What is the Relationship


Friend has a son who has a daughter who is a granddaughter.  The friends other Granddaughter has a daughter being a great granddaughter.


What is the relationship between the two little girls. 

Message 1 of 26
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What is the Relationship

I am very impressed, stawka!

I don't know how to do that. or maybe I do but it would take me forever!!


The way I always work out relationships no problem is on the ancestry site. Once you put people in a family tree and put yourself as a homeperson (or whoever you wish) it tells you your relationship to anyone else on the tree. Very useful.

Message 11 of 26
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What is the Relationship

Okay, I had a look on ancestry to see how they defined it.

I worked it out this way.

@grandmoon wrote:


Friend has a son who has a daughter who is a granddaughter.  The friends other Granddaughter has a daughter being a great granddaughter.


What is the relationship between the two little girls. 

I pretended your friend was my gran, okay. Gran had a son (my dad) who had a daughter (me).

Gran also had another granddaughter. I am presuming here that this other granddaughter is a cousin, not the sister of the first mentioned granddaughter. Otherwise the relationship would be easy-niece & aunt.


But let's go with the granddaughters are cousins. I have cousins and their children are showing up on Ancestry website as my 1st cousins once removed.



Message 12 of 26
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What is the Relationship

Try this chart


Message 13 of 26
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What is the Relationship

English/Australian people call them second cousins


SourceURL:https://www.google.com.au/search?q=second+cousins&ie=&oe= second cousin - Google Search

second cousin
phrase of cousin
  1. 1.
    a child of one's parent's first cousin
    Americans call them 'first cousins once removed'
    SourceURL:https://www.google.com.au/search?q=first+cousin+once+removede&ie=&oe= first cousin once removed - Google Search
    first cousin once removed
    phrase of cousin
    1. 1.
      a child of one's first cousin.
    2. 2.
      one's parent's first cousin.
      I rest my case    
      Image result for smiley lawyer animated
      But wait,   there's more...........................................
Message 14 of 26
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What is the Relationship



 There's a chart that goes with this, in the link

Second cousins[edit]

The children of first cousins share a second cousin relationship. Second cousins share great-grandparents. People occasionally

mistake the child of their first cousin as their "second cousin" - however that would actually be a first cousin, once removed. The removal denotes the generational difference.

Sam and Susannah are second cousins because they are non-first cousins and non-siblings who share great-grandparents. In other words, Sam and Susannah's parents are cousins.

Message 15 of 26
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What is the Relationship

Message 16 of 26
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What is the Relationship

I'm not expecting different results, David.

Message 17 of 26
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What is the Relationship

ok, my boo boo




Message 18 of 26
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What is the Relationship

Image result for einstein sayings
Message 19 of 26
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What is the Relationship

images (24).jpg


Now is she the 1st cousin, 2nd cousin, or niece, hmmm...

Message 20 of 26
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