What is a Jesuit jamboree?

Is it something that we should be concerned about?

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Re: What is a Jesuit jamboree?

Martini, the ambiguous statement excluded you it would seem 🙂


Message 31 of 38
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Re: What is a Jesuit jamboree?

Community Member



You using whole words now?

Message 32 of 38
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Re: What is a Jesuit jamboree?

Community Member

So what does it stand for in your eyes martini..... ????????  Please do tell us..... 


Perhaps if you had seen the blue Eureka Flag sitting side by side with the Swastika in apartment windows in the Shire during the Cronulla riots then you will have half an idea of what it stands for.


Just because a symbol has an honourable history doesn't make it appropriate for contemporary use. The Swastika is an excellent example of this. The Eureka is in the same category.





1. Erm, people like you who claim to be completely non predjudiced and who would seem to never do the whole tar with the same brush thing, might want to understand that just because an ugly group appropriate a symbol, does not make anyone who uses that symbol, a member of that group, nor a sharer of those attitudes. But we know you're not really as impartial and perfect thinking as you make out, cos you hid it pretty poorly to be honest.


2. Gee thanks for educating me on that. I never knew the Eureka was now another part of Australian history and culture that has been relegated to the "must never be used lest it offend PC values". Gee, learn something new every day, and what would ignoramuses like me ever do without society wardens like you.


Hope you show your circle of all colour/religion/belief friends your posts so you notch up some more points.

Message 33 of 38
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Re: What is a Jesuit jamboree?

Community Member



Just because a symbol has an honourable history doesn't make it appropriate for contemporary use. The Swastika is an excellent example of this. The Eureka is in the same category.



Trade unionists (and indeed communists) use the flag for it's original intended meaning. 




Looks like you better go inform the trade unionist they are not allowed to use the flag anymore. Unless you intend to be completely contradictory. In which case, just go back to sipping cocktails and pontificating.

Message 34 of 38
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Re: What is a Jesuit jamboree?

Scott Morrison is a born-again Southern Baptist-turned Zen Buddhist priest


See you lot made me look him up thinking who is he, now I've never come across a conversion quite like that before.  Can someone tell me what that actually means?


I think you have the wrong scott, he is pentacostal, close ties to hillsong



Message 35 of 38
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Re: What is a Jesuit jamboree?

OK I'll admit it, I never knew that flag had nasty associations.  

Message 36 of 38
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Re: What is a Jesuit jamboree?

Hi Bright 🙂

Message 37 of 38
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Re: What is a Jesuit jamboree?

Hi Icy, good to see you.    

Message 38 of 38
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