on 12-06-2013 05:52 PM
EcommerceBytes Blog - Ina Steiner
"eBay is revamping its community area including the discussion boards. The change comes as eBay transitions away from using LiveWorld to moderate its boards. As we report in Monday's news story, eBay was not ready to provide more details when we broke the story last month. Who will moderate the boards - will it be brought in-house, or will eBay outsource it to another company? We'll have to wait to find out.
But we do know eBay is revamping the boards. Certain features will remain the same, but the design will change."
One change that is puzzling is how eBay will designate an employee's post. In the past, moderators' posts were always shown with a pink box - with the new design, posts from eBay employees will be identified by a blue box surrounding the post. Users had always referred to eBay forum moderators as "pinks" - so changing the color seems an odd decision.
Users have already expressed concern over what the change in moderation will mean for the user experience, so hearing that eBay will revamp the community area will likely cause more concern. On a positive note, eBay will move all previous posts to the updated forums.
What do you think of these changes, described here:
and what would you change on the eBay discussion boards if you could, and why?
(Warning comment at your own risk, they who must be obeyed or else, are still watching but not for long hopefully)
on 23-06-2013 12:31 PM
WOW, this forum has been boring as bat excrement in the past few days......what gives?...I thought things may have lightened up recently, but obviously not....are there posters MIA as usual? (In cyber space, nobody hears you scream)
on 25-06-2013 08:10 PM
they won't need mods if you can do this when the boards change over
9. Can I edit and delete my personal posts?
Yes, you'll be able to edit and delete a post that you've made within a designated timeframe of when the post was made
on 26-06-2013 11:42 AM
I was just thinking that with the being able to delete posts function, that that will make it easier for those hit and run posters & zero id's, assuming they don't do anything about the multiple id people.
I hope it doesn't work like that :_|
on 26-06-2013 11:45 AM
as long as they remove the aggressive sanctions from CONSUMER accounts, i'll be happy. I don't care if they don't want me to post here, but I do get shirty when my consumer account gets threatened over my opinion...there's something very 1984ish about all that.
on 26-06-2013 11:49 AM
Cue, Em is the only one I've known that to happen to, someone did some pretty bad stuff to her account, it wasn't her own doing.
buy yes, I agree, the threat has pretty much always been there on the mod notices. I hope I'm not the first to find out if they're any different lol
on 26-06-2013 11:51 AM
m'self, be puttin' it to them, that post removal notices include the url of the thread that they were in.
bloody 'ell, some of mine 'ave been yanked out of some thread from six months ago, sometimes more.
on 26-06-2013 11:54 AM
m'self, be puttin' it to them, that post removal notices include the url of the thread that they were in.
bloody 'ell, some of mine 'ave been yanked out of some thread from six months ago, sometimes more.
Translation: He's pissy cause someone's been reporting his old posts
on 26-06-2013 11:56 AM
yep, same here eloi,
it's always been unfair IMO that someone can troll back through your posts with the intention of getting rid of you.
old ones like that should be refused IMO
on 26-06-2013 11:56 AM
lol deb....the main troll himself was banned for over a year for trolling, and wasn't bruiser once banned for life?...Not that either of those two didn't deserve it and then some.
evenso, it's the language in the sanction emails that I object to.....I don't take to threats kindly.....and I don't see why my opinion has anything to do with my value as a customer...so why threaten in the first place?
seriously we all know that most of the forum sanctions you get are retaliation for replying to the wrong person....If ebay are willing to lose customers over vexatious troll reports, then what does that say for their business model?....
I keep a note of who not to reply to these days....funny that...lol (btw, my caps button is still broken, so can't be bothered with caps just now)
on 26-06-2013 11:57 AM
:^O Clair,
that's how I interpret it too
don't blame him though, Its not right that they can do that