on 08-05-2013 05:42 PM
There had never been a movie that I could not sit through until I decided to watch
Eraserhead. It actually made me feel sick and I had to stop.
on 08-05-2013 07:41 PM
I've seen Eraserhead 3 or 4 times in the cinema, it was my favourite for awhile there. I also loved The cars that ate Paris. I might use this thread as my must see movie list, I like weird movies but I don't know if I want to see The human centipede....
on 08-05-2013 07:46 PM
elly made me watch once were warriors I nearly feinted and had to go lie on the bed when Uncle bully did his deed
That is the only film mentioned here that I have seen. I wouldn't call it weird though.
on 08-05-2013 07:51 PM
No I liked it, I just didn't like that bit or when "Nig got his"
on 08-05-2013 07:52 PM
I haven't seen (or heard of) any of these movies but I do remember one Australian movie that was weird, I think it was called Welcome to Whoop Whoop (or Woop Woop).
Probably the worst book I ever read was "Filth" by Irvine Welsh. He also wrote Trainspotting and several other books I have read but I didn't think it would be possible for a book to make me vomit until I read Filth.
on 08-05-2013 07:54 PM
That is the only film mentioned here that I have seen. I wouldn't call it weird though.
If you can find it am*3 get 'What became of the Broken hearted' - it was the follow up and quite a few got what they had coming. I for one liked it MUCH
on 08-05-2013 07:55 PM
I found Once Were Warriors a very moving and very sad movie and the follow up Whatever Happened To The Broken Hearted (??????) was also terribly hopeless and helpless.
I could only feel pity for the characters and pity is not a good emotion to have for anyone.
on 08-05-2013 07:57 PM
Perfume was a weird film. But I had read the book so it made some sense.
Scottish film Acid House where people turn into blow flies, anyone seen that gem?
on 08-05-2013 08:01 PM
not the weirdest... but the most difficult for me to sit through was Snowtown. In fact I needed to watch it over two sessions.. I needed a full 24 hrs before I could go back to finish watching it.
The book I read gave me nightmares.
on 08-05-2013 08:04 PM
I like weird movies.
Nvertheless, topping my list would be Donnie Darko and then closely followed by Brazil.
on 08-05-2013 08:06 PM
Perfume was a weird film. But I had read the book so it made some sense.
Scottish film Acid House where people turn into blow flies, anyone seen that gem?
Acid House is another book by Irvine Welsh (see post #33)
I am afraid I am a sucker for any movie based on a book by Irvine Welsh.