on 12-06-2013 11:00 AM
but something to think about when casting your vote.
My personal view is that each person should be able to decide their own future in both these cases.
But in case you don't wish to share your own views I have added a poll.
If Tony gets in your choice will be very limited.
on 12-06-2013 06:04 PM
the meaning/definition of marriage was only changed in recent times when they got scared it might allow gay marriage.
I believe that you may be mistaken. Whilst I acknowledge that the definition of the word was only added to the 1961 Act in 2004 for the purposes of clarifying how a Civil Celebrant had to explain the nature of marriage within the scope of Australian Law the definition of the word itself was not coined in 2004, but rather, as early as the 12th Century.
on 12-06-2013 06:06 PM
There was a time ... within my life span ... where rape was legal within marriage ... a husband could not be charged with raping his wife.
There was a time ... when married women could not work in the APS on a permanent basis.
There was a time ... going back quite a while ... when babies and young children were betrothed to combine the properties that the parents owned.
Laws can change and should change.
I agree that laws can and should change to reflect an evolving society, however I do not agree with changing the definition of words.
We are now discussing two separate issues.
on 12-06-2013 06:10 PM
I believe that you may be mistaken. Whilst I acknowledge that the definition of the word was only added to the 1961 Act in 2004 for the purposes of clarifying how a Civil Celebrant had to explain the nature of marriage within the scope of Australian Law the definition of the word itself was not coined in 2004, but rather, as early as the 12th Century.
I don't believe I am mistaken at all........ the amendment was made in 2004 to define marriage as between a man and a woman.
on 12-06-2013 06:13 PM
If you read the second reading speech, the Bill was not to change the definition of marriage, but to insert the definition of marriage into the Act for the purposes of clarification for Civil Celebrants.
The definition that was inserted was of the word as it has been defined since at least the 12th Century.
on 12-06-2013 06:18 PM
John Howard and Fred Nile were instrumental in the amendment....... as I recall... and not googling to find out....... (we know that upsets some posters) a few couples went to Canada to marry intending to ask the Au court?parliament? to recognise the marriage.... and Howard scuttled it.
on 12-06-2013 06:19 PM
sorry Crikey, I don't agree.
on 12-06-2013 06:20 PM
I'm not sure, Crikey ... the definition of rape was changed so that it could legally happen within a marriage. We now have laws that say people can't get married until they are over a certain age ... so a marriage that was legal before isn't legal now.
The idea of marriage has changed throughout history ... once upon a time, divorce was illegal ... "till death do us part" is no longer valid.
on 12-06-2013 06:22 PM
I know a few men that have been devastated that their partners have gone and had abortions... they felt like they had no say or rights over what they saw as "their baby" not just hers.
yes, but it is the woman's body, she is the one who has to carry the child, give birth to it, and then take care of it. While I do appreciate that some man may have feelings about the potential child, they should not have a right over any other person's body. In an ideal situation, the pregnancy would be discussed, and the decision would be mutually agreed to, but when abortion is being considered, the situation is usually far from ideal.
on 12-06-2013 06:24 PM
The Definition of Marriage and the Marriage Power of Government under the Constitution
on 12-06-2013 06:26 PM
I'm not sure, Crikey ... the definition of rape was changed so that it could legally happen within a marriage. We now have laws that say people can't get married until they are over a certain age ... so a marriage that was legal before isn't legal now.
The idea of marriage has changed throughout history ... once upon a time, divorce was illegal ... "till death do us part" is no longer valid.
But the definition of marriage itself has not changed.