What are your views on Abortion and gay marriage, not a political thread

but something to think about when casting your vote.


My personal view is that each person should be able to decide their own future in both these cases.

But in case you don't wish to share your own views I have added a poll.


If Tony gets in your choice will be very limited.

Message 1 of 84
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What are your views on Abortion and gay marriage, not a political thread

I think Donna posted the menu?

Message 21 of 84
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What are your views on Abortion and gay marriage, not a political thread

Community Member

Yes to abortion


Yes to gay marriage


Yes to every thing I say 😛

Message 22 of 84
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What are your views on Abortion and gay marriage, not a political thread

Still a political thread Margo. If you aren't interested/can't be bothered in politics I wonder why you would even bother making a thread of political nature.


This is a political thread - mentions TA  and what choices may be limited if he is elected.


Donna has 1 or 2 threads about the tacky menu.

Message 23 of 84
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What are your views on Abortion and gay marriage, not a political thread

I think the problem on controlling abortion is ... where to draw the line.  


I think almost all people would agree that it's ok if the mother's life is in danger, or if the fetus is not going to survive outside the womb, or if the fetus is the result of rape or incest.  


But, what if the mother already has 7 kids and doesn't have the energy, or money, to give another baby what it needs?


What if the mother is a 13 year old girl?


What if the mother has a severe (but not life-threatening) illness and her health will suffer if she goes through with the pregnancy?


What if the mother is on the verge of a major medical breakthrough (eg is about to discover a cure for cancer), and the birth will set back her research by ten years?


What if the mother is in her 60s and got pregnant accidentally?  


What if she plain doesn't want the baby and has no intention of caring for her?


What if the mother is married to/together with a child abuser who has served several years in prison for raping little babies?


And, I could go on ... 


But, my point is ... you can't legislate for any circumstance where most people would agree that abortion is "wrong" ... so I say ... let's have it freely available.  



Message 24 of 84
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What are your views on Abortion and gay marriage, not a political thread



But, my point is ... you can't legislate for any circumstance where most people would agree that abortion is "wrong" ... so I say ... let's have it freely available.  




The argument against the choice is that there are people who want to adopt, therefore all those mentioned should have the baby and give it up for adoption.



Message 25 of 84
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What are your views on Abortion and gay marriage, not a political thread

I am definitely FOR gay marriage.

With abortion I am a little more ambivalent. I agree women should have the right to choose, but I also think far more effort and education should be put into making that choice unnecessary. I suspect there are too many young women out there who view it as just another form of birth control rather than the invasive and often traumatic procedure it really is.

Message 26 of 84
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What are your views on Abortion and gay marriage, not a political thread

Freaki, granted, more adoptions would be nice ... but, it's still months taken out of your regular life ... and for many women, there is discomfort in pregnancy ... I know that with mine, I slept almost uncontrollably at times ... it would have been very difficult if I already had other children.  


Absolutely, TGSE.  More education and free birth control BEFORE pregnancies.  


I don't like the idea of abortions ... but I like the idea of no abortions a whole lot less.  

Message 27 of 84
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What are your views on Abortion and gay marriage, not a political thread

Not applicable

I voted abortions are a personal choice and gay marriage should become a fact

Message 28 of 84
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What are your views on Abortion and gay marriage, not a political thread

how did you do 2 votes? it only let me choose 1 of the options.

Message 29 of 84
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What are your views on Abortion and gay marriage, not a political thread

Freaki, granted, more adoptions would be nice ... but, it's still months taken out of your regular life ... and for many women, there is discomfort in pregnancy ... I know that with mine, I slept almost uncontrollably at times ... it would have been very difficult if I already had other children.  


Absolutely, TGSE.  More education and free birth control BEFORE pregnancies.  


I don't like the idea of abortions ... but I like the idea of no abortions a whole lot less.  


It's not me arguing for adoption over choice. I don't like the ads designed to guilt women over making such a choice.  I don't like men making the point that women should keep their legs together.  I think it's largely a female argument and largely a female or a joint decision. 


Too many of the LNP players have had a dig at women over abortion for me to believe that they will not tamper with it.  Maybe they'll stop medicare payments for terminations. Who knows. It's one of the things we weigh up when deciding who to vote for.


At the moment I wish I lived in New England so I could vote for Windsor against Joyce.  :^O

Message 30 of 84
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