What About The Children?

I am amazed and disgusted that in all the indignation over what Gillian Triggs should or shouldn't have done or who said or didn't say what to her, not ONE SINGLE POLITICIAN  except, finally, Malcolm Turnbull, has commented in any way on the contents of her report..


She found that  over a 15-month period from January 2013 to March 2014, spanning both the Labor and Coalition governments  there were 233 recorded assaults involving children and 33 incidents of reported sexual assault. 


If these findings are true - and as far as I know nobody has so far disputed them -   then what is going to be done about it? Who had the duty of care? who is going to be held responsible. What measures are going to be put in place to stop this abuse happening in future?


Both Gillian Triggs and George Brandis are astute and comparitively wealthy adults able to instruct top  legal practitioners to protect their reputaions - but who is going to protect the safety of these children? How many more children have been abused since March 2014? Is a child perhaps being abused in a detention centre  even while you are reading this post? 


Surely to goodness after all that was learned from the Children In Care Royal Commission this report cannot simply be put in a "don't want to know" basket while both sides of Pariament try to gain political mileage out the motives of the Human Rghts Commissioner or the behaviour of the Attourney General.


At some point -though probably not in the lifetime of this government  or even  the one that follows it - there will inevitably be a Royal Commission into the treatment of children in detention centre. what do you imagine its findings are likely to be?

Message 1 of 421
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What About The Children?

Well...Gillian Triggs herself put her own severely disabled child into foster care because she felt she should focus on her abled children.


Message 2 of 421
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What About The Children?

@icyfroth wrote:

Well...Gillian Triggs herself put her own severely disabled child into foster care because she felt she should focus on her abled children.


Does that make her finding that 332 children have been abused in detention centres somehow untrue, or invalid oor something we shouldn't worry about?


Message 3 of 421
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What About The Children?

I don't give a flying fig about the character or motives of either  Ms Triggor Mr Brandis, I CARE ABOUT THOSE ABUSED CHILDREN.

Message 4 of 421
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What About The Children?

Did you care before Abbott won the election when over 2000 children were crammed into detention centred
And the issue was 10 times worse ?

Or only care since the Trigg report was released ?

Message 5 of 421
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What About The Children?

@icyfroth wrote:

Well...Gillian Triggs herself put her own severely disabled child into foster care because she felt she should focus on her abled children.


That is such a low comment and has nothing to do with her current job as HR Commisioner..


Other parents make the same decision.



Message 6 of 421
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What About The Children?

Not low, and if it was, you are a good teacher.
Message 7 of 421
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What About The Children?

I want to know how many were abused from 2007 to Sept 2013 and what was done about it ?

Message 8 of 421
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What About The Children?

Community Member

Both Gillian Triggs and George Brandis are astute and comparitively wealthy adults able to instruct top  legal practitioners to protect their reputaions - but who is going to protect the safety of these children? How many more children have been abused since March 2014? Is a child perhaps being abused in a detention centre  even while you are reading this post? 


I can't answer that but I did see a report today about a teen girl who jumped off a ledge? because she had been abused.


Message 9 of 421
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What About The Children?

@am*3 wrote:
That is such a low comment and has nothing to do with her current job as HR Commisioner..


Other parents make the same decision.




By the way did anyone bother to  determine how and by whome the children were abused?


By their parents perhaps?

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 10 of 421
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