Where were the LEFT and the protesters

Community Member

Where were the LEFT and the protesters when Gillard and the failed labor govt cut to 2.3 BILLION from  university funding in 2013


The left and the rabble were very silent and no where to be seen



Have the left wing student movement had 6 years of built up anger to vent as soon as we get a LNP government? Think so as you barley heard a murmur from then under the failed Rudd/Gillard/Rudd govt


So it was all OK in the world of the left to cut 2.3 BILLION from uni education, seems so 





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Where were the LEFT and the protesters

@am*3 wrote:

martini  - And besides - cuts usually affect the administration of a university that end up being absorbed. This change is a direct hit at university students.


Yes, OP clutching at straws trying to take the focus of these newly announced, directs hits on university students I feel.


"directs hits on university students I feel."


D'you think it's becoming of a woman your age to feel the students?

Message 31 of 37
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Where were the LEFT and the protesters

Community Member

Bit like, where were the unions when young men were being killed with the pink batts scheme??

Message 32 of 37
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Where were the LEFT and the protesters

@silverfaun wrote:

Bit like, where were the unions when young men were being killed with the pink batts scheme??

where were the business owners and contractors while this was happening? obviously they were not training them on, or before, the job?


Pink batts? I suspect there was foil insulation?

Message 33 of 37
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Where were the LEFT and the protesters

@azureline** wrote:

@silverfaun wrote:

Bit like, where were the unions when young men were being killed with the pink batts scheme??

where were the business owners and contractors while this was happening? obviously they were not training them on, or before, the job?


Pink batts? I suspect there was foil insulation?

The young men might have been told no union membership allowed.


Message 34 of 37
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Where were the LEFT and the protesters

What I like about the title and opening post (message) is,  it's a I shot myself in the backside moment.


With reference to previous posts and threads, the OP is of the view that no labour Government can take action which is economically responsible.  That is all they do is spend, then spend some more and then borrow so we can spend even more, at which point a liberal Government needs to come in and clean up the mess by making the hard decisions.


But hang on, isn’t this thread all about the hard decisions the previous Labor Government made to reduce spending by reducing benefits.


Like I said -  a I shot myself in the backside moment.

Message 35 of 37
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Where were the LEFT and the protesters

@tall_bearded wrote:



But hang on, isn’t this thread all about the hard decisions the previous Labor Government made to reduce spending by reducing benefits.


Like I said -  a I shot myself in the backside moment.


I think you have

Gee you are wrong and I think you need to google it and get the facts... 


But let me help you, they yanked the 2.3 BILLION from unis not to save money but to pay for one of  their other failures the doomed Gonski. They were broke and needed money so it was taken from the unis


Nothing at all to do wiith Labor reducing spending and all to do with Labor trying to pay for their failed over spending and at the expense of higher education


So please get you facts correct before you attempt to slander me..


and speaking of backsides, how is yours



Message 36 of 37
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Where were the LEFT and the protesters

@nero_wulf wrote:

@tall_bearded wrote:



But hang on, isn’t this thread all about the hard decisions the previous Labor Government made to reduce spending by reducing benefits.


Like I said -  a I shot myself in the backside moment.


I think you have

Gee you are wrong and I think you need to google it and get the facts... 


But let me help you, they yanked the 2.3 BILLION from unis not to save money but to pay for one of  their other failures the doomed Gonski. They were broke and needed money so it was taken from the unis


Nothing at all to do wiith Labor reducing spending and all to do with Labor trying to pay for their failed over spending and at the expense of higher education


So please get you facts correct before you attempt to slander me..


and speaking of backsides, how is yours



Speaking of Gonski. Did you see David Gonski commenting on the School funding issue?


Did you also see the make up of the panel that worked with him to work on the school policy?

Unlike Abbott, who appointed a very small select group of Libs to rewrite every policy Labor, they appointed qualified people from across the political divide to actually research, evaluate and collaborate on a plan for the future.  The masters of destruction are only interested in demolition without regard for the consequences. As long as they punish anyone they think may have voted Labor, Greens or Indies last election.

Message 37 of 37
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