on 13-01-2015 01:17 PM
As many will know we lost our daughter in Oct 2013
Sunday at about 11:30pm we lost our son
on 13-01-2015 03:08 PM
Oh Hawk, I am so very sorry...My thoughts are with you x
Sending you and your lovely wife much love and hugs♥♥
on 13-01-2015 03:12 PM
My deepest sympathies Hawk. I am so sorry.
on 13-01-2015 03:52 PM
So very sorry Hawk, life can be cruel sometimes, you have done nothing wrong, my sympathy to you and your wife.
on 13-01-2015 03:58 PM
on 13-01-2015 04:33 PM
I'm so sorry Hawk. Shattering news.
on 13-01-2015 04:36 PM
on 13-01-2015 05:04 PM
Hawk and Mrs Hawk
Often in life there is no reason for happenings.
It is not necessarily God's will or destiny or due to anything anyone did or didn't do.
But simply, it just happened.
I cannot profess to know what you are going through but sincerely hope you both cherish the fond memories and know if both your children are looking down now, they would want you to live your lives and smile when you are both ready.
Long holding hugs to you both.
on 13-01-2015 05:25 PM
My deepest condolences, Hawk. May you find strength to endure this devastating, unimaginable loss.
on 13-01-2015 05:55 PM
Hawk, I do not know either your or your Wife, but both my Husband and I hope that there are many people around you who can comfort you both and help you through this.
Neither of you have done anything wrong. Sometimes life just seems to get in the way.
Remember the great times with your beautiful children.
on 13-01-2015 06:06 PM
@the_hawk* wrote:As many will know we lost our daughter in Oct 2013
Sunday at about 11:30pm we lost our son
what can one say in a situation like this?
Would it do any good to tell us about him and the good times you had together?