What Do You Call Domestic Violence

What do you call domestic violence ??


I know and call phyical abuse but what else do you call DV ??

Message 1 of 58
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Re: What Do You Call Domestic Violence

Grandmoon be very careful with this person.


I stood in front of a friend once when her husband went to hit her and he hit me, I spent nearly two weeks in Hospital.

He fractured my optic bone and the plastic surgeon had to wire it back together.

Message 11 of 58
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Re: What Do You Call Domestic Violence

Try to see your new friend without him.......... getting up his nose is of no benefit to you or your friend.


Avoid him.

"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

Message 12 of 58
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Re: What Do You Call Domestic Violence

@lionrose.7 wrote:

Grandmoon be very careful with this person.


I stood in front of a friend once when her husband went to hit her and he hit me, I spent nearly two weeks in Hospital.

He fractured my optic bone and the plastic surgeon had to wire it back together.

   I hope he was charged.

"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

Message 13 of 58
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Re: What Do You Call Domestic Violence

@grandmoon wrote:


Thanks for the answers.  I have a new friend who I think is living in a DV situation,  I am now trying to decide how to act towards him ( he also uses the bully boy tatics with other)


I feel that I should start calling him out when ever I hear him abusing anyone.

And what would that achieve? Him acting more aggressively towards your friend when they are alone because you are one of her friends and he doesn't like you ? Him demanding you be dumped as her friend? Leaving her more isolated.

Message 14 of 58
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Re: What Do You Call Domestic Violence

From personal experience antagonising an abuser only leads them to push you away from the family leaving the victim more alone and isolated.

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Message 15 of 58
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Re: What Do You Call Domestic Violence

Yes, tread carefully.


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 16 of 58
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Re: What Do You Call Domestic Violence

Yes he was it was a terrible time, my husband wanted to kill him my sons wanted to kill him.

I told them leave it to the police.

Went to court only to see his wife by his side, his lawyer saw it was a women judge then the police him and lawyer went in to a room he pleaded guilty to a leaser charge, but the judge was not fooled when she saw how long I had been in hospital.


She made him pay me money but no jail sentence only probation.


The worst thing was I lost a long time friend who went back to him.

Had night mares for a long time.


BUT they went to live in Brisbane from NZ and he died a couple of years later from a drug over dose, first time I have ever felt happy about some one dying

Message 17 of 58
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Re: What Do You Call Domestic Violence

How is your "friend" doing now?........


(He should of spent those years in prison for what he did to you.)

"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

Message 18 of 58
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Re: What Do You Call Domestic Violence

My friend shifted back to NZ some where up North, think about her some times but that still hurts so dont want to ever see her.

Message 19 of 58
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Re: What Do You Call Domestic Violence

Thats sad, rose.Heart


It would have been terribly hard to go through all that, in the hope that your friend would see her partner for what he was, and to go to court- so stressful and devastating for you and your family. And then to have that friend choose the partner- hard to come to terms with..sometimes people do the strangest things.


The thing is, I imagine she knows what it cost her to stay with him...someplace, maybe well pushed down, she knows.


It shows your character that you supported her in that situation, even when she couldnt support herself.  

Bravo to you.



edit: spelling

Message 20 of 58
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