Wattle Birds- is there any way to shut them up?

Thought there might be some fresh ideas here, because I tell you- we're all out.


For the past 2 years we've had wattle birds waking us up at dawn, and it's peak squawking time now that spring has sprung.


It's the most annoying sound I've ever heard- beats a screaming baby by miles. At least you can attempt to DO something with a screaming baby. Nothing works on wattle birds, they just keep doing it. That noise waking you daily is a mild bform of torture.


Best method so far is the hose- I won't go through the almost-clinical trials I did last year, but I got it down to 2 hose-blasts and 15 mins. This year, I decided to be less insane and not let it bother me so much.


But, it's bothering me. The big male one started at 5.38am this morning and I know from my testing last year that it'll get earlier, and go for longer. Apart from 1) removing all trees and 2) an air rifle (am friggin' tempted)- has anyone had any success with getting rid of them? I can't be the only person copping this!



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Re: Wattle Birds- is there any way to shut them up?

Aahhhhhhhhh!! These birds are driving me crazy too !! I I totally agree with you .. I spray them with water too but they just come back ! Pleeease  help 🤪

Message 61 of 68
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Re: Wattle Birds- is there any way to shut them up?

Maybe place a life size soft toy cat on the outside window sill ?

Message 62 of 68
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Re: Wattle Birds- is there any way to shut them up?

Move out of their habitat 

Message 63 of 68
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Re: Wattle Birds- is there any way to shut them up?


Message 64 of 68
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Re: Wattle Birds- is there any way to shut them up?

Hello, I know it's been a long time but I have the same problem with wattle birds and was wondering if you ever resolved the issue? They are a pain in the butt. From Sept to December last year we had two red wattle birds calling out to each other from around 4am and went for nearly two hours! Nearly went insane. We vow to solve the problem before they start again! Thanks for any advice. Kay 

Message 65 of 68
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Re: Wattle Birds- is there any way to shut them up?

Give your new neighbours a house warming gift.

A Golden Wattle, Grevillea or Bottle Brush.

They love Fuchsias as well even though most of them are not native to Australia.



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Message 66 of 68
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Re: Wattle Birds- is there any way to shut them up?

I feel you, I have been driven almost to the point of insanity, I fashioned a sling shot, but I'm too scared to use it because I don't want to hurt it (just kill) or break windows. 

I have contemplated getting a pressure hose, because after 2 years, I'm not able to tolerate it anymore.

Message 67 of 68
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Re: Wattle Birds- is there any way to shut them up?

I wish I could post the sound they make at which is ridiculously loud, I don't have double glazed windows, but if I did I probably would still hear it.

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