conspiracy. the US economy needs real growth , capitalism. is no secret . our political machines and society is one based on the fundamentals of capitalism. being surprised when it happens simply means a person hasn't investigated the machinations of these economies in detail. there is plenty of form for this kind of thing so i expect it, its hardly a conspiracy when the goals are visible now is it.
Well DER!
Yes it's happening all around us! Yes it's a known conspirancy! Doesn't mean we shouldn't fight it or tolerate if it's to our detriment!
Do we just go: "oh yeah ho hum man...have another smoke...it'll blow over...way of the world ...yeah hmmm hmmm... go back to sleep all's well... pass the bong ...yep yep