on 25-04-2013 06:43 PM
on 25-04-2013 06:58 PM
no probs, looks like we posted at the same time 🙂
on 25-04-2013 07:57 PM
I have never been able to work out why this completely harmless game is illegal. Does anyone know?
on 25-04-2013 08:20 PM
how can it be regulated?
on 25-04-2013 08:53 PM
The casino own the Gold Coast used to have a two up pIt. not sure why they closed it. Not able to skew the odds enough?
on 26-04-2013 10:27 AM
I have never been able to work out why this completely harmless game is illegal. Does anyone know?
at a guess I would say it is because the Govt. can't make any money out of it.
unlike betting on the races and pokies which all bring in huge money
on 28-04-2013 01:56 PM
I have never been able to work out why this completely harmless game is illegal. Does anyone know?
two blokes got into a huge punch up at our local 2up game this year... they ended up on the playing field mat!. It was a disgusting act to see IMO. All over a 2up bet!
A bystander got knocked over and as he fell (elderly gentleman), he fell into me, and i almost fell over too. luckly both he and I were not hurt.
Hmm.... my wallet was a bit hurt though, by the end of the day! :_|