on โ14-01-2013 01:33 PM
Congrats to Anne Hathaway for her win for Fantine in Les Miserables
One of the most moving pieces of acting I have ever witnessed......she was totally stripped bare and raw
on โ14-01-2013 07:19 PM
There's a big sign just inside the gate at Greyfriars. "No dogs allowed". Bobby's statue is just outside the main gate.
Kinda sad, I reckon. The movie always made me cry, but Old Yeller is worse for tears. :_|
on โ14-01-2013 07:37 PM
on โ14-01-2013 07:39 PM
on โ14-01-2013 09:39 PM
the end of the movie Boys on the Side when whoopi is singing to the girl
on โ14-01-2013 09:41 PM
skippy saving Sonny. That roo sure could act
on โ14-01-2013 09:43 PM
In McLeods Daughters when Clair died in the ute accident.
on โ14-01-2013 09:56 PM
When Molly died in Country Practice.
on โ14-01-2013 10:17 PM
Heath Ledger in Brokeback Mountain is a character I can't get out of my head.
on โ14-01-2013 11:33 PM
When Molly died in Country Practice.
It was one of the most effectively filmed death scenes ever made, I think.
I cried buckets.
on โ14-01-2013 11:40 PM
me too