What Would You Do ?

Yesterday I was walking through the LIbrary


and right in front of me was $10 on the floor


it was right out in the middle of the room , no one was standing next to it


so I pick it up and put it in my pocket and walked out as I was about to do .



Some years ago I worked as a checkout operator at one of the Big 2 supermarts


one day an old man came through my checkout and paid with $100 note


I could see a smalll dog ear in the corner but noticed that the note was still complete


thus meaning that two $100 notes were perfectly stuck together


I acessed the situation quickly in my head because I had never struck this before


1- just put it in the register it belongs to C*l*S

2-put it in my pocket no one is ever going to know and the register will balance

3-give it to the old man even though he had no clue and would have recieved the notes joined


anyway I had a quick look  to see that the supervisor was not around pulled the two notes apart


and gave the second one back to the old guy


he was so happy that I thought I had done the right thing but never told any of  my co-workers about it


what do you think you would do ?


Message 1 of 59
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What Would You Do ?

ok for everyone's benefit I would put this note in another senario


I go to the races and win $500


The bookie hands me over the money and unbeknowns to me I have actually got $600 because 2 notes are perfectly stuck together


I celebrate my good luck by taking my family out to dinner


The bill comes to $200 and I hand over the money one of which is the stuck notes + $100


Chef from the restaurant takes this note and pays for fruit and veg for the restaurant


fruit and veg guy goes to supermarket to buy dog food and pays with the stuck $100 note


cashier takes note gives change and puts money in register


stuck note  is given to another staff menber as wages and they go and cash it for $100 worth of pokie chips


It is probable that this money could have been stuck together for many changes of hands so who is the rightful owner


and how would anyone even be able to know this


anyone in the line of that senario could have discovered that there were two notes and not one and obviously the old guy did not know


so how can ownership of the hidden note only be claimable by one person






Message 51 of 59
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What Would You Do ?

Anything could have happened............... however, you knew the notes were adhered together, you knew who handed them to you. You did the correct thing and returned the excess note to the owner.

Doesn't matter how many times you find another scenario..................you didn't ask the man where he got it, as far as you are aware, the money was his, came from his wallet. The look on his face could easily have been amazement that he was careless or that you were honest.

Message 52 of 59
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What Would You Do ?

That scenario is illogical.


The only fact that you know is that the person handing you the stuck together notes is the rightful owner of both notes. I doubt if if you would sit there and think "Oh he may not be the rightful owner so I don't have to return $100 to him."

Message 53 of 59
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What Would You Do ?

What makes you think the librarian is as honest as you. You give him/her the 10 bucks, they put it in their back pocket and next time you'rein they tell you someone claimed it.



I think I would probably have kept it, and then I would have felt guilty and bad for ages afterwards.

Message 54 of 59
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What Would You Do ?

just like i am doing now lol


one things for sure if I ever find another $10 I won't be telling this lot about it

Message 55 of 59
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What Would You Do ?

I haven't commented on the $10. It was found, no owner in sight, up to you and your conscience what you do, to deal with that.

Any time I have found money I have been able to return to it's owner.

If I am overpaid I return it to the person who overpaid me.


Message 56 of 59
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What Would You Do ?

I agree azureline, the ten dollars isn't the issue here.


For me the issue has always been that the OP would question keeping a large overpayment of money when they know who the owner is.  Not only that but that the business they work for encourages it. Then to bring up the all codswallop trying to justify their thinking.  There are no if's or but's.  It is stealing.

Message 57 of 59
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What Would You Do ?

I'm over it

Message 58 of 59
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What Would You Do ?



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