What are your views on Abortion and gay marriage, not a political thread

but something to think about when casting your vote.


My personal view is that each person should be able to decide their own future in both these cases.

But in case you don't wish to share your own views I have added a poll.


If Tony gets in your choice will be very limited.

Message 1 of 84
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What are your views on Abortion and gay marriage, not a political thread

Abortion - definitely every woman's personal choice, and nobody should have the right to tell her if she can have one or not.  I do not think I could have one myself, but who am I to judge the circumstances of another person.

Gay marriage - absolutely, everybody deserves the same right, and it is only matter of time before Australia catches up with the rest of the world



Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 31 of 84
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What are your views on Abortion and gay marriage, not a political thread

Yes to both.

Message 32 of 84
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What are your views on Abortion and gay marriage, not a political thread

I agree with gay union, but disagree with gay marriage.


The definition of the word marriage makes gay marriage into an oxymoron.


There needs to be another word for it.


I don't agree with anyone being able to change the meanings of words.



Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 33 of 84
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What are your views on Abortion and gay marriage, not a political thread

the meaning/definition of marriage was only changed in recent times when they got scared it might allow gay marriage.

Message 34 of 84
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What are your views on Abortion and gay marriage, not a political thread



Message 35 of 84
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What are your views on Abortion and gay marriage, not a political thread



Schedule 1—Amendment of the Marriage Act 1961


1  Subsection 5(1)


marriage means the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.

2  At the end of section 88B


             (4)  To avoid doubt, in this Part (including section 88E) marriage has the meaning given by subsection 5(1).

3  After section 88E


88EA  Certain unions are not marriages

                   A union solemnised in a foreign country between:

                     (a)  a man and another man; or

                     (b)  a woman and another woman;

must not be recognised as a marriage in Australia.

Message 36 of 84
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What are your views on Abortion and gay marriage, not a political thread



Schedule 1—Amendment of the Marriage Act 1961



Whatever, it is relatively recent 🙂  Even if it was not, what does it matter?  There were all sorts laws that were not fair, and they were simply changed.  There was a time, not so long ago, that when woman married all her property and money was put under control of her husband.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 37 of 84
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What are your views on Abortion and gay marriage, not a political thread

There was a time  ... within my life span ... where rape was legal within marriage ... a husband could not be charged with raping his wife.


There was a time ... when married women could not work in the APS on a permanent basis.  


There was a time ... going back quite a while ... when babies and young children were betrothed to combine the properties that the parents owned.  


Laws can change and should change.  

Message 38 of 84
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What are your views on Abortion and gay marriage, not a political thread

The reason I thought I would like to know peoples opinion on these 2 things, the abortion one in particular is on my drive home from my walk this morning I was listening to 2sm and the

radio announcer on at that time really made me mad.


He said that abortion should be controlled and that it was not just the woman's right to choose to have one that it was just as much the mans right as he owned half the potential human that was about to be murdered.


I don't know what things are like with todays generation but back when I was young nobody even wanted to put their hand up to say they had been there it was always it must belong to someone else.

Message 39 of 84
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What are your views on Abortion and gay marriage, not a political thread

I know a few men that have been devastated that their partners have gone and had abortions...  they felt like they had no say or rights over what they saw as "their baby"  not just hers. 



Message 40 of 84
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