Where were the LEFT and the protesters

Community Member

Where were the LEFT and the protesters when Gillard and the failed labor govt cut to 2.3 BILLION from  university funding in 2013


The left and the rabble were very silent and no where to be seen



Have the left wing student movement had 6 years of built up anger to vent as soon as we get a LNP government? Think so as you barley heard a murmur from then under the failed Rudd/Gillard/Rudd govt


So it was all OK in the world of the left to cut 2.3 BILLION from uni education, seems so 





Message 1 of 37
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Where were the LEFT and the protesters

I just hope there are some jobs left , she is hoping to get a graduate position
Message 11 of 37
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Where were the LEFT and the protesters

They do pay it back Nero, so I am correct
Message 12 of 37
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Where were the LEFT and the protesters

Serious question....what happens to the HECS debt if the person never earns over the threshold? Does it still get paid back at some point, out of their estate? or is it just lost money?

 photo screen-1-1-1-1.jpg
Message 13 of 37
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Where were the LEFT and the protesters

And if she then goes on the dole afterwards? User to pay UPFRONT may be more incentive for them to attend and study hard.

Message 14 of 37
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Where were the LEFT and the protesters

I don't know Punch, but it should be repaid from their estate if they've never reached the threshold, maybe Nero would know?
Message 15 of 37
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Where were the LEFT and the protesters

no. it was not alright to cut spending to uni's or any educational programme nero and it is definitely not alright to 'threaten' to cut spending now or into the future in education-especially when this Treasurer, Mr Hockey is insisting that young Australians either learn or earn......not that there are any jobs in Australia at the mo to go onto once our young are all most learned. It must be noted that


Cuts at ANY time to education is a 'no-no', but let me be quite frank. Apart from forecasts beyond 2017/18, where and what exactly are these real cuts? I have not seen any figures of actual cuts to education. Just more hyperactive frenzied media beat-up perpetuating what a 'tough' budget we have been delivered to suit both sides of this political <DRAMA>.


However,I believe that it should be Legislated (or mandatory) that at every budget, no matter which party rules, that a set %  of each budget should be allocated to Education and Health.....not at the whim of each govt each budget to decide, no minimum-nothing to be fiddled with. 

Message 16 of 37
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Where were the LEFT and the protesters

She will not go on the dole, if she has trouble finding work, we 'll support her until she does.
Message 17 of 37
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Where were the LEFT and the protesters

@bsal6160 wrote:

And if she then goes on the dole afterwards? User to pay UPFRONT may be more incentive for them to attend and study hard.


Message 18 of 37
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Where were the LEFT and the protesters

@punch*drunk wrote:

Serious question....what happens to the HECS debt if the person never earns over the threshold? Does it still get paid back at some point, out of their estate? or is it just lost money?

 They never have to pay if back if they never earn over $51000   they get their education for free and in this country these people do not have to put their fees up front, the govt pays it until they earn over 51K

Message 19 of 37
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Where were the LEFT and the protesters

Can you please go to uni nero (hugs)

Message 20 of 37
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