What annoys you most about your husband/partner/wife

I may have to sleep in another room if he doesn't stop snoring

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Re: What annoys you most about your husband/partner/wife

*Phew!*     Thought my OH was the only one to do those things!*

Message 11 of 39
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Re: What annoys you most about your husband/partner/wife

he leaves stuff where he uses it and doesn't put it away!


a drill in the bathroom from where he attatched a towel rack


dishwashing detergent outside from where he washed something (like a path?)


gurney at the front door from cleaning the front path


hedge trimmer on outside table


screw driver in all manner of places


MY wooden spoons wherever he used them to stir paint!


you get the idea LOL


his shed must be empty, cos there can't be anything much stored in it FGS


My OH is exactly the same and he wonders why he can never find things.

Message 12 of 39
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Re: What annoys you most about your husband/partner/wife


My OH is exactly the same and he wonders why he can never find things.


Mine too!  I love that he is so handy and able (and willing!) to fix anything and everything, but it does mean that I can never find anything when I need it, as it will be scattered around the property where last used!


Message 13 of 39
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Re: What annoys you most about your husband/partner/wife

I could just scream every time I hear my hubby yell out to me"You got a minute"


Those 4 words are driving me insane, they must be the new in thing on politics channel or something because he did not use them before 3 months ago. 😮

Message 14 of 39
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Re: What annoys you most about your husband/partner/wife

haha, my OH was talking to miss 6 and said "have you got a sec?" she said"no, I don't have one"

He was a bit put out

Message 15 of 39
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Re: What annoys you most about your husband/partner/wife

he leaves stuff where he uses it and doesn't put it away


Oh yes!!!  That peevs me off big time.

Message 16 of 39
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Re: What annoys you most about your husband/partner/wife

haha, my OH was talking to miss 6 and said "have you got a sec?" she said"no, I don't have one"

He was a bit put out


My daughter once asked me "What is se*"


As I struggled.hedged for time to come up with an answer suitable for her young age, I asked her "Where did you hear that word being used?"


She replied "you just said it mummy."


I asked her what I had said (I'd been doing the usual early morning school get ready routine and couldn't imagine for the life of me why I would have said that)


Her reply - "You told me to stand over there and wait a few secs."


Poor kid - imagine if I had have launched into an explanation of what I thought she meant!

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 17 of 39
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Re: What annoys you most about your husband/partner/wife

he leaves stuff where he uses it and doesn't put it away!


a drill in the bathroom from where he attatched a towel rack


dishwashing detergent outside from where he washed something (like a path?)


gurney at the front door from cleaning the front path


hedge trimmer on outside table


screw driver in all manner of places


MY wooden spoons wherever he used them to stir paint!


you get the idea LOL


his shed must be empty, cos there can't be anything much stored in it FGS

On the other hand, isn't it awesome he is so handy and working so hard !

Message 18 of 39
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Re: What annoys you most about your husband/partner/wife

My hubby is too helpful to other people. I ask him to do something or other and he says "Yep no worries". Then his phone rings from one of the ladies from Church or one of our neighbours and he is off like a shot to help them out or make calls to help them. It is sweet that he is so lovely and helpful, but sometimes I don't see him again for 5 or 6 hours.

At the same time, he could list a million things I do that drive him nuts...I am a perfectionist, I am OCD with the kitchen and cooking and always making sure we have plenty of food (many years of being caught short and wondering how to feed the family), I can't sleep in a messy room, even though it is dark, I know those clothes / cups dvd's are just gonna multiply over night. I can't stand being late. I am a list maker, if it is not on a list, in my diary or my phone...it doesn't happen.

Message 19 of 39
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Re: What annoys you most about your husband/partner/wife

I wish my OH didn't snore or bite his fingernails but I know I would miss them if he wasn't around.  I think I'm lucky.

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Message 20 of 39
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