Warning or funeral plan

Stereosonic 2015: Woman dies after music festival at Sydney Olympic Park


THE 25-year-old woman who died after the Stereosonic music festival at Sydney Olympic Park is believed to have taken an ecstasy tablet and mixed it with MDMA while a 22-year-old woman has been discharged from hospital, after earlier being placed in an induced coma.


Paramedics rushed young pharmacist Sylvia Choi of Oyster Bay to Concord Hospital where she died last night.


She is believed to have taken an ecstasy tablet but also may have mixed MDMA in a bottle of water.


“These drugs are made by criminals in back yards,” Assistant Commissioner Menilli said today.


“It’s like opening a bottle of bleach and swallowing it.


“People have to get out of the mentality that you have to take drugs to enjoy a concert.”


The two women were not at the concert together.


Ms Choi’s friends have told police they ingested a “tablet” but police have not said which drug they are suspected of taking.




If the report is true the warnings will go unheeded. If a chemist is prepared to swallow chemicals of an unknown origin perhaps the best plan is to insist on risk takers to have a fully funded funeral plan sorted out.


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Re: Warning or funeral plan

Australia’s daily alcohol toll: 15 deaths and 430 hospitalisations July 31, 2014 2.12pm AEST


click on a link and "taste" Straya's media hypocrisy now















atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 21 of 28
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Re: Warning or funeral plan

Queensland police woman quits after being allegedly caught with drugs at music festival


A QUEENSLAND police officer has resigned after she was allegedly found with drugs at a music festival.


A police spokesman was unable to confirm whether the 26-year-old constable’s notice to appear for possessing dangerous drugs was issued at Sunday’s Stereosonic festival.


The officer, from the Northern Region, will face the Brisbane Magistrates Court on January 5.


She has resigned, which means she won’t face a Queensland Police disciplinary investigation.


The troubling links between music festivals and drugs has been laid bare with the deaths of two Stereosonic festival goers just days apart, and the hospitalisation of many more.




The message is being lost. Maybe funeral companies could set up mobile kiosks at the entrance to these 'festivals'.

Message 22 of 28
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Re: Warning or funeral plan

another 15 today dies from alcohol related disease..... same as yesterday.... and again tomorrow...

whenever will they learn???


those bloody oldies that is


. for mine thwe funeral directorts will have a much bigger customer base outise the bottle shop




Up to 15 people die and more than 430 are admitted to hospital every day in Australia due to alcohol-related illnesses, new research shows.

The study reveals that in 2010, excessive and long-term consumption of alcohol resulted in 5,554 deaths and 157,132 hospital admissions.


"So older people are drinking longer into their lives, women who historically didn't drink much, now are drinking for extended periods throughout their lives."


"Wine, of course, is a much higher alcohol content. We know that that is favoured by some of these drinking groups that are showing to be at risk.


"For instance two-thirds of women who die as a consequence of alcohol are as a result of either cancer or cardiovascular disease and so we know that women are at greater risk [of these diseases] from the consumption of alcohol and they tend to have a preference for wine.


So you can draw some links there."


The latest figures are not all discouraging - very young people are delaying their first drink, and a growing number are not drinking at all.





atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 23 of 28
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Re: Warning or funeral plan

I didn't notice any social drug related dance festival deaths in the news today






On average in Australia alcohol related deaths equals 15 yesterday, today and tomorrow another 30 will die


450 people were hospitalized yesterday, 450 today and 450 tomorrow


...didn't hear anything in the news re those statistics?


That is a little odd


When will we ever learn?






atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 24 of 28
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Re: Warning or funeral plan

Wow there's been a hospital admittance for a drug overdose at a dance festival......


BIG, BIG news eh???


educated guess tells me of the 26000 at the dance concert 10000 plus were on the pingers and we as a society left the


production and supply of recreational drugs to backyard chermists and black marketeers



FYI Since the last Dance festival death..... 20 days ago.... alcohol....


the legal recreational drug....


has killed 300 people @ 20 x 15


has hospitalized 9000 people @ 20 x 450


I have not heard anything about those facts daily or collectively in the mainstream media.


How about you????


This legal recreational drug was touted as  being abused by a large percentage of the population on NYE.... but that's

ok because the mainstream "news" shows ran stories on hangover cures (like they do every year) for those recreational drug


addicts who abuse the legally available drug that is alcohol.



How arrogant is our society that we continue to force a centuries old recreational drug onto our young folk by


prohibiting the evolution (and legal production and supply) of  illicit recreational drugs and leaving the supply, quality and quantity of same in


the black marketeers hands.


Don't fool yourself if you have ever had a hangover in your life then you have abused a recreational drug. The


threads re sore heads after NYE, birrthdays, weddings, grandfinals etc bear testament to a double standard that


young people readily relate too and the message they are hearing is DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO

atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 25 of 28
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Re: Warning or funeral plan

15 people in Australia will die today from abusing the legal recreational drug Alcohol... and the mainstream media just


posts "cures" for a bender.... even managed to inject a little humour into the stories


I bet the 15 families of the people that alcohol (The legal recreational drug) killed today in Australia didn't find the stories humorous.....

However hypocritical society has spoken


MMM below giving deatails on how to recover after you have abused a recreational legal drug




9 New Year's Eve Hangover Cures From Around The World


One or two of you will be nursing some pretty bad hangovers today... and here's how the rest of the world cures them.





Feeling dusty after the holiday season? Here are some of the world’s strangest hangover cures to help you recover when greasy food just won’t cut it.


Mankind has been searching for the perfect hangover cure more or less since the invention of alcohol, but even after a few thousand years we haven’t quite cracked the code.


From Pliny the Elder, the ancient Roman who suggested eating two owl eggs around 70AD, to modern solutions such as sports drinks, there are many ways to treat yourself the morning after the night before.


Here’s a collection from around the world.


atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 26 of 28
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Re: Warning or funeral plan

Field Day Sydney: Woman fights for life after suspected drug overdose


A 23-year-old woman is fighting for her life after a suspected overdose of the drug MDMA at Sydney’s Field Day dance festival.


The Daily Telegraph understands the girl collapsed at about 10pm and was rushed to St Vincent’s hospital where she is in a critical condition.


A hospital spokeswoman said a number of overdose victims were rushed to the emergency department from the notorious Field Day festival. More than 200 people were treated by paramedics.


Police charged 184 festival-goers with drug offences at the annual dance festival, 30 less than last year.






Salad days guarantee that brains are in short supply.

Message 27 of 28
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Re: Warning or funeral plan

Wow channel 9 have a reporter at the hospital LIVE checking on the young ladies condition.....WOW.......


I wonder whether the reporter will get the chance to at least give a little cheerio to the FAMILIES of the 15 that Alcohol,


the legal recreational drug, killed or the 450 people that were admitted from the abuse of the legal recreational drug in


the same time period????


Nah..... prolly won't have the time,...... neeeed to stick to the important (corporately important and mandated) stuff,





atheism is a non prophet organization
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