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WORDLE - anyone else trying the daily online word game?

I recently stumbled across WORDLE online.  For the uninitiated, it is a daily word guessing game where you have to try to guess the word in 6 or less tries.




This, from Wikipedia, explains the game:


Every day, a five-letter word is chosen which players aim to guess within six tries. After every guess, each letter is marked as either green, yellow or gray: green indicates that letter is correct and in the correct position, yellow means it is in the answer but not in the right position, while gray indicates it is not in the answer at all. The game has a "hard mode" option, which requires players to include letters marked as green and yellow in subsequent guesses. The daily word is the same for everyone. The game also has a dark mode as well as a high-contrast theme for colourblind accessibility, which changes the color scheme from green and yellow to orange and blue.




This abc news story has some tips for playing:



I have found that most that most days I can get the daily word in 5 tries or less (mostly 5 though).  Interestingly, there is a spinoff of WORDLE called LEWDLE, where the words are lewd, or naughty, words.  I have better success with LEWDLE than I do with WORDLE . . . getting the word in just 2 or 3 attempts.  Not sure what that says about my private school education 🤣






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Re: WORDLE - anyone else trying the daily online word game?

Wordle 1,224 4/6



After turn 2, I could think of a few possibles. grown, crown, drown, frown, brown, known
There might be others, but I was inclined to think there was probably a W in the answer.
So I felt as if I needed an eliminator. Mine was decaf. I would have preferred one that cut out 4 of the initial letters but I couldn't think of one. Anyhow, I got lucky and the F showed up.

But I could very easily have had to try a second eliminator as I was also considering cubed or cadge, it was the luck of the draw really.
Message 5651 of 6,295
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Re: WORDLE - anyone else trying the daily online word game?

Daily Octordle #1005
Score: 53


This looks better than usual but it is not really. I finished it at much the same spot I often do. The difference is I had enough after my first turn (4 letters, 2 of them green) to guess #8 on my second turn.

I wasn't as inspired after that and needed an eliminator for turn 3.😁

Towards the end, I couldn't figure out the last couple so needed another eliminator. I used judge.
Getting the D in those words suddenly enlightened me. Light bulb moment.

But I hesitated earlier on in the game, especially with #1, I thought-surely it couldn't be that word, it came out just recently I think. But then it was that word! Same with a few of the others-4,5 & 6. They have all been out in recent times or maybe I am getting myself muddled. It didn't feel 'fresh' anyway.
Message 5652 of 6,295
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Re: WORDLE - anyone else trying the daily online word game?

Wordle 1,224 3/6


I am not doing what the answer says.



Wordle 1,224 3/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 FROWN

Message 5653 of 6,295
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Re: WORDLE - anyone else trying the daily online word game?

Daily Octordle #1005
Score: 52



I felt a little uncertain throughout this. The score’s fine but the feeling was odd.


BOING <- eliminator 
CYBER 🎯 It could have been cuber, I suppose
OVINE 🎯 could have been opine
UTTER 🎯 could have been peter or ester
SUITE 🎯 could have been quite
INDEX 🎯 could have been wined or dined

Daily Octordle #1005
Score: 52
Message 5654 of 6,295
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Re: WORDLE - anyone else trying the daily online word game?



Wordle 1,225 4/6


Message 5655 of 6,295
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Re: WORDLE - anyone else trying the daily online word game?

Wordle 1,225 3/6


I played it smart with my eliminator, but let’s be honest; my starter had already narrowed things down.



Wordle 1,225 3/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 WREAK 🎯

The letters most likely to be in front of the R and finishing the word were my target.

Message 5656 of 6,295
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Re: WORDLE - anyone else trying the daily online word game?

I had to really work at wordle today and it still took me 5 turns.

But I did learn a new, useful word in the process. 😁

Wordle 1,225 5/6



After turn 1, I thought, don't just go with shout (I don't always, I sometimes deviate from the norm), be more like countess. 
But being me, I resorted to writing down all the possibilities I could think of. I had more 'ea' pattern words than a-e pattern words.
My most commonly used letters were, in order, R T S

My first thought for eliminator therefore was STARE. Such a shame as it is the a-e pattern.
But then I typed in STEAR. It looked like it might be a word and I was delighted to find the system accepted it.
Turn 3 was another eliminator (frock), which knocked out all but one of the words I had thought of.
I was convinced I had it on turn 4, but as you can see, I had to go back for a rethink and second look at the remaining letters.

All in all, happy to have got it at all today.


Message 5657 of 6,295
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Re: WORDLE - anyone else trying the daily online word game?

Daily Octordle #1006
Score: 56


Again, the under 60 score is only because I was able to solve a word at turn 2. Otherwise it took pretty much the same number of turns to solve the whole thing as I sometimes take.


I had to use an eliminator at turn 3 (pricy) and I used shout as eliminator further down.

Message 5658 of 6,295
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Re: WORDLE - anyone else trying the daily online word game?

Daily Octordle #1006
Score: 52

My eliminator was nearly one of the answers.


SHINY <- eliminator

Daily Octordle #1006
Score: 52


Message 5659 of 6,295
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Re: WORDLE - anyone else trying the daily online word game?

I got wordle in first go. 😁

It is my usual beginning word though.

Had to get it one of these days. 

So now I don't need to do wordle anymore, I have mastered it. 😄

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Message 5660 of 6,295
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